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The first ROSCon conference in Spain is held at the EIF

Posted by eif_urjc

The 'Intelligent Robotics Lab' research group has organized a meeting at this school for the developers of the software for programming robots most used in robotics: ROS.

Raul Garcia Hemonnet

After having obtained permission from the foundation that is responsible for organizing all events related to ROS (Robot Operating System), Professor Francisco Martín and his research group set out to organize the first convention on ROS held on Spanish soil.

The bet has been a complete success. The event was held on September 29 and brought together representatives of the robotics industry with researchers, students and mere fans of this operating system for robots that has already become a standard and is also open source.

“It has been an overwhelming and unexpected success, we have exceeded expectations. Attendees have been able to see code and discuss very specific elements within the ROS universe,” explains Francisco Martín.

Throughout a total of 47 talks, topics related to artificial intelligence, service robotics or autonomous vehicles, among many others, have been discussed. “A total of 180 people and 10 robots have participated.”

Although the number of talks was very large, since the ROSCon lasted one day, they were structured in such a way that they were enjoyable and did not overlap. In addition, the organizers had an ancient ally, as the professor from the Fuenlabrada School of Engineering of the URJC explains: “A dinosaur helped us control the times, if a speaker went over time he had to see how the person dressed as an animal 'sabotaged' his talk. "Everyone loved the idea, some speakers even lengthened their speeches so that the dinosaur would come."



Speakers and attendees from different countries.

“People came from Colombia, Spaniards who were abroad, people from the United Kingdom and from all over Spain. Students, university people, and companies,” says the URJC professor.

If the celebration of this ROSCon has been possible it has been thanks to the fact that the 'Intelligent Robotics Lab' group of the URJC and its coordinator Francisco Martín are a reference in the world of this operating system for programming robots. Martín is one of the people who, worldwide, decides where this operating system should go. He is also the author of the first book on ROS in Spanish and coordinator of the degree in Robotics Software at the Rey Juan Carlos University.

The URJC, prepared

According to this professor, the Rey Juan Carlos University has completely covered the needs for organizing an event like this. Thanks to its digitalized classrooms (which allowed the recording of the talks, which will be published shortly) and other facilities, in addition to financial aid, the convention has been a success, endorsed by the opinions of attendees, volunteers and speakers.


Next up for these URJC robotics experts will be attending the next global ROSCon, which takes place in New Orleans (United States) in a few weeks. A fact that highlights the vanguard position that the URJC currently plays in the field of robotics.

Last modified on Monday, October 09, 2023 at 13:59