1. A procedure is initiated so that the departments of our university can invite professors from Ukrainian universities to carry out research stays with us, for an initial period of 3 months. For now, between 5 and 10 places will be made available in this regard and the directors who want to apply for them must contact the Vice-Rectorate for Research to proceed with the necessary procedures to formalize the invitation letters.
2.- Likewise, some professors from the Faculty of Health Sciences, who have collaborated for years with the Zaporizhzhya Hospital, are proceeding to collect medical supplies for shipment to said hospital. In the Campus of Alcorcón containers are enabled in this regard.
3.- The university has activated the account number ES26 2100 6428 2013 0006 0408 to receive donations that allow us to acquire surgical material that is not available in pharmacies. If any member of the university community wants to collaborate, they will have to put the word UKRAINE in the transfer concept. This material will also be sent to the Zaporizhzhya Hospital.