Continuing Education
Phone: 91 665 5060
Academic direction: Ana Maria Bravo Fernandez
Student attention: Student Help Box Suggestions, complaints and congratulations mailbox
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Basic Information
“Sport is part of the heritage of every man and every woman, and nothing can make up for its absence”Pierre de Coubertin.
With this phrase the European Union heads its White Paper on sport, as a social and economic phenomenon on the rise. The Commission recognizes the important role of sport in European society, especially when it comes to being closer to the people and solving the problems that directly affect them.
Sport is facing new threats and new problems arising in European society, such as commercial pressure, exploitation of young players, doping, racism, violence, corruption and money laundering.
We are currently facing an adaptation to the European Higher Education Area where the postgraduate course is presented as essential for all students interested in specializing their academic knowledge and integrating with a professional level in sports law.
The importance of sport was included in the set of guiding principles of social and economic policy that includes the third chapter of title I of the Spanish Constitution, which in its article 43.3 states: "The public powers will promote physical education and sports. They also encourage the proper use of leisure”. The fundamental objective of the Sports Law is to regulate the legal framework in which sports practice must take place within the scope of the State.
The acquisition by public institutions of an unusual role as guarantor of sport, opens a market until now reserved for the private sector, the tendency to contract sports services by public institutions requires some knowledge of regulation of the legal regime applicable to the effects.
Sport is presented as a new economic, social and legal power; proof of this is the increase in sports marketing, international transfers of athletes, the role of sponsorship, brand management, agents and representatives, being abundantly clear the extension of an emerging market that as such demands professionals with specialized knowledge in a sports legal framework.
The Rey Juan Carlos University, since its foundation, has been committed to promoting sports among its students, currently having a chair in this area, a large number of sports facilities, teams and events, as well as participation as a hallmark of guarantee in different conferences, seminars and postgraduate courses related to sport, show the need to promote the creation of the present "Master in Sports Law”, to meet the demand for training students and professionals with the capacity to advise athletes, sports associations, federations, Leagues, and regional and national public entities.
Similarly, the Center for Documentation and European Studies Emile Noel Given its orientation to the analysis and study of community regulations, it is the perfect framework for the creation and development of this master's degree.
The Methodology and structure of this course is configured as follows:
- Blended content with theoretical classes that will be taught on Fridays from 17:21 p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.
- Online content for carrying out practical cases, forums and delivery of material.
- Possibility of training practices in public and private entities or institutions related to the contents of the course.
- Specialization seminars, symposiums and possible educational visits (Superior Sports Council, Spanish Olympic Committee, Spanish Football Federation, City of the Racquet...).
The objective, therefore, is to train professionals who can cover a profile of experts in all areas of sports legislation, within public or private sports institutions, companies involved in the sector, as well as any type of office or cabinet that is dedicated to advising entities and athletes.
Module 1.- Sports Policy of the European Union (18 hours)
- General disposition
- White Paper on Sport
- Internal Sports Market
- Court of Justice of the European Union
Module 2.- Sports organization (38 hours)
- Law of Sport
- Superior Sports Council
- Sport clubs
- Spanish sports federations
- Particularities of the different sports Federations
- International sports federations
- Professional leagues
- Olympic sport
- Subsidies in sport
- Regime of sports foundations
Module 3.- Economic-Financial Management in sport (72 hours)
- Financial Economic Planning
- Financial Assets. Concepts and Taxation
- Asset Management: Family business
- Prevention of Money Laundering
Module 4.- Sports taxation (52 hours)
- Remuneration of the professional athlete
- Incidence of Value Added Tax in sports
- Incidence of Corporate Taxes in sport
- Social security mutual funds for professional athletes
- Tax incentives for patronage in sports
Module 5.- Substantive aspects of the sports relationship (112 hours)
- Employment relationship of athletes
- Commercial and Civil Regulation in sports
- Sports Marketing
- Criminal Law in Sports
- Assumptions of Jurisdictional Rights in sports relations
Module 6.- Legal regime of sports facilities (36 hours)
- Technical and legislative regulation of sports facilities
- Sustainability criteria in sports facilities
- Development of a master plan in the urban area of a sports facility
- Environmental Protection
Module 7.- Sports journalism (36 hours)
- Sports broadcasts and broadcasts
- Rights of broadcasting entities
Module 8.- Protection of Health and Equality (36 hours)
- Health Protection (8 hours)
- Food and Nutrition in Sports
- Sports medicine
- Sports Psychology
- Equality and participation of Women in Sports
- Adapted sports
The course seeks to complete the training of students with degrees in Law, Business Administration and Management, Economics, Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations, Marketing, as well as sports professionals who want to complete their training and seek a specialization.
Academic Management and Faculty
Director: Mr. Francisco Javier Arroyo Romero – Full Professor (i) URJC
Vice principal: Mr. Vicente de Pablo Ubierna. Expert in sports and leisure marketing. Teacher.
Secretary: Mrs. Ana María Bravo Fernández – ICAM Lawyer
Academic Council:
- Juan de Dios Crespo Perez.
- Pablo Alvarez de Linera Granda.
- Fco. Javier Carrillo Bernal.
- Alfonso Jimeno Married.
- Alfredo Rueda Guijarro.
- Miguel Mangada Ferber.
- Vicente de Pablo Ubierna
- Francisco Camazon Linacero.
- Mr. Francisco Javier Arroyo Romero. URJC Professor.
- Mr. Francisco Bonilla Salvador: Capital Markets.
- D. Alfonso José Jimeno Casado: Archimedean Architect.
- D. César Archilla: Spanish Rugby Federation.
- Mr. Juan de Dios Crespo: Lawyer Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo.
- Mr. Miguel Mangada Ferbert. Investor.
- Mr. Jesús Alberto Messía de la Cerda Ballesteros: URJC Professor.
- Mr. Enric Ripoll González: Lawyer.
- Ms. Ana Cortés Bendicho: Lawyer. One Legal Partners.
- Mr. Agustín Amorós Martínez: Lawyer Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo.
- Mr. Javier Carrillo Bernal: Lawyer
- Mr. Pablo Chico de la Cámara: URJC Professor.
- D. Vicente de Pablo Ubierna. Sports and leisure marketing. Professor.
- Mr. Luca Ferrari: Lawyer Withers World Wide.
- D. Enrique Alonso Fraile: Psychologist.
- Mrs. Elena Pineros. URJC Full Professor, Procedural Law.
- Mrs. María Palma Álvarez Pozo. URJC Full Professor, Criminal Law.
- Mr. Raúl López Martínez. Magistrate. Associate Professor URJC.
- Mr. Ignacio Urrutia: UFV Professor. Management of sports organizations.
- Laura Hernández Guerra: AEAF General Secretary.
- Mr. Hugo Pazos de Provens: KNOT Operations Manager.
- Mr. Iván García Joglar. Lawyer.
- Mr. David Martín Casero: IESE Master.
- Mr. Juan Crespo Ruiz-Huerta: Lawyer.
- Mr. Oscar Sánchez: Economist.
- Mr. Raúl Chapado. Lawyer. President of the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation. Former athlete.
- Mr. Gaspar Diaz. Journalist. Europe Press.
- Mr. Antonio Esteva. Journalist. Atresmedia.
- Mrs. Marisa Santana. Lawyer and Mediator.
- Dolores Saenz de Ibarra: Former swimmer. A lawyer.
Quality guarantee
Composition of the commission
Presidency (academic direction): Francisco Javier Arroyo Romero
Secretary (teacher representative): Francisco Javier Carrillo Bernal
Student representative: Beatriz Caceres Ore
It will be selected once registration is completed and the course begins.
PTGAS Representative: Beatriz Martin Barrio
Head of Continuing Education Service.
Representative of employer companies and society: Ana Maria Bravo Fernandez
Results report
Once the follow-up of the Master of Lifelong Training has been carried out, the most relevant quantitative information on the results obtained in the follow-up of said Degree is shown.
General information collection plan
Within the quality assurance system of the Rey Juan Carlos University, the following surveys are planned:
- Student profile
- Teacher evaluation
- Degree of satisfaction:
- Of the students
- of the graduates
- From the Faculty
- Administration and Services Staff
- Labor insertion
- External internships:
- Satisfaction of interns
- External tutor satisfaction
- Employer satisfaction
Survey results:
Improvement actions
The Quality Assurance System of the Rey Juan Carlos University establishes that the degree's Quality Assurance Commission will annually analyze the information derived from the degree's indicators and prepare a report that will include improvement plans if the results so indicate.
Duration and development
Months: October to May
Horas: 480
Home: October 18, 2.024
End: 30 May 2.025
The rest of the hours up to 25 hours per ECTS credit correspond to the student's work.
Credits: 60
Number of places offered: 60
Course location:
Classes will be taught at the Vicálvaro Campus of the URJC.
Selection criteria:
Experience, academic record, motivation letter, interview
Minimum attendance required: 80%
Reservation of place and enrollment
Pre-registration start date: JULY 09, 2024 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30, 2024
REGISTRATION: 01/10/2024 UNTIL 17/10/2024
Title price: 2.990
Pre-registration: €500. This amount is included in the total cost of the course and will be returned if your academic request is not accepted. If, once the student's application has been admitted, the enrollment is not formalized, the amount deposited for pre-enrolment will not be returned.
No. of Places:
The start of the course is conditioned to the minimum number of students enrolled.
The start of the course is conditioned to the minimum number of students enrolled
Documentation to attach, forms and place of delivery
The documentation that the applicants will have to submit is the following:
- A copy of the pre-registration made online.
In addition, a photocopy must be submitted for comparison or a certified photocopy of:
- National Identity Document or Passport.
- 1 passport size photographs
- Title accrediting your studies
- Curriculum Vitae
- Any other document that the Director of the Own Title specifically requires for its acceptance.
Applications for admission to an Own Degree, must submit the required documentation, in the General Registry of the Rey Juan Carlos University located on the Móstoles Campus, or in any of the Auxiliary Registries of the University, located on the Alcorcón Campus. , Fuenlabrada and Vicalvaro. You can deliver the documentation in person (presenting the original and photocopy), send it by certified mail (sending certified photocopies), or submit it by any other of the procedures established in article 38 of the Law on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure. .
The address of the General Registry of the Rey Juan Carlos University is as follows:
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
General Registry
Mostoles Campus
C/Tulipán s/n
28933 Mostoles