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IV Pharmacological gatherings: medical cannabis, back to the future?

Posted by FMR

This activity will be held on April 23 in online format


The use of Medical Cannabis It has been authorized in numerous countries, for pathologies ranging from epilepsy or spasticity to pain treatment, including the prevention of nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, just to give a few examples. However, in other countries, including Spain, its clinical use has not been fully legalized, and its benefits and risks are discussed (not always based on scientific rigor and proven evidence) without deciding to take a clear position. We have the opportunity to chat with experts, with the necessary knowledge and experience, to be able to address the issue without empty passions or ideological a prioris.

We will make a general review of the plant, its components and its uses, both traditional and more current and clinical, we will review the available evidence on the use of derivatives, we will talk about the current legal situation, and we will know the point of view of patients plant users.   

For all this we have recognized experts, with extensive and proven research experience on the subject, and, above all, we have the attendees, with two spaces reserved for debate and relaxed, calm and informal chat... but informed . Not in vain has the University always been, and should continue to be, the place for the exchange of ideas and opinions. As stated in the statutes of our University, the purposes of the URJC are "The dissemination, assessment and transfer of knowledge at the service of science, technology and culture, quality of life and economic development" . Rarely, in the same activity, is it possible to touch on all these topics at the same time!

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Last modified on Tuesday, April 06, 2021 at 09:57