In the Fuenlabrada Campus Library until December 13
Within the framework of the URJC Science Week, the Ibéricas15 seminar was held on November 6 in the library of the Fuenlabrada campus, a linked activity with the perspective of different artists and researchers who analyze and think about images. Projects linked to autobiographical cinema in Portugal and the photographic archive in Spain have been presented with various working methods that offer new forms of interpretation for audiovisual narratives.
Throughout the day, the photographic exhibition titled “The Harvest” was inaugurated in El Rincón del Autor of the Fuenlabrada Library, which collects images from photographic archives linked to agricultural work carried out by women over decades in Spain. This exhibition is part of the result of the project funded by the FECYT - Ministry of Science and Innovation, “Figure and background. Iconic action to rediscover rural women. The photographic archive through art.” This project is directed by Professor Gema Pastor in which, among others, Professor Diana Fernández Romero and the visual artist Rocío Bueno, members of the Noctiluca Collective, participate.
Professor Silvia Magro Vela gave a guided tour of the exhibition and highlighted that it has a wide range of images compiled from official archives, many of them the result of contests held over time by the Ministry of Agriculture. Those attending the conference were encouraged to carefully observe the public exhibition that will remain until December 13 in the lobby of the library on the Fuenlabrada campus.
At Ibéricas6, Professor Gema Pastor showed the project “Figure and Background” and together with Professor Diana Fernández they developed different aspects of female identity in the rural world through artistic mediation. Cultural mediation in agricultural areas was addressed and the importance of why only a small percentage of women own farmland in the world was reflected on in order to propose an approach to the problems that this implies and its possible transformation.
Women and photographs
During the second part of the seminar, two researchers narrated their experience with the image from different perspectives. The Portuguese professor Ana Catarina Pereira from the Faculty of Arts and Letters of the Universidade da Beira Interior, reported on the project “SPECULUM – Filming and Seeing Yourself in the Mirror: The use of own writing by Portuguese-language documentary filmmakers”, subsidized by the Foundation for Science and Technology. Professor Pereira carried out an introspection on women who film and women in the film scene as a result of the SPECULUM research in which professors Ana Catarina Pereira and Caterina Cucinotta participate.
Professor Marta Martín Núñez, from the Universitat Jaume I, explained the project “Photographic Memory of the Civil War”, financed by the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Cortes and Democratic Memory. This work has the objective of generating an archive of photobooks to think about “what memory we want to build of the Spanish Civil War.” It is part of the construction of memory from the vision of grandchildren and relatives. At the same time, the back room of a photobook archive was made visible in order to show how to obtain this type of material and its subsequent digitization with the aim of creating an open resource for science.
Professors Sonia Núñez and Raquel Rodríguez also participated in the seminar and it was attended by the students of the official master's degree in “Cultural Journalism and New Trends” within the framework of the subject “Workshop for the completion of the Master's Thesis”. Ibéricas6 responds to a cultural and pedagogical initiative that is the beneficiary of one of the grants from the “Innovation and teaching improvement projects” of the Faculty of Communication Sciences.
This activity is part of Sustainable Development Goal No. 4: Guarantee inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
This activity is framed within Sustainable Development Goal No. 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.