Influence of genetics and the environment in addictions

Posted by Francisco Molina Rueda

Gema Díaz Gil and Raquel Abalo Delgado sign this article in The Conversation

The article, published in The Conversation, reflects on the impact of our genes and lifestyle on the development of addictions. 

Is destiny written in the genes?

Is it possible to relate genes to a certain addiction?

Does lifestyle influence genes?

All these questions are discussed in the article through the scientific experience of its authors. 



Gema Díaz Gil is a full professor at the Department of Basic Health Sciences (Area of ​​Human Anatomy and Embryology)

Raquel Abalo Delgado is Professor of the Department of Basic Health Sciences (Area of ​​Pharmacology) 

Last modified on Monday, June 07, 2021 at 13:05