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XII Conference of students of the Degree in Food Science and Technology and IV Cycle of graduates conferences

Published by Subdirectorate of Communication, Promotion and Sustainable Development of the ESCET

The first part will be training on the degree in CyTA, Erasmus, external internships, TFG, etc. The second part will consist of conferences, given by Ms. María Cristina Martínez Sola, who will introduce us to the university's employment exchange and the professional opportunities for the degree, and with experts who will speak to us about food safety. We will have Ms. Icíar Fierros Sánchez-Cuenca, Advisor Member of Scientific and International Coordination of AESAN, and Ms. Lorena González, researcher of the URJC who will tell us about the progress of the EVALKALIM project. To end the morning session we will have a round table where graduates will participate and tell us about their professional careers, to address the different professional opportunities of the degree.

In the afternoon, we have prepared a series of theoretical-practical conferences and workshops where students will work on different more technical aspects of the degree, completing their curricular training. With the Conference it is intended make our students aware of the opportunities offered by their degree, and professional opportunities which they can access when they finish, also taking into account their relationship with the fulfillment of the SDGs 2030.

Both events have the help of the Vice-rectorate for University Extension and the Subdirectorate for Communication, promotion and sustainable development of ESCET.

Tomorrow we are waiting for you and remember that ... You are CyTA

Last modified on Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 14:50