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The OSCE tests and the TFG courts are held in person at the FCS with successful organization

Posted by FMR

The OSCE and TFG tests are the final touch of the Health Sciences degrees 

El OSCE exam (Structured Objective Clinical Evaluation) used to assess the acquisition of the competencies specific in the students of the degrees of Health Sciences. On the other hand, the defense of Final Degree Projects in Nursing represents a sample of the clinical and research studies carried out by students to finish their degree. Carrying out all the tests requires a great deployment of resources and organization in which the coordinators of the Health Sciences degrees, the TFG/OSCO commissions of the Faculty, the teaching and research staff and the campus administration and services staff.


The defenses of the Nursing final degree projects were held between June 8 and 10.In total, they have been exposed 62 research papers and clinical cases in court in June.

More than 30 tutors have participated in the tutoring of the works. In addition, more than 40 teachers from all the areas involved in the degree and from different figures have collaborated, both full-time and part-time teachers, as well as teachers linked to health centers. In total, 5 proposals have been made for honors degrees.


The OSCE of Dentistry was held on June 10 at the Faculty of Health Sciences. It consisted of two parts, the first one was carried out in the clinic of the Fundación de la Clínica Universitaria. In this first part, the students solved in four different wheels Tests related to Pediatric Dentistry, Dental Prosthetics, Orthodontics and Preventive Dentistry. The second part was held in classroom II where the students answered questions about different clinical cases in the field of Periodontics, Dentistry in special patients, Medical Pathology and Dental Pathology and Therapeutics. This test was performed simultaneously for all students. 32 students took the test, and a total of 21 professors from the degree participated in its development.


The OSCE test of Psychology was held, in two shifts, on June 10 in the computer rooms of the Alcorcón Campus.  A total of 123 students and 38 teachers participated. Through the use of new technologies, audiovisual material that includes the presence of professional actors, interactive diagrams, and other types of resources, the teaching commissions of each of the six areas of knowledge of Psychology developed various interactive tests aimed at evaluating the ability of students to apply the skills acquired throughout the degree. The students, in this way, faced multiple practical problemsincluding the interpretation of neuropsychological assessment results, the approach to clinical cases, the planning and analysis of personnel selection processes, the assessment of social intervention assumptions, and the functional approach to mathematical and psychometric data, among others.

It had the direct participation of the campus IT staff, who carried out permanent monitoring of the evolution of the test, as well as remote support from the Center for Teaching Innovation and Digital Education of the Rey Juan Carlos University. Likewise, the security personnel, as well as the administration and services personnel, including assistants and campus cleaning personnel, provided their systematic support. 


114 students of the Degree in Medicine have participated in the Master's Degree Final Projects and the OSCE tests. On the morning of June 3, the resolution tests for clinical cases in Moodle were carried out in the FCS computer rooms. On June 4, the OSCE test was performed with 20 stations/clinical situations located in the outpatient clinics of Hospital U. Rey Juan Carlos. The students were divided into 4 simultaneous rounds in the morning and 2 simultaneous rounds in the afternoon. In the activity, 90 teachers participated who carried out organization, evaluation and logistics tasks.  

The TFGM They were divided into 24 courts of different specialties on June 21 and 22 with the participation of 72 teachers.


The OSCE of Occupational Therapy was held on June 22, in classroom II (wheel 1) and in the study rooms of the library (wheel 2). The students went through different stations in which they had to solve different clinical cases presented through written, audiovisual material or through simulation with actors and actresses. 67 students showed up.

All the teachers who are part of the TFG-ECOE Occupational Therapy Commission (approximately 30 teachers), all of them from the Department of Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine, participated in the organization, development and performance of the test. There was also the help and collaboration of other professors of the Degree and the Faculty, as well as practice tutors (28 in total) on the same day of the test. 


The Physiotherapy OSCE was held on June 28, in classroom II (with 3 rounds of 14 students each, adding a total of 42 students per shift). It is important to note that the Physiotherapy OSCE test is the first time that it has been carried out in person after two editions organized online due to the health contingency

The professors of the Physiotherapy TFG-ECOE Commission (13 professors) all of them from the Department of Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine, plus full-time and part-time professors from the department participated in the organization, development and execution of the test. , in addition to professors of the Degree and the Faculty (60 in total). In the test, 113 students were evaluated, who had to face different clinical cases on the evaluation and physiotherapy approach of adults and children with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, cardiorespiratory system, among others. 

In the Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy OSCE tests, the laboratory technician and the administrative secretary of the department participated, who were in charge of preparing and supervising the specific material. There was also the collaboration of the Manager of the faculty, with the information technology, maintenance and security personnel, and the assistants of the classrooms for the preparation and adaptation of spaces, computer resources and general organization.


The images they show the students reading the clinical cases before entering their respective stations to solve the clinical case raised. 

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Last modified on Thursday, July 14, 2022 at 09:43