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creUP is born!


CreUP! arises to bring URJC Advertising and Public Relations students closer to creativity contests for young talents.

The web platform compiles the calls for the main advertising creativity contests that are launched from different organizations and in which university students can participate.

The participation of young creatives in these contests is a way of access to the advertising profession in the area of ​​creativity and a form of active learning outside the classroom. CreUP! wants to help students who apply for these calls through the figure of a facilitator who guides them in the development of their ideas and proposals for the contests.

The facilitators creUP! They are creative professionals who are active in renowned advertising agencies in the country. From the web platform, students can consult the open calls and request the help of a facilitator to work with them on ideas in personalized meetings.

This initiative, coordinated by professors Antonio Baladrón and Marta de Miguel, aims to promote creative talent at the URJC, help students create their portfolio and facilitate their job placement in the advertising sector. All project information at:

Last modified on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 10:47