We believe that cinema —and by extension, TV series— is still one of the most influential cultural products and, therefore, one of the pillars that shapes the imaginary of European society and culture. With which, the question is also: "what image do we offer to the world?".
In these I Conference on European Cinema we seek, then, confront Europe with its image, check how it is represented in the cinema. To this end, we propose an in-depth analysis of some relevant films of the XNUMXst century that help us better understand our time and our being European.
Traditionally, the cinema made in Europe has developed in inferior conditions with respect to audiovisual content —and academic studies on it— of Anglo-Saxon origin. For this reason, it is important that we look at the European cinema made by our directors and that we highlight both the research carried out here and others from less widespread origins, such as the Ibero-American one.
These audiovisual products —and the ability to analyze them from a European and Latin perspective— are essential cultural pieces in the construction of the European imaginary and represent a symbol of the necessary cohesion between the different cultures that make up our continent. In short, the analysis of European cinema made from here and Latin America will help us reflect on the current complicated situation in Europe.