APS: the link between the University and its immediate surroundings

APS: the link between the University and its immediate surroundings


The Rey Juan Carlos University is launching a course to learn what innovation projects are and how they work.

Gait analysis in patients with Parkinson's to prevent falls

Meta of walking in patients with Parkinson's to prevent falls


The Laboratory of Analysis of Movement, Biomechanics, Ergonomics and Motor Control (LAMBECOM) of the URJC is carrying out a...

Engineering, the application of science

Engineering, the application of science


With this motto, the Vice-Rectorate for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer presents the fifteenth edition of the European Night of the...

URJC stands out at the Emerald Awards with a study on Generation Z

La URJC stands out at the Emerald Awards with a study on Generation Z


The article 'The way we live, the way we travel: generation Z and sustainable consumption in food tourism experiences', co-written by Alicia...


AF000 - Welcome to the URJC

Rey Juan Carlos University, Tulipán Street, Móstoles, Spain

AF401M1 - Basic Course in the Didactic Use of Moodle

Rey Juan Carlos University, Tulipán Street, Móstoles, Spain

tvurjc icon

URJC, a university open to the world


Event: Faculty Day of the Dean's Office of the CEE
Date: 25/09/24
Time: 09:30
Author Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

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Faculties and Schools

access to the faculty of legal and political sciences
access to Fuenlabrada School of Engineering
access to the faculty of communication sciences
access to school of experimental sciences and technology
access faculty of health sciences
access to higher school of computer engineering
access to the college of arts and humanities
access to international doctoral school
access to the faculty of education and sports sciences and interdisciplinary studies
access to official master's school
Access to the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences