The Rey Juan Carlos University, as a complement to official degrees and in accordance with the legislation and the Statutes of this University, has an offer of Own Teaching whose main objective is to provide the student with specialized training, both from a academic and professional, including studies of scientific, technological, cultural, artistic, economic or social interest. These degrees can be developed in collaboration with companies and institutions of different kinds, facilitating the incorporation of the student into the world of work.
Types of continuing education
The Master's studies will be the highest level postgraduate teachings within the permanent training offer. Its objective will be for students to acquire advanced training of a specialized or multidisciplinary nature and, where appropriate, professional.
In no case will they give access to official doctoral studies.
- They will have a duration of 60, 90 or 120 ECTS credits and must be taken for at least one academic year.
- All Master's Degrees in Lifelong Learning will include a mandatory Final Master's Project (TFM) in their study plan and of at least 6 ECTS credits.
- Passing the Master's studies through the corresponding evaluation tests will entitle, where appropriate, to obtaining the Master's Degree in Lifelong Learning in "...." by the URJC.
The teachings leading to the Diploma of Specialization will have a duration between 30 and 59 ECTS credits. Passing these studies through the corresponding evaluation tests will give the right, where appropriate, to obtain the Specialization Diploma in “…” by the URJC.
The teachings leading to the Expert Diploma will have a maximum duration of less than 30 ECTS credits. Passing these studies through the corresponding evaluation tests will give the right, where appropriate, to obtain the corresponding Diploma of Expert in "...." by the URJC.
The objective of the University Extension courses will be for students to broaden, perfect and update their knowledge, with the ultimate goal of providing an agile response to both the demands of society and the professional development of the people who take them. Access to these studies will not require hold a previous college degree. Students will receive a Diploma or University Extension Certificate depending on their type.
They are courses with a teaching load equal to or less than 30 ECTS credits.
They are teachings that allow certify learning outcomes linked to training activities short duration. Its duration must be, in any case, less than 15 ECTS credits. Passing these teachings through the corresponding evaluation tests will give the right, where appropriate, to obtain a Digital Certificate with the name of the respective course and will be included in the centralized Registry of this type of degree.
University Microcredentials
- Expert in experimental design and use of mixed models in R with mention of university microcredential
- Design thinking expert with university micro-credential recognition in design thinking
- Expert in prevention of the effects of pornography on affective-sexual health – with microcredential mention
- Expert with a university microcredential in physics, technology and oncology in proton therapy
- Expert with a university microcredential in web services and microservices
- Expert with a university microcredential in maintainable software: design, testing and development methodologies
- University Microcredential in Basic Genomic Data Analysis
- University Microcredential in Metagenomic Data Analysis
- Microcredential in Data Analytics and Interactive Visualization: Creating Reports and Dashboards with Power BI
- University microcredential in intelligent process and task automation with Power Automate
- University microcredential in creating gastronomic content for social networks
- University microcredential in gastronomic brand creation
- University micro-credential in green cooking and sustainable raw materials
- University microcredential in lactose-free menu design in restaurants
- University microcredential in gluten-free menu design in restaurants
- University microcredential in wine expert: tasting, service and pairing
- University microcredential in artificial intelligence in education
- University Microcredential in Humanitarian Logistics
- University micro-credential in food preservation and cooking techniques, vacuum and fifth range
- University microcredential to improve culinary techniques
- University microcredential restaurant desserts
- Contemporary culinary technique and technological ingredient university microcredential
- University microcredential for work and comprehensive management in kitchen
- Salesforce Administrator Certification Microcredential
- Salesforce IA Associate Certification Microcredential
- Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Certification Microcredential
Academic offer 2024/25
Social and Legal Sciences
- Master of permanent training in intelligence analyst
- Master of permanent training in comprehensive advice in the commercial, labor and tax sphere of companies
- Permanent training master's degree in foreign trade from the Madrid Chamber of Commerce
- Master's degree in continuing education in international cooperation and conflict resolution
- Continuing Education Master's Degree in European Sports Law
- Master of permanent training in management of fashion companies of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid 10th Edition
- Master of permanent training in ecommerce, digital marketing and marketplaces ECOMMASTER VIII
- Master of permanent training in creative economy full-time modality
- Permanent training master's degree in SAP logistics project management
- Ongoing training master's degree in SAP logistics project management (online)
- Master of continuing training in customer relationship management (CRM) salesforce from the Rey Juan Carlos University
- Master's degree in continuing education in customer relationship management (CRM) Salesforce ONLINE from the Rey Juan Carlos University
- Master of permanent training in forensic social work
- Master of permanent training in creative economy executive modality
- Master of continuing education in global affairs (Itinerary – Mexico)
- Specialist in strategic communication, hybrid threats and security
- Intelligence and Comprehensive Security Specialist
- Expert in local public auditing and compliance management in public administration from the Rey Juan Carlos University
- Expert in advances in the control of human movement
- Expert in mountain physical activities and leadership
- Expert in financial analysis (Chartered Financial Analyst – CFA Level I)
- Expert in business tax advice
- Expert in business labor consulting
- Expert in commercial business consulting
- Expert in digitalization, innovation and technology skills in the sports ecosystem (3nd edition)
- Parental Coordination Expert
- Design thinking expert with university micro-credential recognition in design thinking
- Football sports director expert
- Expert in digitalization of purchasing processes with SAP Ariba
- Expert in preparing and verifying sustainability reports
- Expert in the legal implications of artificial intelligence
- mediation expert
- Expert in prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing XVII Edition
- University expert in actionable futures and intelligence analysis
- University extension course for Legal Assistants for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
- University extension course on digitalization, innovation and technology skills in the sports ecosystem (3nd edition)
- University extension course in European and comparative law
- University extension course in commercial management and marketing of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid
- University extension course on ethics of care, social health care and community service
- University extension course in theatrical improvisation
- University extension course in institutions, administrative services, accounting, customer relations and public and private management
- University extension course in neuromuscular assessment in sports training
- University extension course: Pilates floor method monitor for physical conditioning and functional recovery
- University microcredential in artificial intelligence in education
- University Microcredential in Humanitarian Logistics
- Salesforce Administrator Certification Microcredential
- Salesforce IA Associate Certification Microcredential
- Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Certification Microcredential
- Master of continuing education in narrative design and video game studies (online)
- Master of Continuing Education in Investigative Journalism, New Narratives, Data, FactChecking and Transparency
- Master's degree in continuing education in television journalism URJC-IRTVE. XXIV edition
- Master of permanent training in television reporting
- University extension course in journalism specialized in security and defense
- University extension course on urban green solutions II by the Rey Juan Carlos University
- University extension course on techniques for live television
- University extension course: voiceover in television news. Techniques and practices
- Expert in genomic and metagenomic data analysis
- Expert in experimental design and use of mixed models in R with mention of university microcredential
- Expert in design and management of proton therapy facilities
- Expert in REACH regulation (registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemical substances and mixtures) (CE no. 1907/2006.REACH)
- Expert in CLP regulations (classification, labeling and packaging of substances and mixtures) and new modifications
- Expert in IUCLID-6 and REACH-IT as tools for the creation and presentation of registration of chemical substances
- Expert in safety data sheets. Mixtures. EU Regulation 2015/830
- Expert in regulations of biocides, phytosanitary products, cosmetics and detergents
- Expert with a university microcredential in physics, technology and oncology in proton therapy
Health Sciences
- European master of science in implant dentistry || Edition 2021/2022
- Permanent training master's degree in microscopic endodontics and apical surgery || Edition 2024/2025
- Permanent training master's degree in oral surgery and implantology || Edition 2024/2025
- Permanent training master's degree in advanced implantology, tissue regeneration and implant-supported rehabilitation || Edition 2024/2025
- Own Master's Degree in Aesthetic Medicine || Edition 2019/2020
- Own master's degree in obesity and its comorbidities: prevention, diagnosis and comprehensive treatment VIII Edition
- Master of permanent training in aesthetic restorative dentistry and endodontics || Edition 2024/2025
- Permanent training master's degree in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics || Edition 2024/2025
- Permanent training master's degree in renal pathology || Edition 2024/2025
- Master of permanent training in periodontics and osseointegration || Edition 2024/2025
- Master of continuing education in advanced practice of wound and ostomy care in adults and pediatrics || Edition 2024/2025
- Permanent training master's degree in implant prosthetics || Edition 2024/2025
- Own Master's Degree in Forensic Psychology || Edition 2021/2022
- Permanent training master's degree in human reproduction || Edition 2024/2025
- Permanent training master's degree on human immunodeficiency virus infection || Edition 2024/2025
- Specialist in advanced periodontics and osseointegration || Edition 2020/2021
- Specialist in child protection: quality care
- Mental health occupational therapy specialist || Edition 2024/2025
- Child occupational therapy specialist || Edition 2024/2025
- Hand therapy specialist || Edition 2024/2025
- University specialist in biomechanics and orthopedics of the lower extremity || Edition 2024/2025
- Expert in therapeutic exercise and functional rehabilitation in physiotherapy || CANCELED
- Expert in evaluation and intervention of child development and learning disorders from a clinical and pedagogical approach
- Patient Experience Expert || Edition 2024/2025
- Expert in sports physiotherapy || Edition 2024/2025
- Expert in neurological physiotherapy || Edition 2024/2025
- Expert in invasive physiotherapy: dry needling, acupuncture and electrolysis || Edition 2020/2021
- Implant prosthetics expert || Edition 2024/2025
- Expert in basic pediatric infectology
- Expert in animal assisted interventions || Edition 2019/2020
- Expert in qualitative research and mixed designs in health sciences || Edition 2024/2025
- Oral medicine expert || Edition 2021/2022
- Expert in pilates method for physical conditioning and functional recovery || Edition 2019/2020
- Expert in advanced periodontics. || Edition 2024/2025
- Expert in prevention of the effects of pornography on affective-sexual health – with Microcredential Mention || Edition 2024/2025
- Expert in prosthetics on implants 2.0 || Edition 2024/2025
- Aquatic therapy expert || Edition 2019/2020
- Expert in osteo-articular manual therapy and muscular dry puncture of the musculoskeletal system || Edition 2024/2025
- Product supervisor expert orthopedics Team Building || Edition 2024/2025
- University nursing expert in assisted reproduction || Edition 2022/2023
- Expert in gynecological laparoscopic surgery in animal model || Edition 2023/2024
- Advanced bone augmentation with PRF
- Clinical residency in dental implantology
- Runner motor control: injury prevention and recovery
- Introductory Course on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Principles and Applications || Edition 2022/2023
- Course of entheses in rheumatic diseases
- Expert patient course in chronic diseases || Edition 2022/2023
- Therapeutic exercise course and functional rehabilitation in physiotherapy || CANCELED
- Course leadership and management of dental clinics
- Advanced university course in diagnostic ultrasound in ankle and foot pathology
- Advanced University Course in Preclinical Evaluation in the Development of Medicines for Human Use || Edition 2021/2022
- Advanced university course in implant prosthetics || Edition 2022/2023
- Higher University Course in Instrumentation in Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery in Animal Model || Edition 2023/2024
- Advanced university course in sclerosing treatment of varicose veins and telangiectasias in the foot and ankle
- Gait assessment and training in patients with motor control disorders || Edition 2018/2019
- Physiotherapy in cervicocraniofacial pain. Headaches: reasoning and treatment of cervical, cranial and facial pain
- For high value internal medicine
- Prevention of child abuse. From secure attachment to complex trauma
- Technician in assisted interventions with animals (TTIAA)
- University extension course in therapeutic exercise in children's neurological population || Edition 2022/2023
- University extension course on prevention and approach, from physiotherapy, of infant colic || Edition 2022/2023
- University extension course at Instructor Xiaxi for back pain prevention and stress reduction || Edition 2024/2025
Engineering and architecture
- Master of permanent training in cloud apps: development and deployment of cloud applications
- Master of continuing education in data science and engineering
- Permanent training master's degree in aerospace design, manufacturing and maintenance engineering
- Expert with a university microcredential in web services and microservices
- Expert with a university microcredential in maintainable software: design, testing and development methodologies
- University expert in tools for the management of smart buildings from the Rey Juan Carlos University
- CISCO CCNA V7 university extension course
- University extension course for electronic video game referee
- University extension course for electronic video game trainer
- University extension course for electronic video game player
- University extension course on allergens and cross contamination
- University extension course on creating a gastronomic business
- University extension course avant-garde cuisine and gastronomic direction
- University extension course sweet world and restaurant desserts
- University extension course perfecting culinary technique and recipes
- University microcredential in creating gastronomic content for social networks
- University microcredential in gastronomic brand creation
- University microcredential in lactose-free menu design in restaurants
- University microcredential in gluten-free menu design in restaurants
- University microcredential in wine expert: tasting, service and pairing
- University micro-credential in green cooking and sustainable raw materials
- University micro-credential in food preservation and cooking techniques, vacuum and fifth range
- University microcredential to improve culinary techniques
- University microcredential restaurant desserts
- Contemporary culinary technique and technological ingredient university microcredential
- University microcredential for work and comprehensive management in kitchen
Arts and Humanities
- Master's degree in continuing education in document archaeology: analysis, interpretation, research and conservation of Hispanic written sources
- Master of continuing education in digital humanities applied to cultural, intangible and artistic heritage in America and Spain
Bonus training
The Rey Juan Carlos University is registered in the State Register of Training Entities of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE). This enables us to provide subsidized training actions. In other words, our own teaching courses may form part of the company's training plans for their workers, and these may deduct part of the course expenses by using the training credit available to them.
The possibility of obtaining bonuses in the Social Security contribution can be an additional incentive for certain companies to resort to our courses with the aim of improving the training of their workers. In this way, and especially through the Own Teaching courses, we will be able to encourage the transfer of knowledge from our institution to the productive fabric of society.
For this, the courses must meet a series of requirements that, although they are simple, must be taken into account:
- All of them must be developed within a single fiscal year.
- In the case of face-to-face training, a maximum of 30 participants per course and a maximum duration of 8 hours of training per day is established.
- For non-face-to-face training, the number of 80 participants per tutor must not be exceeded and the virtual platform must meet a series of requirements that our Virtual Classroom meets.
In addition, the bonus by the companies establishes the obligation of the training entity, in this case the URJC, to:
- Facilitate and take co-responsibility in monitoring the participation, learning and evaluation of students
- Submit to quality controls and audits.
You can find more detailed information on all these aspects on the FUNDAE website (
Request for new proposals of own Teachings (Continuing Education)
Dear teacher,
Below you can find the forms for requesting the evaluation of new Proprietary Teaching proposals (Annex I- Academic and Economic Report)
You can address your queries as well as the reports once completed to
Proposals must be submitted at least three months in advance of the scheduled start date of the course.
Likewise, indicate that they have a help guide for the preparation of the aforementioned documentation.
- Annex I Academic Report Own Teachings Postgraduate
- Annex I Academic Report Own Teachings University Extension
- Annex I Academic Report Own Teaching Expert and Microcredentials
- Annex I Financial Report
- Calendar for requesting new proposals
- CRUE Recommendations for the Use of Language in Universities
- Model Collaboration Agreement
New proposals in process
- University Extension Course in Autobiographies: Anthropology, Cinema and Education.
- University extension course in European and Comparative Law
- Expert in Local Public Audit and Compliance Management in Public Administration
The Rey Juan Carlos University is registered in the State Register of Training Entities of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE). This enables us to provide subsidized training actions. In other words, our own teaching courses may form part of the company's training plans for their workers, and these may deduct part of the course expenses by using the training credit available to them.
The possibility of obtaining bonuses in the Social Security contribution can be an additional incentive for certain companies to resort to our courses with the aim of improving the training of their workers. In this way, and especially through the Own Teaching courses, we will be able to encourage the transfer of knowledge from our institution to the productive fabric of society.
For this, the courses must meet a series of requirements that, although they are simple, must be taken into account:
- All of them must be developed within a single fiscal year.
- In the case of face-to-face training, a maximum of 30 participants per course and a maximum duration of 8 hours of training per day is established.
- For non-face-to-face training, the number of 80 participants per tutor must not be exceeded and the virtual platform must meet a series of requirements that our Virtual Classroom meets.
In addition, the bonus by the companies establishes the obligation of the training entity, in this case the URJC, to:
- Facilitate and take co-responsibility in monitoring the participation, learning and evaluation of students
- Submit to quality controls and audits.
You can find more detailed information on all these aspects on the FUNDAE website (
Dear teacher,
Below you can find the forms for requesting the evaluation of new Proprietary Teaching proposals (Annex I- Academic and Economic Report)
You can address your queries as well as the reports once completed to
Proposals must be submitted at least three months in advance of the scheduled start date of the course.
Likewise, indicate that they have a help guide for the preparation of the aforementioned documentation.
- Annex I Academic Report Own Teachings Postgraduate
- Annex I Academic Report Own Teachings University Extension
- Annex I Academic Report Own Teaching Expert and Microcredentials
- Annex I Financial Report
- Calendar for requesting new proposals
- CRUE Recommendations for the Use of Language in Universities
- Model Collaboration Agreement