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Posted by Francisco Molina Rueda

Un hastag to promote the conservation of our environment. Everyone's responsibility.

The origin of this initiative was the Conference on the impact of human presence in Antarctica, which was held on the Móstoles campus on October 7 and was organized by professors Yolanda Valcárcel from FCS and Yolanda Segura from ESCET, in collaboration with the URJC Green Office. 

According to the teachers, "this day had a great transversality", according to the academic training of the attendees: ADE, Law, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Primary Education, Engineering, Psychology, Nursing or Medicine; which shows that care and respect for the surroundings and the environment is a topical issue of great interest, which does not depend on the training or area of ​​specialization of people. With the aim of promoting the visibility of this initiative and the participation of the entire university community, those responsible for the activity created the hastag #I'm in love with Antarctica. By using this hashtag on our social networks, we can all support this initiative and get involved in it.

Starting with the conference held on October 7, "the URJC wants to lead a Group of Madrid Universities in support of Antarctica that will allow similar conferences to be held open to the entire university community, and that there are more and more people who want take care of our continent". While the second conference is being organized, a book in support of Antarctica has been made available to the entire university community on the blog of the URJC Green Office (, where anyone who wishes can share their concerns, knowledge, events and reflections on the conservation of Antarctica.

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Last modified on Tuesday, November 05, 2019 at 04:09