The Rey Juan Carlos University, aware of its responsibility to society, has promoted the creation of its Ethical code.
The code, approved by the Governing Council of the University, at its meeting on September 27, 2019, includes the set of principles that must guide the conduct and behavior of all members of the university community. It will guide their ethical behavior towards the rest of the social actors, centers or entities that collaborate with the university in the development of its activities.
The Code of Ethics expresses the shared values that must be known and observed in order to inspire professional conduct and improve coexistence.
The Code of Ethics of the Rey Juan Carlos University has been prepared through a participatory process in which the contribution of the entire university community has been counted on, which has actively contributed to its final development. Public recognition of the Code of Ethics of the Rey Juan Carlos University and its effective compliance is essential to strengthen the full involvement of the university community with these shared values.
Text of the consolidated code of ethics
The Rey Juan Carlos University is a public institution whose most outstanding hallmarks are teaching and research and is committed to ethical principles that serve as a guide to consolidate its institutional mission.
The Code of Ethics of the Rey Juan Carlos University establishes the set of guiding principles that must guide the conduct and behavior of all members of the university community, made up of the governing bodies, the teaching and research staff, the administration and services staff , teaching collaborators and students. People from related entities that collaborate with the university will also subscribe to this code of ethics.
The code guides the ethical behavior of its members towards the rest of the social actors, centers or entities that collaborate with the Rey Juan Carlos University in the development of its activities, as well as towards all the people who, both individually and collectively, make use of the university services and spaces. It expresses the shared values that must be known and observed in order to inspire professional conduct and improve coexistence.
The public recognition of the Code of Ethics of the Rey Juan Carlos University and its effective compliance must strengthen the total involvement of the university community with these shared values. This will allow the promotion of university social responsibility, good practices, transparency, greater participation, efficiency and effectiveness, thus fulfilling its objectives as a public university. Likewise, it contributes to generating the highest level of trust in society in its management and institutional action.
The actions and decisions of the members of the university community are governed by the following ethical principles and commitments:
LIBERTY. Promote fundamental freedoms in all areas of action: teaching, research, management and learning. This implies exercising freedom responsibly, not manipulating or instrumentalizing people, and refusing to use coercion or violence to achieve our goals.
JUSTICE and EQUALITY. Treat all members of the community with equal rights and obligations, seeking social equity, the common good and the harmonious coexistence of the society in which it is integrated.
INTEGRITY and HONESTY. Commitment of all members of the university, and especially of those who exercise government functions, with the principles of integrity and honesty, acting personally and professionally with truthfulness and transparency and avoiding attitudes of falsehood or deception.
Act at all times in a responsible and loyal manner, rejecting, persecuting and denouncing any action that represents academic fraud or that allows unfairly obtaining benefits, such as plagiarism, identity theft, false documentation, or copying and deception in any type of selection test or evaluation.
SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. Seek the common good in order to promote comprehensive human development through a process of progressive, equitable, viable and livable social, economic and environmental change that improves the quality of life of human beings without compromising the ability of future generations to meet your own needs.
DIGNITY. Respect and consider all people for their dignity and diversity, favoring a university life free of physical, psychological or social abuse.
Act and report any situation of harassment or behavior contrary to the dignity of people or respect for diversity, promoting solidarity among all members of the university community.
TOLERANCE and INCLUSION. Respect the opinions and ideas of all the people who are part of the university community to ensure interaction between them.
Defend pluralism and encourage participation without any type of discrimination or any distinction of race, gender, language, religion, political opinion, sexual orientation, national or social origin, economic position, birth or any other condition.
RESPECT and COLLABORATION. Promote rational argumentation and respectful, rigorous and truthful dialogue, treating all members of the university community with consideration, kindness, justice and respect for their rights.
Collaborate in solidarity with the rest of the university community in complying with the purposes, principles and values contained in this code of ethics, as well as in the development of good practices in the different services and activities of training, research, management and knowledge transfer.
DEMOCRATIC PARTICIPATION. Promote the free right to democratic participation in the electoral processes of the university, through systems that guarantee their periodic nature, free and universal suffrage, as well as the right to equal opportunities to be part of them, avoiding any type of pressure , action or prior agreement by persons or groups that prevent the freedom of candidacies.
GOOD GOVERNANCE, TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY. Act, in the case of the governing bodies and individual positions, as well as the people who are part of the collegiate bodies of the university, following the ethical principles established in this code as a model, beyond the normative and legal subjection that correspond. To this end, they will pursue the fulfillment of general interests, exercise their authority in a fair and transparent manner, rejecting the abuse of power and making adequate and effective use of resources, and will be diligent, fair and precise in the development of their actions and in making decisions and agreements.
The ethical conduct of the unipersonal bodies and positions, as well as of the people who form part of the collegiate bodies of the university, supposes the assumption of responsibilities before the university community as a whole, both in the decisions adopted unipersonally and in those others that have been taken collegially and in which they have participated.
COMMITMENT TO THE INSTITUTION. Ensure the improvement of the institution working in an involved and committed manner in the achievement of its objectives and purposes and promoting its democratic functioning.
Comply with the rules that govern the operation of the university and maintain a loyal behavior towards it and the university community it represents, committing not to use the information and data that affect privacy, the economic rights of people or any other information confidentiality of the university for private purposes, nor make them unduly public. This duty must be maintained during and after having provided the service, even after the relationship with the university has ended. All this in accordance with current legislation, the confidentiality agreements that have been signed with other entities, and without prejudice to the legal rights and obligations regarding the prosecution and reporting of crimes.
QUALITY and EXCELLENCE. Act with the utmost diligence and competence so that the public services offered to society are of the best academic and administrative quality.
Adequate, rational and effective administration of all available resources, attending to real needs and following the principles of sobriety, efficiency, transparency and accountability.
RESPONSIBILITY. Comply with the obligations and responsibilities that correspond in all the orders in which it acts (teaching, research, management or learning), recognize and assume the consequences of the actions carried out, and act in favor of society through the commitment to the creation and dissemination of scientific knowledge.
The monitoring of this code is carried out through the Ethics Committee of the Rey Juan Carlos University, which also guarantees its dissemination to all members of the university community to improve their knowledge. Its actions are coordinated with the statutory bodies that have recognized responsibilities in disciplinary matters, as well as with the rest of the actions carried out by the university in the field of university social responsibility.
Its structure, composition and operating rules are regulated through a regulation approved by the Governing Council, following a report from the Social Council.
Participatory elaboration process
Calendar and infographics
The preparation process has three phases: In the first, a Working Committee, approved by the Governing Council, has prepared a first draft based on the following criteria:
- that it be short, concrete, simple and practical;
- have accurate wording;
- and that the declaration of ethical principles and commitments be general to integrate all members of the university community.
In the second phase, the draft of the Code of Ethics will be presented to the representatives of the university community so that they know it and can make suggestions. And the last one will be a participatory phase open to the entire university community in which any member can make their contributions through the university website.
The Code of Ethics is structured in three parts
- 1. The preamble, which states its purpose and scope
- 2. The twelve principles and ethical commitments that are subscribed
- 3. and monitoring of the code of ethics, which establishes the creation of the University Ethics Committee
The Rey Juan Carlos University is a public institution whose most outstanding hallmarks are teaching and research and is committed to ethical principles that serve as a guide to consolidate its institutional mission.
The Code of Ethics of the Rey Juan Carlos University establishes the set of guiding principles that must guide the conduct and behavior of all members of the university community, made up of the governing bodies, the teaching and research staff, the administration and services staff , teaching collaborators and students. People from related entities that collaborate with the university will also sign this Code of Ethics.
The code guides the ethical behavior of its members towards the rest of the social actors, centers or entities that collaborate with the Rey Juan Carlos University in the development of its activities, as well as towards all the people who, both individually and collectively, make use of the university services and spaces. It expresses the shared values that must be known and observed in order to inspire professional conduct and improve coexistence.
The public recognition of the Code of Ethics of the Rey Juan Carlos University and its effective compliance must strengthen the total involvement of the university community with these shared values. This will allow the promotion of university social responsibility, good practices, transparency, greater participation, efficiency and effectiveness, thus fulfilling its objectives as a public university. Likewise, it contributes to generating the highest level of trust in society in its management and institutional action.
The actions and decisions of the members of the university community are governed by the following ethical principles and commitments:
Freedom. Promote fundamental freedoms in all areas of action: teaching, research, management and learning. Exercise freedom responsibly, not manipulate or instrumentalize people, and refrain from using coercion or violence to achieve our goals.
Justice and equality. Treat all members of the community with equal rights and obligations, seeking social equity, the common good and the harmonious coexistence of the society in which it is integrated.
Integrity and honesty. Commitment of all members of the university, and especially of those who exercise government functions, with the principles of integrity and honesty, acting personally and professionally with truthfulness and transparency and avoiding attitudes of falsehood or deception.
Act at all times in a responsible and loyal manner, rejecting, persecuting and denouncing any action that represents academic fraud or that allows unfairly obtaining benefits, such as plagiarism, identity theft, false documentation, or copying and deception in any type of selection test or evaluation.
Sustainable human development. Seek the common good in order to promote comprehensive human development through a process of progressive, equitable, viable and livable social, economic and environmental change that improves the quality of life of human beings without compromising the ability of future generations to meet your own needs.
Dignity. Respect and consider all people for their dignity and diversity, favoring a university life free of physical, psychological or social abuse.
Act and report any situation of harassment or behavior contrary to the dignity of people or respect for diversity, promoting solidarity among all members of the university community.
Tolerance and inclusion. Respect the opinions and ideas of all the people who are part of the university community to ensure interaction between them.
Defend pluralism and encourage participation without any type of discrimination or any distinction of race, gender, language, religion, political opinion, sexual orientation, national or social origin, economic position, birth or any other condition.
Respect and collaboration. Promote rational argumentation and respectful, rigorous and truthful dialogue, treating all members of the university community with consideration, kindness, justice and respect for their rights.
Collaborate in solidarity with the rest of the university community in fulfilling the purposes, principles and values contained in this Code of Ethics, as well as in the development of good practices in the different services and activities of training, research, management and knowledge transfer.
Democratic participation. Promote the free right to democratic participation in the electoral processes of the university, through systems that guarantee their periodic nature, free and universal suffrage, as well as the right to equal opportunities to be part of them, avoiding any type of pressure , action or prior agreement by persons or groups that prevent the freedom of candidacies.
Good governance, transparency and accountability. Act both the governing bodies and individual positions, as well as the people who are part of the collegiate bodies of the university, following the ethical principles established in this code as a model, beyond the normative and legal subjection that corresponds to them. For this, they will pursue the fulfillment of general interests, they will exercise their authority in a fair and transparent manner, rejecting the abuse of power and making adequate and efficient use of resources, and they will be fair and precise in the development of their actions and in decision making and agreements.
The ethical performance of the unipersonal bodies and positions, as well as of the people who are part of the collegiate bodies, supposes the assumption of responsibilities before the university community as a whole, both in the decisions adopted unipersonally and in those others that have been taken collegiately and in which they have participated.
Commitment to the institution. Ensure the improvement of the institution working in an involved and committed manner in the achievement of its objectives and purposes, promoting its democratic functioning.
Comply with the rules that govern the operation of the university and maintain a loyal behavior towards it and the university community it represents, committing not to use the information and data that affect privacy, the economic rights of people or any other information confidentiality of the university for private purposes, nor make them unduly public. This duty must be maintained during and after having provided the service, even after the relationship with the university has ended. All this in accordance with current legislation, the confidentiality agreements that have been signed with other entities, and without prejudice to the legal rights and obligations regarding the prosecution and reporting of crimes.
Quality and excellence. Act with the utmost diligence and competence so that the public services offered to society are of the best academic and administrative quality.
Adequate, rational and effective administration of all available resources, attending to real needs and following the principles of sobriety, efficiency, transparency and accountability.
Responsibility. Comply with the obligations and responsibilities that correspond in all the orders in which it acts (teaching, research, management or learning), recognize and assume the consequences of the actions carried out, and act in favor of society through the commitment to the creation and dissemination of scientific knowledge.
The monitoring of this code is carried out through the Ethics Committee of the Rey Juan Carlos University, which also guarantees its dissemination to all members of the university community to improve their knowledge. Its actions are coordinated with the statutory bodies that have recognized responsibilities in disciplinary matters, as well as with the rest of the actions carried out by the university in the field of university social responsibility.
Its structure, composition and operating rules are regulated through a regulation approved by the Governing Council, following a report from the Social Council.
Download the second version printable DRAFT V2
Download the first version printable DRAFT V1
Participation report
Participation and collaboration report for the preparation of the URJC Code of Ethics
During the participatory process for the elaboration of the Code of Ethics, 110 contributions have been received. Ordered from highest to lowest, 33 contributions are related to the Regulations of the Ethics Committee, its application, scope and composition of its members. 30 have referred to the established principles, either on drafting issues, interpretation of some of them, or the need to clarify, expand or adjust them. Another good part of the contributions received have been addressed to the need to accompany the Code of Ethics with a dissemination process as well as actions to promote an ethical culture.
The following table has organized the contributions received, classified and commented on, indicating how they have been considered, addressed and, where appropriate, collected in the final version of the text. In those cases that refer to issues that must be referred to the Ethics Committee Regulations, or to other actions, this is expressly indicated.
Input | Ambit | Category | Subcategory | changes/action | State | Date |
Include information on the website about regulations, and in some way that, from the Code of Ethics website, information is linked to know the procedures and legal issues related to non-compliance. What happens if…? | Ethical code | Outreach | Outreach | The suggestion is collected, and in due course, through the Regulations of the Ethics Committee, an inventory of cases and an information repository will be defined to publicize the procedures and legal issues related to non-compliance. | Regulation | 03-06-19 |
To make the subscription to the Code of Ethics effective, it would be good if, in the case of students during the enrollment process, and in the case of PAS and PDI in the hiring process, a link appeared and they had to check a box in which they subscribe formally this | Ethical code | collective | Subscription | Include in the enrollment and contracting processes | Regulation | 03-07-19 |
Think about whether the university is going to put monitoring tools into the Code of Ethics. The example to clarify this contribution is the existence of the "Anti-plagiarism system". | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Tools | The suggestion is collected and will be defined in the drafting of the Regulation | Regulation | 03-07-19 |
Define the boundaries of action between the Ethics Committee and other bodies (University Ombudsman) | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Bounds | Through the Regulations of the Ethics Committee, the limits will be established. | Regulation | 03-04-19 |
Questions are asked about the sanctioning capacity of the Code of Ethics and it is suggested to foresee sanctioning measures for students in the part related to Honesty and Integrity. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Sanctioning capacity | Response: [This sanctioning possibility is denied and it is stated that always "someone" must report ethical infractions | Regulation | 03-04-19 |
Doubts regarding the composition of the Ethics Committee. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Composition: | Response: It is communicated that the definition of the components is still in the phase, and it is communicated that it will be made explicit in the future regulation. Special attention is paid to its external members. | Regulation | 03-04-19 |
Questions are raised about the "limits" of the "Ethics Committee Regulations", specifically, about its sanctioning capacity and about its possible overlaps with other organizations, specifically with the University Ombudsman. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Bounds | Answer: [There will be no punitive capacity and they will not overlap, but their function will be to channel them to the corresponding bodies] | Regulation | 03-06-19 |
The Ethics Committee should: a) be equal (in terms of gender), b) have a representative from the Disability Unit and c) include the University Ombudsman among its members. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Composition: | Suggestions are collected and will be defined in the final definition of the Regulation | Regulation | 03-07-19 |
Take into account whether the Code of Ethics affects all the suppliers of the university and entities with which the URJC is related, with special attention to the situation of the Affiliated Centers. In the case of suppliers, the defender offers a model Code for suppliers and subcontractors that has been developed in the CEDU, in case it can be of help. | Ethical code | collective | Subscription | See model elaborated in the CEDU. Relate to USR strategy | Regulation | 03-07-19 |
Questions are raised about the performance of the Ethics Committee after the approval of the Code of Ethics. Would you act on demand, ex officio, in a general or particular way? | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Mode of action | It will be defined in the Regulation | Regulation | 03-11-19 |
Questions are raised about possible overlaps with the University Ombudsman and Services Inspection. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Bounds | Set limits in the Regulation | Regulation | 03-11-19 |
He wonders about the composition of the future Ethics Committee. It is recommended that it be made up of people who know the subject and that the external experts are people of recognized prestige in the moral field. It is also recommended that a student representative be included on the Committee. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Composition: | The composition of the Ethics Committee will be established in the future Regulation | Regulation | 03-14-19 |
It is requested that the information given to the University Community be especially clear when making differences with the University Ombudsman and Services Inspection, as it can lead to confusion. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Bounds | Set limits in the Regulation | Regulation | 03-14-19 |
It is recommended that the Ethics Committee be able to act “motu proprio”. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Mode of action | It will be defined in the Regulation | Regulation | 03-14-19 |
The full publication of all the reports issued by the Ethics Committee is recommended and transparency in its actions is maximized, so that the person who has to make a decision has those resolutions of the Ethics Committee accessible. | Ethics Committee | Outreach | Reports | The suggestion is collected and will be defined in the drafting of the Regulation | Regulation | 03-14-19 |
Visualization for the university community to mark its limits or ideal type. | Ethical code | Outreach | Outreach | The suggestion is collected and will be defined in the drafting of the Regulation | Regulation | 03-14-19 |
He wonders, what will the follow-up consist of? | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Ethical Channel | It is answered that there will be an "Ethics Channel" that will act with transparency | Regulation | 03-14-19 |
He wonders how the members of the university community will know when they should/can go to the Ethics Committee. The answer is that the Ethics Committee will refer to the corresponding Regulations/rules of academic conduct. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Mode of action | It will be defined in the Regulation | Regulation | 03-14-19 |
Position of students against the Code of Ethics. It is pointed out that, on the one hand, the students feel unprotected since they do not know the Student Statute and feel that the Code of Conduct focuses only on their breaches. Therefore, A) Regulations that regulate coexistence at the university and that do not go exclusively against students are requested. That it be "legislated" so as not to reach the Services Inspection. B) Regarding the Student Statute, administrative procedures are developed. | Ethical code | Outreach | Outreach | Dissemination tasks will be carried out among students and FAQ procedures will be enabled that reach the entire university community, especially students. | Regulation | 03-18-19 |
He wonders if the Ethics Committee that must ensure compliance with the Code of Ethics after its approval has already been defined. Information is provided on the work being carried out by the "Work Commission" and the examples and models that are being studied. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Composition: | It will be defined in the Regulation. Information is given about the work being carried out by the "Work Commission" and the examples and models that are being studied. | Regulation | 03-18-19 |
The first concern that appears is the possible overlaps. Especially with Services Inspection and the University Defender. It is requested that the regulations be very clear, where it is clearly specified at what time and how any member of the university community can address the Ethics Committee. They respond that they are aware that at first everything may seem confusing, since what is being proposed is the creation of a new “culture” through converging actions: Open Culture Office; Integrity and Academic Honesty; BOURJC. The Code of Ethics must have a tangible value and to this end reference is made to the work of the Basque Government's Ethics Commission and to the possibility of enabling a FAQ section on the website. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Bounds | Set limits in the Regulation | Regulation | 03-18-19 |
The next question revolves around the "procedures", how should one proceed when one wants to present something to the Ethics Committee? A particular case of plagiarism arises in the TFG. It is answered that this is a clear case of inadmission, since it is a matter of academic conduct. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Mode of action | It will be defined in the Regulation. | Regulation | 03-26-19 |
It is indicated that, in the face of the suspicions of all those who think that a "Code of Ethics contributes very little", this will have their support and consolidation as long as it serves as the basis for an executive Commission. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Operation | It will be defined in the Regulation. | Regulation | 03-26-19 |
It is requested that within the development of the principle of Transparency be especially scrupulous with Data Protection. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Data Protection | It will be defined in the Regulation. | Regulation | 03-26-19 |
Issuance of mandatory reports by the Ethics Committee. In this case, it is believed convenient that, among the functions of the Committee, it includes compulsorily preparing a series of reports in certain procedures, where key elements of the Code (twelve principles) are identified. These types of documents would not have to be binding, but they would constitute a good reference. "Operativize in a real way". | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Mode of action | It will be defined in the Regulation. | Regulation | 04-04-19 |
The scope and delimitation of the powers of the Ethics Committee; and its possible overlap with the functions of the university defender. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Bounds | Set limits in the Regulation | Regulation | 04-04-19 |
Questions about the sanctioning capacity of the Code There are fears that over time the Code of Ethics could become an element of “control and repression” of the teaching staff. For this reason, questions abound about the possible retroactive nature of its functions or about the members that will make up the future ethics committee. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Scope | Doubts about the punitive nature of the Code and its retroactivity are dispelled and reference is made to the future Regulations for the composition of the Ethics Committee. | Regulation | 04-04-19 |
Will the Code of Ethics be included in the Statutes? | Ethical code | new performances | Statutes | It will be defined in the Regulation. | Regulation | 04-04-19 |
Will it be approved by the Senate? | Ethical code | Approval | Cloister | It is in the Regulation approved by the Commission | Regulation | 04-04-19 |
Legal value of the reports of the Ethics Committee | Ethical code | Application | legal value | It will be defined in the Regulation. | Regulation | 04-04-19 |
Composition of the members of the Ethics Committee Who is going to appoint them? Role of the Cloister? How are Committee members appointed? In short, and then what? Who approves it? Who does it depend on? Who decides? Reflection is requested, if it would not be more convenient for the Senate and not the Governing Council to lead the approval, monitoring and control of the Code of Ethics and all its adjacent bodies. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Composition: | It will be defined in the Regulation. | Regulation | 04-04-19 |
Who is going to endorse the documents that are generated? Are they going to be just a document posted on the web or will it be sent to BOCAM. Is this going to give rise to an approved regulation? | Ethical code | Outreach | Publication in BOCAM | Consultation with legal services and the General Secretariat | Regulation | 04-04-19 |
The information on the procedures and the appropriate contact persons at each step for any administrative procedure, whether carried out by a member of the university or by someone external, must be made public. The relevant budgetary, teaching, research and management data for a better understanding of the institution will also be made public. | Ethical code | Application | Related actions | It will be defined in the Regulation. | Regulation | 03-15-19 |
In a second step, this code of ethics could be completed with a "normative code", so that the practical effect of the "code of ethics" does not remain a dead letter. Compliance with the "Ethical and Regulatory Code" could be supervised by an "Ethical and Regulatory Committee". I enclose a "Regulatory Code" that, if I am not mistaken, is not in force because it lacks the approval of the Community of Madrid. This 2014 document could be a starting point for a final version. | Ethical code | Application | Related actions | Suggestions are accepted and will be taken into account for the drafting of the Ethics Committee Regulations | Regulation | 03-15-19 |
In different areas of the document it seems that it only affects staff (second paragraph), but in the third it indicates that it also affects users (students). Perhaps the criteria should be unified. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | Suggestions are taken into account when drafting V2 of the Code of Ethics | Regulation | 03-18-19 |
I believe that the framework for action should be made clear. I interpret that it has to be beyond what is legal, demanding irreproachable behavior from everyone and exemplary character from the charges. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It will be defined in the Regulation. | Regulation | 03-18-19 |
I think it should be made clear, perhaps not in the document, but in the texts, what is the time frame of the Code and its scope. Does it have retroactive effects? | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Scope | It will be defined in the Regulation. | Regulation | 03-18-19 |
The effect of not following code should be suggested, only we know it's wrong. Is it legal to be more demanding than the law? In any case, I think that not complying with it should affect the positions more than those that do not have it. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It will be defined in the Regulation. | Regulation | 03-18-19 |
Overall, I also think that it should be specific to a university, there are many generalities that would apply to any company. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It will be defined in the Regulation. | Regulation | 03-18-19 |
It should be concisely explained what happens when someone may have violated any point of the Code of Ethics. Is there an ethics committee that will evaluate the case? Who is it made up of? Are they renowned experts in Ethics? Will you issue a report to the Services Inspection? Will the university community also be allowed to participate in the process of setting up the Ethics Committee and in the way of issuing reports? | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Mode of action | It will be defined in the Regulation. | Regulation | 09-04-19 |
The need to make students aware of this Code of Ethics is insisted on and it is suggested that links to the sanctioning regulations be placed on the page of the Code of Ethics. Know the regulations. | Ethical code | Outreach | Outreach | The suggestion is collected, and in due course, through the Regulations of the Ethics Committee, an inventory of cases and an information repository will be defined to publicize the procedures and legal issues related to non-compliance. | Accepted | 03-06-19 |
It is suggested that the Code of Ethics have a broader development, that it answers questions such as whether it affects all areas, for example, students and PAS. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Annex | Create a list of possible cases | rejected | 03-11-19 |
Drafting. It would be convenient to descend, in each criterion, to the application in each group so that they really feel appealed | Ethical code | Beginning | collective | After debates in the Committee and the Commission, the decision is reaffirmed not to "divide" the Code of Ethics into "Statements" in order to take the suggestion into consideration with a view to the final draft. | rejected | 03-04-19 |
It is recommended to include taglines within the principles so that everyone feels involved (PAS, PDI, Students), including "case studies" or examples that can make each concept understandable to the different groups of the University Community. | Ethical code | Beginning | collective | The suggestion is collected, and in due course, through the Regulations of the Ethics Committee, an inventory of cases and an information repository will be defined to publicize the procedures and legal issues related to non-compliance. | rejected | 03-04-19 |
It is requested that this path be continued, walking, if possible, towards a model of "Code of conduct" of the Anglo-Saxon model. | Ethical code | new performances | Code of conduct | The suggestion is accepted but we are aware of the difficulty of applying the Anglo-Saxon model to our continental/Napoleonic/Catholic socio-labor culture | In study | 03-13-19 |
It is proposed that it be applied to “collectives”. That it can generate a regulation that sends you to where the sanctions are collected [a case book]. Example of regulations on abuse-harassment; cases of religious symbols, coexistence of countries in conflict, racism... | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Annex | The suggestion is collected, and in due course, through the Ethics Committee Regulations, an inventory of cases and an information repository will be defined to publicize the procedures and legal issues related to non-compliance and various university bodies. | rejected | 03-14-19 |
The STRUCTURE OF THE CODE OF ETHICS should go at the beginning of the brochure, which is when you read it for the first time, not at the end of the brochure when you have already read it and seen its structure. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | Suggested format, it is taken into account and studied but finally the position in the draft diptych is not changed. | rejected | 03-28-19 |
Greater clarity in “Transparency”, “Confidentiality” and “Diligence”, since they are the issues that can do the most damage to the image of the Code of Ethics. | Ethical code | Beginning | Good government | These ideas are collected and included, expanding the principle of Good Governance to "Good governance, transparency and accountability". It is pointed out that "Diligence" is already included in the principle of "Quality and excellence". And that of "confidentiality" is already included in "Commitment to the institution". | Accomplished | 03-11-19 |
It is suggested that together with the concept of Good Governance one should speak of Transparency | Ethical code | Beginning | Good government | This suggestion is taken up and included, expanding the principle of Good Governance to "Good governance, transparency and accountability". | Accomplished | 03-13-19 |
Good government. Add more relevance to due diligence. I do not understand what is the real meaning of the second paragraph that speaks of the "assumption of responsibilities"; Do you suggest resignations or dismissals? Maybe enter more in the "Responsibility" part | Ethical code | Beginning | Good government | The suggestion is collected and debated by both the Working Committee and the Drafting Commission. It is agreed not to modify the wording of the "principles" since the substance of the allegations is contained in the current wording in various points of the Code. | Accomplished | 03-18-19 |
In the good governance section: The first paragraph speaks of governing bodies, single-person positions and collegiate bodies, and yet the next paragraph speaks of single-person bodies, single-person positions and collegiate bodies. Both paragraphs should match. | Ethical code | Beginning | Good government | It is taken into consideration at the Committee and Commission meetings and the wording is considered adequate. | Accomplished | 03-28-19 |
It is asked about the moment in which the possibility for students to participate in the writing process will be opened | Ethical code | Participation | Students | At any time from the tools enabled for this, either through the Code of Ethics email or the form on the URJC website. | Accomplished | 03-06-19 |
It is suggested that an intense Diffusion work be carried out, led by the vice-rector's office and the Editorial Commission. | Ethical code | Outreach | Outreach | The suggestion is accepted and it is sent to the Ethics Committee page where the dissemination actions carried out and planned are collected. | Accomplished | 03-11-19 |
“Defense of Freedom of Expression” and that the points of COMMITMENT TO THE INSTITUTION, QUALITY AND EXCELLENCE and RESPONSIBILITY can be intuited as a “limitation of freedom of Expression”. Several participants return to this topic, even speaking of a “silence clause”. Others hope that it will not translate into "coercion" for the workers. It is difficult to establish a "loyalty" without counting other rights. The principle of "Commitment to the Institution" is considered excessively extensive, and disproportionate to the others. | Ethical code | Beginning | Commitment to the institution | The suggestion is included and the wording of the principles "COMMITMENT TO THE INSTITUTION" and "QUALITY AND EXCELLENCE" has been modified to clarify any doubts such as those presented in this suggestion. | Accomplished | 04-04-19 |
Commitment to institution. I just don't see the confidentiality thing here. It also seems to me that there is a lot of text in such a short document for something that is illegal and that, therefore, would be outside this code. | Ethical code | Beginning | Commitment to the institution | This suggestion was taken into account when modifying the text of COMMITMENT TO THE INSTITUTION. The principle of "confidentiality" is included in this principle. | Accomplished | 03-18-19 |
A change of format in the current website is recommended, specifically, in the suggestion box and with respect to the layout of the email. At the same time, the user must be specified which means of communication preserves her anonymity and which is nominal. | Ethical code | Outreach | Outreach | Made the change in March 2019 | Accomplished | 03-14-19 |
He wonders about the general dissemination of this information, if students and all groups are being informed. | Ethical code | Outreach | Outreach | Task already done and in continuous process | Accomplished | 03-14-19 |
In the section on sustainable human development: The phrase "...without compromising the capacity of future generations" does not make sense, since these capacities are not compromised (the capacity that each human being has is something intrinsic to himself) I would end the phrase in ... the quality of life of the human being. | Ethical code | Beginning | sustainable human development | The wording of the principle SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT is modified taking into account this contribution | Accomplished | 03-28-19 |
Regarding the wording of the Code of Ethics, in its current format, it is indicated that in the development of the points, some have the accompanying action and others do not. It is recommended to study its possible modification. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | This suggestion has been taken into account in the drafting of Version 2 (V2) of the Code of Ethics | Accomplished | 03-14-19 |
It is suggested that a "Commitment to the Institution" point be included in the Code of Ethics. | Ethics Committee | Beginning | Commitment to the institution | It is already included | Accomplished | 03-14-19 |
It is recommended that the principle of Transparency be included more clearly. | Ethics Committee | Beginning | Good government | It is answered that the suggestion is accepted and included as a new term in the principle of GOOD GOVERNANCE, which in Version 2 is renamed: GOOD GOVERNANCE, TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY. | Accomplished | 03-18-19 |
Once again, the question is asked about the students, specifically the question is: How are we going to make the students know the Code of Ethics? It is indicated that | Ethics Committee | Outreach | Outreach | It has been proposed that all the information be integrated into the Virtual Classroom and that a tab be included in the registration through which the student must sign "the URJC Code of Ethics" to complete their registration. Likewise, all possible channels are being studied to achieve the necessary involvement of students with this Code. | Accomplished | 03-18-19 |
The inclusion of the Principles of effective EQUALITY between Men and Women of PREVENTION OF OCCUPATIONAL RISKS is recommended. | Ethical code | Beginning | Equality | The suggestion is accepted and it is considered that the principle of effective equality between men and women is reflected within the principles of DIGNITY and TOLERANCE AND INCLUSION and transversally in others. There is no place for Occupational Risk Prevention in a document of this nature. | Accomplished | 04-04-19 |
It is wondered if it is proposed to make a comparison with the ethical codes of the field of private enterprise? Since a lot of work has been done on it in this field and we could find useful ideas. | Ethical code | Crafting | Model | The answer is affirmative, but highlighting that a basic model to follow is the regulation of the Research Ethics Committee of the URJC itself. | Accomplished | 03-18-19 |
Integrity. Make it clear that "loyalty" is to the Institution. | Ethical code | Beginning | Integrity | The suggestion is accepted and the sense of "loyalty" is raised. It is taken into account when reviewing the wording of V2 | Accomplished | 03-18-19 |
Some errata are pointed out and certain grammatical corrections are suggested in the drafting. These formal suggestions are collected and it is requested that they be sent to us via email. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | Errors noted are corrected. | Accomplished | 03-18-19 |
Express lack of the term “accountability”. It is true that the concept of “transparency” appears; however, for those present it is not enough. For this reason, they consider that, within the principle of "Good Governance", it could have a place, together with transparency, since they can be valued as complementary concepts. | Ethics Committee | Beginning | Good government | The suggestion is accepted and one of the principles defined in V2 is modified as: GOOD GOVERNANCE, TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Accomplished | 04-04-19 |
Exposed by way of criticism: the technical means to enforce the Code of Ethics in the community, so that they do not result in “wet paper”. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Operation | The suggestion is accepted and it is recalled that the "spirit" of this Code of Ethics is to be realistic and not to undertake tasks or create impossible expectations that could generate frustration. | Accomplished | 04-04-19 |
Concept of FREEDOM, expresses the need to specify more clearly the relationship of the University Community with Society. | Ethics Committee | Beginning | Libertad | The suggestion is accepted and has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 | Accomplished | 04-04-19 |
In the section on ethical principles and commitments: the point on Integrity and Honesty is not clear and is repetitive because it says in the first paragraph: ....with the principles of integrity acting personally and... and in the second paragraph it is said again: ...personal conduct under the principles of integrity... | Ethical code | Beginning | Integrity | The wording of the INTEGRITY AND HONESTY principle has been modified taking this suggestion into account | Accomplished | 03-28-19 |
Justice. Expand the concept so that it is not only legal (including the icon) but also social justice. In the drafting justice is equated with equity, and it is not the same | Ethical code | Beginning | Justice | The wording of the principle of Justice has been modified taking into account this suggestion, among others. | Accomplished | 03-04-19 |
It is suggested that the presence of the concepts of Justice and Transparency be reinforced. Let them appear clearly. | Ethical code | Beginning | Justice | Modifications have been made to various principles of the Code of Ethics taking into account these suggestions | Accomplished | 03-13-19 |
It is pointed out that in most of the twelve principles the wording of this ends with a negative line. For example, Libertad… says… renounces coercion and violence… It is recommended that the positive tone be maintained and those lines be removed. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | This suggestion has been taken into account in V2 of the Code of Ethics | Accomplished | 04-04-19 |
The revision of the concept of JUSTICE in the current draft is suggested, since “the problem is not so much to be there but to respect. You have the rights, but what you have to do is establish some criteria so that they are respected, beyond the legal normative subjection”. | Ethical code | Beginning | Justice | The suggestion is accepted and has been taken into account in the drafting of the JUSTICE principle in V2 | Accomplished | 03-18-19 |
Liberty. Include “study”. | Ethical code | Beginning | Libertad | It is considered included in other principles | Accomplished | 03-18-19 |
The inclusion of PRIVACY is suggested as another principle of the Code of Ethics. | Ethical code | Beginning | New | It is considered included in other principles | Accomplished | 03-18-19 |
Democratic participation. It is homologated to vote and it is not only that. There is an exercise, by the students, that goes further. | Ethical code | Beginning | Participation | The suggestion is accepted and has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 | Accomplished | 03-04-19 |
In the principle of Responsibility, I would add some reference to "Teaching", since currently, it considers that only research questions appear. | Ethical code | Beginning | Liability | The suggestion is accepted and has been included in the wording of V2 | Accomplished | 03-07-19 |
FINALLY, [he thinks] that there are some principles and values that are not present and that it is convenient to integrate them. Among them, the promotion of SOLIDARITY AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY; that of personal and institutional COHERENCE OR CONGRUENCE; THE EXEMPLARY, very much in force today in the field of current moral philosophy; the principle of VULNERABILITY or the ethics of care, in order to avoid abuses of all kinds; and that of PERSONALIZED ATTENTION, in addition to that of flexibility in terms of promoting SOCIAL-OCCUPATIONAL CONCILIATION | Ethics Committee | Beginning | New | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics | Accomplished | 03-25-19 |
[As a Graduate in Gender Equality from the Rey Juan Carlos University], that the language used in the Code of Ethics be an Inclusive Language. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in Committee and Commission meetings but the current neutral wording has been considered preferable | Accomplished | 04-02-19 |
If the paragraphs begin with a Capital letter, the first letter after the Capital letter is lowercase. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | The suggestion is accepted and has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 | Accomplished | 03-28-19 |
Sometimes the code is written in the text and other times code of ethics. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It is modified in V2 | Accomplished | 03-28-19 |
It is suggested that the Code of Ethics serves to reinforce the URJC's commitment to Equality, pointing out its Social [and territorial] and Transfer to society commitment. So that it becomes a useful instrument. | Ethical code | Beginning | Liability | The suggestion is accepted and has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 | Accomplished | 03-13-19 |
Tolerance. In addition to what it says, indicate something about the type of group in the URJC | Ethical code | Beginning | Tolerance | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics | Accomplished | 03-18-19 |
It is requested that, as a complement to the ethical principle of RESPONSIBILITY, the cases of obligations that correspond to each university level be publicized. | Ethical code | Application | Specific regulations | It is answered that as a convergent action with the Code of Ethics, the BOURJC is going to concentrate all the regulations in a single place. | does not compete | 03-26-19 |
QUESTION: Application of the regulations on academic conduct of students | Ethical code | Associated regulations | Academic Conduct Policy | Published in BOCAM. Study work will begin for its update. The current one will be publicized | does not compete | 03-06-19 |
It is suggested that the Code of Ethics point out the URJC's commitment to Science that clears up any doubt about pseudoscience | Ethical code | Beginning | Quality and excellence | It is considered a suggestion that is included transversally in various principles of the Code of Ethics. | does not compete | 03-13-19 |
It is suggested that what proceeds from now on is that all Schools read the regulations of their own School/Faculty in light of the Code of Ethics. For example, the thesis tribunals, where a gender equity policy is not being followed. | Ethical code | Application | Specific regulations | It will be defined in the Regulation. | does not compete | 03-14-19 |
In the point referred to "sustainable human development" and its environmental aspect. Are you going to university to commit to buying technological equipment from companies whose manufacture guarantees a minimum impact on people and the environment? | Ethical code | Application | Related actions | It is not the responsibility of the Code of Ethics | does not compete | 03-15-19 |
At the point of "quality and excellence", is the university going to implement a system so that the subjects are really taught by specialists in the subjects or is it going to continue allowing professors to teach subjects that they do not know just because in their department Is the profile not taken into account when distributing teaching? | Ethical code | Application | Related actions | It is not the responsibility of the Code of Ethics to the extent that its values and principles permeate the university community, situations such as the one described will be significantly reduced. | does not compete | 03-15-19 |
Being totally in agreement with the need for clear and concise regulations, I believe that something more specific should be introduced in relation to each group, for example, in relation to the hiring of personnel according to academic criteria, to the possibilities, according to academic merits , promotion of the same or the attitude of students towards teachers | Ethical code | Application | Related actions | It is not the responsibility of the Code of Ethics to the extent that its values and principles permeate the university community, the ideal described is closer to reality. | does not compete | 03-25-19 |
The oppositions should be organized and followed by another university/administration, gaining in objectivity. Also at the end of the competitions, the vacant places should be published so that people could choose a destination based on their grade | Ethical code | Application | Related actions | It is not the responsibility of the Code of Ethics to the extent that its values and principles permeate the university community, the ideal described is closer to reality. | does not compete | 03-26-19 |
The inclusion of trade union representations in each and every one of the bodies related to the Code of Ethics is recommended. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Composition: | The suggestion is collected and debated in the Drafting Committee and Work Commission | In study | 04-04-19 |
Define an inventory of claim cases that may come through the Ethics Committee. Prevent the Code of Ethics from becoming a "double-edged sword" and experiencing a "rebound effect" through malicious complaints. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Annex | Through the Regulations of the Ethics Committee, an inventory of cases will be defined | Accepted | 03-04-19 |
It is recommended that links be offered from the Virtual Classroom or by other means to engage students | Ethical code | Outreach | Outreach | It is considered an adequate contribution to implement at the right time | Accepted | 03-04-19 |
Transparency: Importance of including information on appointments, positions, etc. | Ethical code | Outreach | Outreach | This action will be completed thanks to the implementation of the Official Bulletin of the URJC (BOURJ). Complementary initiative to this Code of Ethics. | Accepted | 03-06-19 |
It states that the coincidence of names between the Ethics Committee and the Research Ethics Committee can be confusing. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Outreach | It is common in other institutions. Cross information will be incorporated so that the difference and scope of each of them is clear. | Accepted | 03-07-19 |
Inform the University Community of the Code of Ethics Regulation when it has been prepared. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Outreach | Open an information process | Accepted | 03-07-19 |
The concern arises about the cost that the application of the Code of Ethics could mean for the University. Specifically, he asks why he refers to the principle of SUSTAINABLE UNIVERSITY, which for the interlocutor means adapted, flexible schedules, all of which implies an increase in spending and the budget. He supposes that putting said principle implies that the university already has a budget to deal with these expenses, because according to his point of view this implies a very expensive transformation and means “turning the University upside down”. In the subsequent debate it is pointed out that “money is required, but also the will for collective change”. It is suggested that when addressing the point of "Human and sustainable development", start with what has the least cost. | Ethical code | Beginning | sustainable human development | At the meeting, the meaning of SUSTAINABLE UNIVERSITY was widely explained and the concern expressed by the intervener was assumed as his own. Bearing in mind that the "spirit" of this Code of Ethics is to be realistic and not to tackle tasks or create impossible expectations that could generate frustration. | Accepted | 03-14-19 |
The Code of Ethics must be accompanied by a series of initiatives that make it practical. | Ethical code | Momentum | Related actions | The suggestion is accepted and considered necessary | Accepted | 03-14-19 |
It is recommended that the Regulation Consultation system be easily accessible without being complicated. | Ethical code | Application | Specific regulations | The BOURJ will be a fundamental tool for this task, along with others that may be defined in the Regulations. | Accepted | 03-14-19 |
It is recommended that MOTIVATION actions be carried out: Meetings, courses, talks and others... | Ethical code | Outreach | Outreach | The suggestion is accepted and considered necessary | Accepted | 03-14-19 |
Moderation is recommended in the development of the Code of Ethics and its subsequent implementation to avoid designing an overly ambitious project that reduces its usefulness or credibility. | Ethics Committee | Regulation | Start up | The suggestion is accepted and it is recalled that the "spirit" of this Code of Ethics is to be realistic and not to undertake tasks or create impossible expectations that could generate frustration. | Accepted | 03-14-19 |
Finally, it is suggested that the dissemination campaign take into account the graduates of the URJC. | Ethics Committee | Outreach | Outreach | The suggestion is accepted and informative actions are initiated to carry it out | Accepted | 03-26-19 |
It is pointed out that the Code seems excessively focused on internal and recent affairs of the URJC itself. | Ethical code | Beginning | Newsroom | The suggestion is accepted and has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 | Accepted | 04-04-19 |
In addition, it would introduce a third section of RECOMMENDATIONS OR PRACTICAL CONDUCT GUIDELINES, in which it would state that, as far as possible, it should proceed in accordance with certain operational criteria. Among them, I would recommend, when adopting collective decisions, the measure of the secret vote and not that of assembly approval via a show of hands or general public assent in the meetings in which decisions are adopted; this, in order to favor liberty; also, it would underline the need to apply the criterion of merit and free competition when accessing management responsibilities; Likewise, it would limit the possibility of repetition of the same people in the performance of positions; and it would also call for institutional loyalty, on the part of the members of the university community without detriment to the critical spirit, in the communication that affects the collective reputation; etc | Ethical code | Application | Related actions | Suggestions are taken into account when drafting V2 of the Code of Ethics | Accepted | 03-25-19 |
Distinguish between the generic principles and a section with REPROBABLE or reprehensible CONDUCT, to be specially excluded, so that these are thus clearer and more expeditious. In it, I would place, among others, the cited reprehensible behaviors of plagiarism and manipulation and also: "nepotism or patronage favoritism of close people" in decisions, etc.; also, the use of harmful resources to the principle of equal participation in elective processes -such as previously agreed closed lists or other fraudulent extremes in the course of elections-, which break the individual and equal character in the concurrence of the candidacies; etc. | Ethical code | Beginning | Others | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics | Accepted | 03-25-19 |
This document states that it is a conduct and behavior guide with the purpose of inspiring professional conduct. But personally, what it seems is a reminder of what (I interpret) should never be done, because it has been done at the URJC. For example; In Libertad, "she renounces coercion or violence to achieve our goals"... Is it really necessary to clarify this? Similarly, Dignity, is defined and described repeating the concept of dignity is not clear, and also, why does it focus on physical, psychological and social abuse? Aren't there other aspects of dignity or its absence to highlight? Is it that the URJC does mistreatment for it to be necessary to put it here...? In commitment to the institution, the last paragraph, what it seems to say is that commitment at URJC means not talking or saying anything about the university, people, etc... Again, it seems as if they were trying to avoid something habitual. In general, it seems strange to me to read these things in a code of ethics, it seems like a decalogue of behaviors that have been done and that appear from now on should be avoided. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics | Accepted | 03-29-19 |
If the approach of the Code of Ethics (in draft) that we have presented is only a "general framework" and if later a more precise and comprehensive regulation is going to be generated. | Ethics Committee | Momentum | Related actions | The idea is not so much to develop but to indicate where the already consolidated regulations are. In this field, the initiatives already underway at the URJC for an Official Gazette, a “Citizen Participation Portal” and an “Open Data Portal” are other measures that converge with this Code of Ethics. | Accepted | 03-14-19 |
They affirm that regarding the concept of Transparency, the approach that should be given to said denomination, which is applied in multiple situations, does not appear clearly, "from our perspective". They propose: After the analysis of the points that appeared referring to this matter and those that did not, we came to the conclusion that the best decision in this aspect would be the creation of a new point that is based on transparency and which is based on these main pillars: • Transparency in the management of matters related to the institution, both in the field of research and in the field of Governing Bodies. • Transparency in relation to the accounts of the University and the inclusion of the university community. • Transparency based on any act of any member of the community that directly or indirectly affects the institution, such as copying exams or assignments. Taking into account the foregoing, they propose a new wording for the principle of Transparency: People with positions of responsibility or university management positions will transparently exercise the management of the matters entrusted to them. They will promote active transparency policies and promote the participation of the university community in the management of the institution. The basis of its activity will be the principles of transparency and accountability, publishing periodically and updated all information that is relevant in accordance with applicable regulations and with the guidelines of the Governing Bodies. This point also applies to students, who must act with absolute clarity and care in their actions, leaving no doubt about their actions and being fully aware of and responsible for all activities that affect the institution. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics | Accomplished | 16-05-19 |
Include "PRUDENCE" as a principle; since "prudence is the ability to think, in the face of certain events or activities, about the possible risks that these entail, and adapt or modify behavior so as not to receive or cause unnecessary damage". Likewise, they consider that it is important to be sensible and sanity in each of the actions, based on the following criteria: • Avoid unnecessary risks, for oneself or for the Institution, in each of their actions. • Refrain from making comments that may affect the good name of people or the Institution. • Anticipate, as much as possible, the consequences of each one of their actions to avoid problems for themselves or for others. • Always use protective equipment (helmets, gloves, suits, face masks, etc.) when carrying out tasks that involve risks to themselves or third parties. • Finally, be clear about your abilities, skills and limitations. | Ethical code | New | Related actions | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics | Accomplished | 16-05-19 |
Extension of the principle of "GOOD GOVERNANCE" in relation to the duration and renewal of the members of the Ethics Committee and its operation. So the points to add would be the following: •Term of office and renewal of Committee members: 1. The mandate of the specialist members, chosen by the Rector, will last four years. 2. Committee member status may only be renewed once consecutively. 3. The renewal of the Committee will be carried out in halves and every two years, proportionally depending on the specialty or field of knowledge. • Functioning of the Committee and its subcommittees: 1. The president will convene the Ethics Committee when he requires its functions, especially in public calls for financing research projects and periods of approval of teaching plans. 2. The notification to the members of the Committee in accordance with the meetings and other communications may be made through email. 3. For the valid constitution of the Ethics Committee, at first call the attendance of at least half of its members will be necessary, including the president and the secretary or their substitutes. For the second call, only a third of its members will be necessary, always with the presence of the president and the secretary or his substitutes. 4. When validating the agreements, the presence of the minimum number of members required for the constitution of the body on second call will be necessary. 5. The agreements will be validated by a simple majority, counting the chairman's vote as the casting vote in the event of a tie. We believe that these guidelines for action and term of office by the Ethics Committee need to be included in the code itself to demonstrate transparency. absolute regarding the governance of the Institution. |
Ethical code | Regulation | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Include the consequences of non-compliance with the Code of Ethics, including: loss of respect; loss of public credibility; and, the legal conflicts in which they could derive. Likewise, they consider that compliance with the Code of Ethics will be coordinated by the University Ombudsman; and for this, it will be necessary to carry out periodic reports, receiving suggestions and complaints. In this sense, they propose the inclusion of the legal consequences that non-compliance will entail. of the Code of Ethics. | Ethical code | Regulation | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Include a new principle: EQUAL RIGHTS. Through which, the students undertake to rectify, or even point out the different inequalities, that some of their classmates may have in relation to the lack of coexistence of the rest of the individuals in the center with them or another person. Also applicable to an inequality in terms of goods or materials received, they always have to follow an objective criterion and not give an unfair benefit. |
Ethical code | Beginning | New | It is considered that the principle of equal rights is present transversally in the Code. But the suggestion of pointing out or correcting "various inequalities" is not the responsibility of the Code of Ethics. | does not compete | 16/05/2019 |
In relation to the previously mentioned principle (EQUAL RIGHTS), the principle of OBJECTIVITY, IMPARTIALITY AND TRANSPARENCY would be added. The same would refer: to the right that each student be evaluated objectively by the teaching staff; thus obtaining a clear access with the possibility of opting for a review or the evaluation form given by the teacher, with which a transparent management will be carried out. | Ethical code | Beginning | New | These principles are considered to be present across the Code. But it is not up to the Code to establish the rules for reviewing the exams. | does not compete | 16/05/2019 |
In relation to the principle of "COMMITMENT TO THE INSTITUTION", include the idea of "PROTECTION OF FACILITIES". In this way, they propose the conservation of the facilities by all the people who make up the university, either by avoiding graffiti on the facades, implement propaganda of political ideology on facades or walls of the university buildings, take care of the different elements belonging to the university (this includes both the technological material within the classes such as computers, projectors, etc…, also elements of common use of the cafeteria, services, library, study rooms, computer rooms,...). All this, in order to improve coexistence between the people who make up the university, from the respect to the different ideologies that each person has or propose, to make this, the URJC, a place of all for all. |
Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been taken up transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Again, around the principle of "COMMITMENT TO THE INSTITUTION", carry out an expansion of what is established in accordance with RESEARCH: maintain continuous research work, consistent with elementary scientific principles and in accordance with the codes of good practice in research, feeling responsible for contributing to the advancement of science, technology and knowledge, with an approach aimed at improving society through the transfer of research results. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Include in the Code of Ethics a reference to the IMPULSE TO CREATIVITY, through which innovative ideas, the different ways of doing projects and encourage the creation of new models that favor the educational teaching environment. The not stagnate in what is already established, gives rise to greater freedom and a better scope both students and teaching staff. Continue exploring options. |
Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It is not the responsibility of the Code of Ethics | does not compete | 16/05/2019 |
Reference is made to the concept of NEPOTISM, directly related to the principle of GOOD GOVERNANCE. Likewise, they propose the express wording that, under no circumstances may the position be used to benefit any family member or friend, both in the hiring of personnel and in any commercial or academic relationship activity. In these cases, if there is a family relationship, it should always be made public. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Again, in relation to the principle of GOOD GOVERNANCE, include that: in no case will any gift, favor or service be accepted that goes beyond the usual, social and courtesy uses, which due to its amount or cause, may condition the neutrality or objectivity of its mission. When these gifts exceed these limits or the gift is representative of an institutional relationship, they must be incorporated into the university heritage, establishing a public registry. | Ethical code | Regulation | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Regarding the research activity, they consider that mention should be made of the ethical principles that should guide its conduct; publicly stating this acceptance in accordance with the values of freedom, honesty and responsibility. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been collected transversally in the Code, but without forgetting that it falls within the powers of the Code of Ethics for Research | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Inclusion of a section in the Code referring to the use of networks and public presence, in which something like: in all media intervention, the principles, values and behaviors of the code will be respected. In the use of the networks and in any public presence, their particular position will be clearly distinguished from the institutional one. | Ethical code | Newsroom | New | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
In relation to the principles of "TOLERANCE and INCLUSION", promote ideological diversity freely, as long as they follow an acceptable ethical model. They consider that this would contribute to the feedback of thoughts between people, exploring new perspectives, and taking into account other proposals. |
Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
GENERAL Proposals to be included in the various sections of the Code: ">1º Promote teamwork (TOLERANCE AND INCLUSION): "> -The teaching staff must take care of the inclusion of the different students, avoiding discrimination and promoting the social and personal capacities of the students. -Learn to accept the ideas of different people and the debate between them, but always with respect. ">2nd "> ">Respect for university property (COMMITMENT TO THE INSTITUTION): "> -Both teachers and students must respect the furniture and materials provided by the university. ">3rd Commitment (COMMITMENT TO THE INSTITUTION): "> -Students agree with the university to improve its image, and the institution agrees, in turn, to be more transparent and follow ethical values. ">4th Communication (SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT): "> -Encourage the exchange and acceptance of ideas and opinions between teachers and students. This way you can get better results on both sides. |
Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Proposals to be included in the revision of the Code of Ethics, regarding the PROFESSORS AND DIRECTORS OF THE UNIVERSITY: ">1st Commitment and quality with teaching (RESPECT and COLLABORATION): "> -The teaching staff is committed to the permanent improvement and updating of both teaching techniques and the subjects taught. -Preparation of the syllabus in advance of classes. -Correct adaptation by the teaching staff for the different difficulties or disabilities of the students in order to ensure a quality education for all people. ">2º Impartiality (JUSTICE): "> -Impartial qualification: The teaching staff must not be corrupted by any type of remuneration or preference for any student. -The teaching staff must be ideologically neutral without imparting their political ideas to the students. ">3º Respect and understanding (TOLERANCE and INCLUSION): "> Teachers must accept any opinion that comes from students and correct them, if they are wrong, in a respectful and educational way. |
Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Proposal to introduce, in the drafting of the Code of Ethics, in relation to the figure of STUDENTS: ">1st Individual Merit (COMMITMENT TO THE INSTITUTION): "> -Right to intellectual property and recognition of a job well done, the result of intellectual capacity, effort and honesty. ">2º Equality of opportunities (JUSTICE) "> -Every student must have the right to the same opportunities without discrimination of sex, race, religion, social level, ideology... ">3rd Respect for the teacher (COMMITMENT TO THE INSTITUTION): "> -Respect the teacher by paying attention and maintaining silence and tranquility in the class. ">4th Participation in activities "> -Students must get involved in the activities proposed by the university and its teaching staff for their correct development, since they suppose a complementary education. |
Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Possible extension of the principle of COMMITMENT TO THE INSTITUTION, in accordance with data protection matters: confidentiality of private communications received and the commitment not to provide third parties with data obtained through the public spaces of the Virtual Campus of the URJC, and to a greater effect the staff of teaching, which has in its possession the personal information of hundreds of students. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Introduction of a new principle related to the right to INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: in the event that a member of the university community creates something new or has an idea, no one can seize said innovation unless the creator agrees to it. It is something that is not included in the Code of Ethics and it is essential to protect the creations and innovations of any student or teacher. | Ethical code | Beginning | New | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code and that its realization falls within the powers of the Research Ethics Committee. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Expand the principle of RESPECT and COLLABORATION, including in the wording the duty of university teachers to ensure the proper functioning of classes and the cognitive development of their students, providing the necessary materials for their learning. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
They consider necessary the written introduction of the right, which any member of the university community has, to have a voice and be heard when making any proposal and/or complaint regarding the different issues that affect the university. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Introduction of information related to the duty to act in accordance with the exam regulations and the university's evaluation systems. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It is not the responsibility of the Code of Ethics | does not compete | 16/05/2019 |
In relation to the principle of "SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT" it is considered that not only should the legacy be promoted, which corresponds to all of us, but that we should defend and continue it. The university community is therefore committed to conserving its artistic and bibliographic heritage, its real estate, its furniture and material for daily use, avoiding its use for private profit. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
In accordance with the breach of the Code of Ethics, they consider it necessary to adopt measures, including the proposed termination by the administrative and/or jurisdictional authorities that are competent depending on the circumstances. | Ethical code | Regulation | New | This matter will be defined in the Regulations of the Ethics Committee. | Regulation | 16/05/2019 |
NO RETALIATION: No one can be allowed to be treated improperly for raising a situation honestly. The creation of reprisals for this reason would imply the breach of the Code of Ethics itself. | Ethical code | Beginning | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Creation of a new section related to new technologies, including the purposes for which they should be used and the responsibilities that can be assumed. | Ethical code | Newsroom | New | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. And it is unnecessary to go down on it to this level of specification. | rejected | 16/05/2019 |
Include a "SOCIAL HELP" section, for those with economic problems or in a situation of helplessness, who will be able to obtain help from the university to carry out their studies. Each year, people in this situation will be listed on the university's website. The most needy people from the entire list will be selected and will gain access to university the following year. | Ethical code | Newsroom | New | It is not the responsibility of the Code of Ethics | does not compete | 16/05/2019 |
Visibility of the Code of Ethics: the university must carry out certain activities throughout the academic year that allow the student to know in detail the values included in the Code of Ethics. With this, all members of the university will be able to effectively apply the proposals and sections explained in this document. | Ethical code | Outreach | Outreach | Suggestion accepted. | Accepted | 16/05/2019 |
Include a section on "PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP", within the principle of "SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT" where it is stated that students will have therapy sessions to help them solve psychological problems that may prevent them from learning the subject they are studying within of the University. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It is not the responsibility of the Code of Ethics | does not compete | 16/05/2019 |
Again, in relation to the principle of "SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT", they propose to introduce a "COMMITMENT TO THE ENVIRONMENT" section, according to which the university must provide the necessary means to carry out the recycling process, as well as, promote renewable energy and care for the environment. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. And it is unnecessary to go down on it to this level of specification. | rejected | 16/05/2019 |
Add to the text of the Code of Ethics a principle called "OVERCOME". It will provide a constructively self-critical approach to the measures, problems and improvements of some aspect of the university, as well as promote students to make the most of their abilities, facilitating as far as possible and reasonable, that use through resources, both material and human, of the university. | Ethical code | Beginning | New | It is not the responsibility of the Code of Ethics | does not compete | 16/05/2019 |
In relation to the principle of "INTEGRITY AND HONESTY", include a section stating that students should not make private use of the instruments and resources offered by the university. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Again, related to the same principle, deal with the subject that students should discuss problems they face or problems involving other people, and give the necessary means to solve it, either among the students themselves or with the intervention of a higher-ranking person in the university. |
Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It is not the responsibility of the Code of Ethics | does not compete | 16/05/2019 |
It is proposed that the following points pertaining to the Code of Ethics of the Malaga University: 1º “The confidentiality of private communications and the adequate protection of the data obtained through distribution lists or information from the University”. 2º “Innovation, quality and excellence in its educational, social, technological and organizational. 3rd “Ensure fluidity and transparency of communication in the organization”. |
Ethical code | Newsroom | New | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
It is proposed that the following points pertaining to the Code of Ethics of the University of Alcala: 1st “The teaching and research staff will assume the special responsibility of instilling and promoting in the training of students all the ethical values reflected in this Code, encouraging their growth in these values and their concern for their respect and defense”. 2nd “Students must be responsible, willing to assume their actions and consequences”. |
Ethical code | Newsroom | New | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
The elimination or limitation of the principle "SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT" is proposed, since it is considered that the university does not have competence on the matters that it specifies, such as economic or social. In case of not opting for a complete elimination, the substitution is proposed by a point that seeks the common good, in a more general way. |
Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | Suggestion Rejected | rejected | 16/05/2019 |
Introduction in the text of the Code of Ethics, an exclusive principle that reflects the rejection of sexual abuse. At present, the demand for the rights of women, the fight against machismo and sexual abuse, fights that we consider essential to mention in the code of ethics. Although it could also find a place in the principle of "RESPECT and COLLABORATION". |
Ethical code | Newsroom | New | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Introduce within the principle of "SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT" a point related to the protection of the environment. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | Point included in said Principle. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Add to the principle of "SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT" a section that encourages the exercise of physical activity, to obtain a development of the highest possible quality, of current and future students. Since, they consider that activities are needed that are capable of disconnecting students from studies. Activities promoted by the university to achieve good mental and physical health. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. But, it is not the responsibility of the Code of Ethics to descend to such a level of detail. | rejected | 16/05/2019 |
Impulse in PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP. They consider it essential that psychological support be mentioned in the Code of Ethics, so that those who need psychological help have a group of professionals at their disposal on all campuses who are committed to helping members of the university community. | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It is not the responsibility of the Code of Ethics | does not compete | 16/05/2019 |
They find it necessary to organize talks more frequently about the career they are studying, as well as an analysis of it, which can be quite useful, especially for new students. | Ethical code | Newsroom | New | It is not the responsibility of the Code of Ethics | does not compete | 16/05/2019 |
Extension of the principle of "SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT" in relation to the "CONSERVATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE" and even raise the possibility that it be included as a new principle; since, they consider it a very important issue, whose action must be undertaken from below, that is, from education. Likewise, they propose the following wording: “Commit to carry out measures and proposals which help the correct development and conservation of green spaces such as gardens, forests or parks, as well as the different structures or artistic creations. As well as the creation of garbage cans with different divisions for organic waste, plastics and paper within a single bucket. At the same time, make an appropriate and rational use of the materials used for the different activities carried out at the university.” | Ethical code | Newsroom | Improvements | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Include a new principle "SOLIDARITY", with the aim of raising awareness and encouraging the entire university community to collaborate. In this way, they propose the following wording: “Promote and collaborate with the solidarity campaigns that are carried out at the university by advertising them, participating in the collection or collection, or contributing material or donations. Volunteering is a very important task at the student level, since it offers both the possibility of learning and helping other human beings who need it at the same time.” | Ethical code | Newsroom | New | It has been taken into account in the drafting of V2 of the Code of Ethics. It is considered that the suggestion has been included transversally in the Code. | Accomplished | 16/05/2019 |
Internal Regulations of the Ethics Committee of the Rey Juan Carlos University
Basic information of the regulation
Internal Regulations of the Ethics Committee of the Rey Juan Carlos University
The Code of Ethics of the Rey Juan Carlos University, approved by Agreement of the Governing Council on September 27, 2019, establishes the set of ethical principles and commitments that must guide the conduct and behavior of all members of the Rey Juan Carlos University .
Said Code of Ethics creates the "Rey Juan Carlos University Ethics Committee" as a collegiate body in charge of ensuring compliance with ethical principles and guaranteeing their dissemination to all members of the University Community. The Ethics Committee contributes to generating the maximum level of confidence of the University Community in the management and institutional performance of the Rey Juan Carlos University. To do this, it coordinates its action with that of the statutory bodies that have recognized functions in disciplinary matters, as well as with the rest of the actions that the University carries out in the field of University Social Responsibility.
TITLE II of the Regulations of the Ethics Committee includes the functions and composition of said Committee. Based on which el Ethics Committee will be composed by the following members:
- The Vice Chancellor with competences in Ethics matters, or the person delegated by him, who will act as President, and will have the status of ex officio member.
- One member appointed by each Faculty or School Board.
- A representative of the workers designated by the unitary representation bodies of the Teaching and Research Staff and the Administration and Services Staff.
- A student appointed by the Student Council.
- A representative of the Social Council, appointed in the manner established by the Law on Social Councils of the Community of Madrid.
- Five external experts, of which one will belong to another ethics committee and another will be the University Ombudsman of another university.
- A member of the Vice-rectorate with competences in matters of Ethics, with voice, but without vote, who will act as Secretary, and who will be appointed by the Vice-rector with competences in this field.
All members of the Ethics Committee will be individually, voluntarily, for the period of time determined by the Regulations, and will not receive remuneration or compensation for it.
As for the Functions of the Ethics Committee are the following:
- Supervise the correct implementation, interpretation and application of the Code of Ethics, promoting its effective compliance.
- Promote knowledge of the Code of Ethics and strengthen the total involvement of the University Community with the principles and values expressed in it, promoting actions of dissemination and ethical training in the university context.
- Carry out periodic reviews of the content of the Code of Ethics, opening up to any member of the University Community the participation in its updates, and adopt the development provisions that are necessary for its correct application.
- Help and advise in the field of the Code of Ethics to the bodies that statutorily have recognized functions in disciplinary matters, in matters of rights and duties of the members of the University Community, as well as in the field of University Social Responsibility.
- Process and resolve complaints and reports received through the Ethics Channel regarding possible breaches of the principles contained in the Code of Ethics. To this end, the Ethics Committee will follow the procedure established in Annex I of these Regulations and will adopt the appropriate resolutions, reports or notes, forwarding them to the corresponding disciplinary bodies when necessary.
- Process and resolve queries received through the Ethics Channel regarding the content and application of the Code of Ethics. To this end, the Ethics Committee will follow the procedure established in Annex I of these Regulations and will adopt the appropriate resolutions, reports or notes.
- Review and update the standard work procedures included in Annex I of this Regulation.
- Report on the actions carried out and, in particular, on the complaints received for violation of the Code of Ethics. The Ethics Committee will report this in the annual report and through other instruments that may be enabled for this purpose.
- Prepare its Action Plan, which will be presented to the Governing Council and published on the University's Transparency Portal.
- Any other function attributed to it by the University's own regulations.
The following functions are outside the scope of the Ethics Committee:
- Intervene in procedures whose object does not correspond to the ethical field.
- Propose sanctions or promote direct legal or disciplinary actions in relation to people or the institution.
- Surrogate or replace the competence of whoever requests your advice.
- Advise or issue a report in the cases in which the interested party files an administrative or judicial claim.
- Intervene in the functions that are proper to the "Research Ethics Committee of the Rey Juan Carlos University".
- Any other function that conflicts with the statutorily recognized powers of other University bodies.
This Regulation, once approved by the Governing Council, will enter into force the day after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Community of Madrid. However, the actions of the Ethics Committee, included in the standard operating procedures included in Annex I of these Regulations, will come into force three months after the effective constitution of the Ethics Committee.
At this time, the Work Committee for the elaboration of the Code of Ethics is proceeding with the initial appointment of the external members of the Ethics Committee in the terms established in article 11.2 of these Regulations.