Carmen Gomez Morales | 91488 88 02 |
GENERAL INFORMATION | 676 80 72 68 | |
TRAINING | 91 488 81 71 | |
RESEARCH SUPPORT | 91 488 81 71 | |
ACQUISITIONS | 91 488 90 01 |
Alejandra Sanchez Garcia | 91488 46 24 |
GENERAL INFORMATION | 626 03 26 61 | |
TRAINING | 91 488 46 24 | |
RESEARCH SUPPORT | 91 488 46 24 | |
ACQUISITIONS | library.acquisitionsAranjuez@ | 91 488 46 24 |
Encarnacion Guirao Navarro | Information desk - loan | |
Oliver Menendez Alonso | Information desk - loan |
Mª Teresa García Ruiz | 91488 81 70 |
GENERAL INFORMATION | 91 488 84 12 | |
TRAINING | 91 488 87 19 / 84 24 | |
RESEARCH SUPPORT | 91 488 87 19 / 84 24 | |
ACQUISITIONS | 91 488 72 60 |
Cristina Montero from Espinosa Costa | 91488 77 52 |
GENERAL INFORMATION | 683 16 91 63 | |
TRAINING | 91 488 76 95 | |
RESEARCH SUPPORT | 91 488 77 40 | |
ACQUISITIONS | 91 488 77 11 |
Sonia Monteagudo Ferrero | 91 664 74 03 |
GENERAL INFORMATION | 91 488 71 42 | |
TRAINING | 91 488 71 39 | |
RESEARCH SUPPORT | 91 488 71 39 | |
ACQUISITIONS | 91 488 85 76 |
INFORMATION | 91 664 74 14 | |
RESEARCH SUPPORT | 91 488 44 09 | |
TRAINING | 91 488 71 33 | |
TOOLS AND RESOURCES | 91 488 71 35 | |
ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT | 91 488 85 52 | |
INTERLIBRARY LOAN | 91 488 93 52 |
The use of the reading rooms is free for all users of the Library. In certain periods, especially during exam times, access to external users of the URJC may be restricted.
The Group Work Rooms (STG) will be for the exclusive use of URJC students.
The Group Work Rooms (STG) may be used upon reservation. The reservation of the STG will be made electronically.
Download the Id_Trace APP to reserve spaces App Store Google Play
The Research Rooms are intended for visiting Teaching and Research Staff and those of the URJC itself to consult the Library's collections.
The use of the Press Room is restricted to members of the URJC.
The use of the rest room is free for all users of the Library.
The media library is intended for all members of the URJC.
The Regulations for the use of ICT resources of the URJC will apply.
The Media Library is located on the second floor of the Fuenlabrada Campus Library building.
It has 5 STG and 40 computers.
The STG can only be used, prior reservation. The Media Library has 5 viewing rooms equipped with: plasma screens, DVD players (2 of them with USB), VHS players, DTT (5 rooms), Playstation 2 (1 room), Playstation 3 (1 room)
The Media Library is located on the first floor of the Vicálvaro Campus Library building.
In accordance with the specificity of these documents, access to these materials is restricted solely and exclusively to psychology graduates and undergraduate and graduate students in psychology at the URJC. Likewise, people outside the URJC will be allowed to consult the materials in the docimoteca, provided they prove their status as psychologists; In this case, consultation is only allowed in the room, never the loan of the material. For deontological reasons, the consultation and loan of the material to people who are not psychologists or psychology students is not allowed, since the indiscriminate dissemination, as well as the prior knowledge of the content of these tests by the people to whom they are applied, would eliminate the validity of the results.
These restrictions regarding the consultation and loan of these materials are made to guarantee their correct use, in application of article 19 of the Psychologist's Code of Ethics: "All types of strictly psychological material, both for evaluation and for intervention or treatment, are Reserved for the use of Psychologists, who, on the other hand, will refrain from providing them to other non-competent persons: Psychologists will manage or, where appropriate, guarantee the proper custody of psychological documents”.
Alcorcon Campus: This collection is located in the reading room on the first floor of the Alcorcón Campus Library
Aranjué Campusz: This collection is located in the reading room of the Aranjuez Campus Library
Type of user |
Consultation in room |
home loan |
Number of copies |
Psychology Degree Students |
SI |
--- |
2 |
Graduate Students in Psychology |
SI |
1 day |
2 |
PDI (Psychologists) |
SI |
2 days |
2 |
The use of the newspaper library is free for all users of the Library. In certain periods, especially during exam times, access to external users of the URJC may be restricted.
The PAI are restricted to members of the URJC.
The Regulations for the use of ICT resources of the URJC will apply.
Download the Id_Trace APP to reserve spaces App Store Google Play
The adapted positions are intended for all those people with disabilities who need it, regardless of whether they are a user of the URJC or not. However, URJC users will have preference.
The post is located on the access floor of the Library in the Press Room of the Madrid Campus.
The use of the Collaborative Work Room is free for all Library users. In certain periods, especially during exam times, access to external users of the URJC may be restricted.
The rooms will be used to work or study in groups or individually, in no case for any other type of activity.
It is not allowed to consume any type of food or drink.
Devices must remain silent at all times.
A position in the room may not remain vacant for more than 30 minutes.
Users who are using library works that have to be replaced on the shelves must deposit them in the carts for later placement by the library staff.
The library will not be responsible for the loss or disappearance of objects that occur in the reading room.
Access to the library with items that hinder mobility or evacuation in an emergency is not allowed.
The Presentation Rooms will be used exclusively for the presentations of TFG, TFM and theses for URJC students and doctoral students.