Entrance exams to undergraduate studies
EvAU (University Access Assessment)
Information for students
Dates |
Enlace |
Evau 2024 Extraordinary call | ||
Provisional release of grades |
July 10 at 12:00 p.m. | |
Review Request |
From July 11 until 14:00 p.m. on July 15. Through the notes consultation platform. | |
Final Grades and Report Cards for Students Who they do not request review |
July 16th. Starting at 09:00 a.m. | |
Publication of final notes after the Review |
July 23th. Starting at 12:00 a.m. |
Dates |
Enlace |
Evau 2024 Ordinary call | ||
Download Report Cards definitive |
Publication of definitive notes and card download |
General information about the EVAU for high school and vocational training students
Admission to undergraduate studies
Language requirements for admission to Degree
Language requirements for admission to degrees taught in Spanish
Language requirements for admission to Degrees taught in English
Grades with specific test/language level test
Results of specific tests/language level test extraordinary phase 2024-25
For studies with a specific access test or language level test, it is necessary to take and pass it with the PASS qualification. Passing the language accreditation test does not give the right to obtain a diploma or certification of language level nor does it presuppose automatic admission to these Degrees, since the assessment criteria and priorities for the selection of students who are SUITABLE will be the same as for the rest of the studies. The PASS score in a specific test or language level test will be valid for two academic years.
Specific test request / language level test (The application, together with proof of payment of the fees, must be attached to the pre-registration platform before July 26 at 14:00 p.m.)
Characteristics of the tests of the degrees with specific test
Degree in Visual Arts and Dance (Fuenlabrada)
Degree in Musical Composition (TAI)
Degree in Musical Composition (English) (TAI)
Degree in Performing Arts-Audiovisual Interpretation (TAI)
Degree in Performing Arts-Audiovisual Interpretation (English) (TAI)
Degree in Photography and Audiovisual Creation (TAI)
Degrees with language level test
Degree in Translation and Interpretation
Documentation to provide
The documentation must be attached electronically to the pre-registration. During the academic year, the physical presentation of the documentation that cannot be verified as valid digitally will be requested.
Provisional documents, drafts or documents without legal validity will not be accepted.
- Request to take the tests/language level test
- Proof of payment of the fees for the Specific Test/language level test.
- In case of total or partial exemption from fees: Documentation that justifies said exemption (Person with Disabilities, Large Family...)
Specific test accreditation fees / language level test
- Test amount: 87,48 €
- Large Family of General Category: €43,74
- Large family of Special Category: Exempt from payment of fees
- Person with Disability: Exempt from payment of fees
If you are entitled to any type of discount or exemption in the amount of the fees, you must attach the supporting documentation of said discount/exemption electronically when making your pre-registration.
Entry Procedures
Admission from EvAU, PAU and previous Spanish systems
Admission from Vocational Training and equivalents
Admission from educational systems of the EU or other countries with an agreement
Admission from Baccalaureate approved with Baccalaureate Modality Accreditation
Admission from approved Baccalaureate
Admission from tests of over 25 years
Admission from tests of over 40 years
admitted students
IMPORTANT!! The list of admitted students must be consulted with the same email address used to make the pre-registration request.
The public universities of the district of Madrid have already notified via email and sms admission results. You can consult them on the single district platform: https://admdum.ucm.es/admdum/.
Admission by waiting lists
Access to the Undergraduate waiting list platform for the 2024/25 academic year
Application procedure for admission to undergraduate studies by waiting lists
Those students who, having applied for admission through the overall quota in any Degree of the URJC have not obtained a place in any of the requested studies or have not obtained a place in the most preferred studies consigned in their pre-registration application, they can enroll in the waiting lists - confirming their inclusion in each one of them - during the days 12, 15 and 16 of July. Those who for reasons majeure have not been able to register in the previous term, may do so on July 17 and 18 by presenting claim for inclusion in the Degree Waiting Lists.
Students who applied for admission through the quota of graduates Those wishing to be included in the waiting lists must request it through a claim against non-admission within the same period (July 12, 15 and 16), through the following link: https://sede.urjc.es/catalogo-de-servicios/RECDUN/
- You can only request inclusion on waiting lists in any or all of the URJC Degree studies with the highest preference from those indicated in the initial pre-registration application submitted on the Madrid Single District pre-registration platform.
- In the event of requesting inclusion in several waiting lists, the order of priority will be the same as that marked by the student in their initial pre-registration (For example, if you have obtained a place in your second option, you can request to be included in the waiting list for the first option, but it will not be possible to do so in the third or subsequent options.).
- To know your position on each waiting list it is essential to be registered in each one of them.
- The position on each waiting list may vary due to the resolution of claims against non-admission, the registration of new students or the making of appeals.
- Calls by waiting list will only be made in those degree studies in which there is a drop in enrollment, from the second half of July and until October 15.
- Once a place has been awarded after the call is made, the student has two days to formalize your registration, or you will lose that place.
- If you are already admitted and enrolled in a Degree at the URJC and you are admitted by waiting list in another Degree of the URJC:
- If you have not paid any amount for registration, you can register the new Degree only after having canceled the first registration through the license plate modification platform.
- If you have paid any amount for registration, you must contact the Student Secretary of the campus where the Degree awarded by waiting list is taught so that the economic transfer and the new registration can be made.
Complementary training requirements prior to the recognition of foreign qualifications
Complementary training requirements prior to the recognition of foreign qualifications
Admission regulations
RD971/2007, of July 13, on high-level and high-performance athletes
Agreement for the improvement of teacher training
Organic Law 3/2020, of December 29, which modifies Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education
It proceeds to the opening of the waiting list of the Degree in Medicine on October 26, 2021. The call will be made in strict order of note on the list.
The student will be called twice moving to the next on the list in case of no answer.
The Conference of Deans of the Faculties of Dentistry of Spain in collaboration with the Ministry of Universities, has agreed to carry out the test to pass the complementary training requirements for the homologation of the title that enables the exercise of the regulated profession of dentist in Spain, on March 8, 2024 (May 10, 2024 for the practical part).
- Test Overview
- Syllabus and bibliography
- Number of seats: 25
- Examination fees once admitted: €145,36
Admitted list 2023-2024. See here
Template correct answers homologation exam. See here
Table of definitive correct answers for the homologation exam. See here
To the requests, which must be delivered through the electronic headquarters of the University (General instance (Exposes/Requests)), you must attach:
- application form
- Copy of the final resolution of the General Subdirectorate of Degrees of the Ministry of Universities in which the homologation of your foreign degree is conditioned to the passing of certain complementary requirements.
- Photocopy of the DNI / NIE / Residence Card or Passport
Applications that meet the requirements will be accepted by strict order of entry until the number of places offered for the test is completed.
Enrollment and degree validations
IMPORTANT!! You must access the self-registration with the same email address that you used to make the pre-registration request.
The enrollment process at the Rey Juan Carlos University is done over the Internet. You can carry out the procedures through any computer with network access
The places, deadlines and documentation to deliver you can consult them at the end of this same page.
For any query or clarification, you can contact the Academic Management Service for Undergraduate Students on the phone 914889393 or through the Student Help Box.
Access to automatic validation (Available from July 12 to October 15, 2024)
What else should you know before enrolling?
First, and before doing your self-registration, it is very important that you check the academic calendar, the schedules for the next course, the public prices and the book of subjects.
- Academic Calendar (You can see the exam periods, closing minutes, etc.)
- Schedule (Check the schedules of your classes before registering)
- Public Prices 2024/2025 (the prices of the academic year 2023/24 are maintained)
- Book of subjects grade 2024/2025 (Here you can consult the codes of the subjects and the semesters in which they are taught)
Secondly, display if you are a student of APPLYING TO THE PROGRAM or student VETERAN:
The registration date for new students in the 2024-25 academic year of the ordinary phase is from July 12, 2024 from 10:00 until July 16, 2024 (both included)
IMPORTANT!! You must access the self-registration with the same email address that you used to make the pre-registration request.
We recommend that you read the general self-registration procedures and instructions before entering the self-registration platform. You also have a self-registration tutorial in case you have any questions.
Procedures and General Instructions for self-registration of Degree 2024-25 |
Registration modification procedure and instructions 2024-25 |
Regulations for enrollment and permanence in degree studies. Academic year 2023/24
The deadline to request the 5th, 6th or successive registration of one or more subjects and/or the extraordinary year of permanence in degree studies will be from July 19, 2024 to July 30, 2024, and then they will be able to enroll in the expected date of registration
IMPORTANT NOTE: The veteran student will enroll on the day and at the time that corresponds to him, to have preference when choosing a group, shift or subject, being able to self-enroll from that date until the end of the enrollment period.
On the corresponding day, according to the self-enrollment calendar, you can enroll from any computer anywhere with internet access from stipulated time for your degree, except in the case that you have to request an extraordinary year of permanence or a fifth and/or successive enrollments
please also check class schedules before doing the self-registration to avoid problems. Access to schedules
CHECK THE DATE OF YOUR REGISTRATION 2024-25 (starting July 12 at 10:00)
We recommend that before entering the self-registration platform you read the general self-registration procedures and instructions. You also have a self-registration tutorial in case you have any questions.
Procedures and General Instructions for self-registration of Degree 2024-25 |
Registration modification procedure and instructions 2024-25 |
Access to the application for the fifth or successive registration |
Fifth or successive enrollment application procedure 2024-25 |
Application procedure for an Extraordinary Year of Permanence |
The dates for the application of the Court of Compensation will be |
Regulations for enrollment and permanence in degree studies. Academic year 2023/24
Locations, deadlines and documentation (new income and veterans)
- Degrees Check dates and codes
- Degrees Check dates and codes
- Degrees Check dates and codes
- Degrees Check dates and codes
- Degrees Check dates and codes
Those students who find themselves in any of these situations must send documentation to the Student Secretariat, through the registration modification platform (only for documentation of deduction in their registration) or through the specific email of each Student Secretariat:
- Students who have previously started and not completed university studies must also present payment of the fees corresponding to the File Transfer.
- Students with some type of deduction in their enrollment (Large Family in effect during enrollment, Person with Disabilities in effect during enrollment, Victim of Terrorism and Honors in high school/Higher Level Training Cycle/LOGSE).
- Students who opt for the installment payment method must present the Direct Debit order, by email to your student secretary (before the September 9). Students who present this documentation later, and always before September 30, they must bear in mind that they will not be able to direct debit the second payment receipt, corresponding to the month of October, and must make the payment by bank receipt.
All students who must submit documentation will have until the September 30 (except the Direct Debit Order) for the current year.
Students are recommended to consult the registration instructions, published on the URJC website, before registering.
The emails of the Student Secretaries to which the documentation can be sent are the following:
In this section you can request validations/recognition of subjects.
First We recommend that you carefully read the regulations and the instructions to request them:
Validation/recognition regulations
Validation application instructions 2024/2025 (TYPE I, TYPE II and TYPE III)
The URJC offers three types of requests for validations/recognitions:
Those students who are going to apply for a recognition between a degree whose origin is URJC (which has not been completed) and a destination degree URJC, they must carry out their recognition automatically, as long as there is a validation table, before formalizing their self-registration.
Automatic validation of subjects (from 14:00 p.m.)
The recognition of subjects at the URJC is done through the Internet, from the formalization of the self-registration, from its Services Portal, until October 15 through the platform enabled for it (Services Portal / Request for validation / recognition ). It is necessary to be enrolled in the degree, but it is not necessary to have enrolled in the specific subjects whose recognition is sought.
This will also be the type of application procedure for those students who have completed a URJC degree and, having been admitted and having self-enrolled in another URJC degree, wish to request recognition of subjects in the new degree.
The recognition of subjects at the URJC is done through the Internet, from the formalization of the self-registration, from its Services Portal, until October 15 through the platform enabled for it (Services Portal / Request for validation / recognition ). It is necessary to be enrolled in the degree, but not in the specific subjects whose recognition is to be requested.
The existing validation tables between FP and degrees of the URJC can be consulted in the section “studies” on the URJC website in the information available for each specific degree.
The existing validation tables between FP and double degrees of the URJC can be consulted by accessing them from the following link:
FP Validation Tables for double degrees
Validation of the subject MODERN LANGUAGE
The subject "Modern Language" is requested in the same ordinary term and through the same platform as the rest of the Degree subjects:
Information regarding the ordinary validation of Modern Language
There is an extraordinary term "end of career" to request (as long as the requirements are met) the validation of Modern Language:
How and when to register
When do I have to enroll?
Are you a new student?
If you are a new student, you can enroll from 10:00 a.m. on the day the admission lists are published. until July 16.
Once you access the system, new students They must enter with a Guest account at URJC, which will allow validation in the self-registration application. This account can be validated with a mobile phone or email
Are you a veteran student?
If you are a veteran student, you can enroll from the date and time established for your degree and until July 30. You can check these in the following link using your URJC username and password.
If you have overcome 180 credits or more, you will have priority when registering, since you will register 15 minutes before than the rest of the students of your degree, in order not to collapse the system.
How do I have to enroll?
To be able to enroll in any degree at URJC, you must use the self-registration platform, which is available in our web page. This platform will be open within the deadlines established for each type of student
Are you a new student?
If you are a new student, you can enroll from 10:00 a.m. on the day the admission lists are published until July 16.
Once you access the system, new students They must enter with a Guest account at URJC, which will allow validation in the self-registration application. This account can be validated with a mobile phone or email.
IMPORTANT!! The list of admitted students must be consulted with the same email address used to make the pre-registration request.
Are you a veteran student?
If you are a veteran student, you can enroll from the date and time established for your degree and until July 30. You can check the dates in the following link using your URJC username and password.
If you have overcome 180 credits or more, you will have priority when registering, since you will register 15 minutes before than the rest of the students of your degree, in order not to collapse the system.
How many subjects do I have to enroll in?
Is this the first time you enroll in the degree?
If it is the first time that you enroll in the degree in which you have been admitted, you should know that it is not necessary to enroll in the entire first year, but you must take into account the minimum and maximum limit of credits to enroll, of any course academic, which depend on the type of enrollment you want to make:
- Part time: between 24 and 47 credits
- Full time: between 48 and 78 credits
Errors when doing the SELF-REGISTER
When trying to register, does the system tell you that your file is blocked?
The blocking of a file usually occurs for several reasons. Here we indicate the most common and how to solve it in case you find yourself in any of them:
Do you have any pending receipt to pay from previous courses.
Solution: You must download the pending receipt from your Service Portal/My Receipts, being able to pay it in the Banco Santander, through Electronic Banking or ATMs or over the counter; or in CaixaBank, through Electronic Banking and ATMs, but Cash pickup is not accepted. In no case can this receipt be paid by direct debit or by bank transfer.
Once paid, you will have to make an official request to reactivate enrollment in any URJC register or through the Electronic Office. This request will be studied by the Office of the Vice President for Students, in strict order of arrival, and you will be given a response as soon as possible, assessing the alleged reasons and the documentation presented.
You have exhausted the years of permanence established for your degree in the URJC Enrollment and Permanence Regulations.
Solution: If it's the first year that you have exhausted the years of permanence, you must do a request on the platform enabled for it that you can find in the Electronic Office. Once the year of permanence has been granted, you will be able to self-register normally.
If you have already applied for previous courses the year of permanence, you have to make a on the platform enabled for this that you can find in the Electronic Headquarters, providing the documentation that proves an exceptionality in your case. This request will be studied by the Vice President for Students, in strict order of arrival, and you will be given an answer as soon as possible, assessing the alleged reasons and the documentation presented.
In your first registration of the degree in which you were admitted, you did not exceed the minimum number of subjects established in the URJC Enrollment and Permanence Regulations.
Solution: You can make an official request to the Rector, in any URJC register or through Electronic Office, asking to repeat the first year. This request will be studied by the Rector, in strict order of arrival, and you will be given an answer as soon as possible, assessing the alleged reasons and the documentation presented.
If you have passed from a double degree to one of the simple degrees that make up that double degree, you may have the destination file blocked.
Solution: Contact your Student Secretary. They will manage the transfer of qualifications from double to single, if it hasn't already been done, and they will unblock your file so that you can enroll normally.
When you do your registration, you are not shown a subject to be able to register it?
If when you are doing your self-registration the system does not show you a subject for which you want to enroll, it could be for one of these reasons:
In order to enroll in the subject “External Internships” it is necessary to have passed, at the time of enrollment, 45% of the degree. You must bear in mind that the credits passed are those in which the records of the subjects passed are definitively closed. That is, until a record is officially closed, the grade obtained is not taken into account in the student's record. You can find this information in the Regulation of External Internships
In the event that you have enrolled in the same subject in four different courses, without having canceled any enrollment in any of these courses, you should know that you have exceeded the maximum number of enrollments allowed per subject, as established by the URJC Enrollment and Permanence Regulations .
This application, and its consequent registration, will be made on dates after those established for ordinary registration" and then the text "Once this application is resolved, you can carry out your self-registration without problem"
Therefore, in order to enroll in these subjects, it is necessary that before self-registration, make, through the platform enabled for it, a request for a fifth, sixth or successive number plate. Once this request is resolved, you will be able to self-register without problems.
IMPORTANT: As long as you are granted a fifth, sixth or successive registrations and later you enter the self-registration, it is MANDATORY that you complete the registration process, otherwise your granting of fifth, sixth or successive registrations will be canceled and therefore you will have to make this request again.
If your degree is not fully implemented, that is, not all the courses that make up the study plan are offered, it is possible that the subject you want to enroll in is not offered in this academic year. You can check the subjects that are offered in your study plan in the current academic year in the Subject Book.
When marking a subject in the enrollment, does it indicate that it is not possible to enroll it without having enrolled or passed another?
You must bear in mind that there are degrees that have key subjects, that is, there are subjects that cannot be enrolled without having enrolled or passed others in the study plan
If your degree has second language to choose, you must bear in mind that in order to enroll in second language II you must have passed or enrolled in second language I. The same occurs with second language III, in order to enroll in it you must have passed or enrolled in second language I and II. Under no circumstances may subjects from different languages or itineraries be mixed, since once a language or itinerary has been passed, it is not possible to change to another
If you are enrolled in the Degree in Nursing, Degree in Physiotherapy, Degree in Medicine, Degree in Dentistry, Degree in Psychology o Degree in Occupational Therapy, you must bear in mind that there are incompatibility of subjects, which prevent you from enrolling in certain subjects without having passed or enrolled in others.
Can I enroll in all the optional subjects that I consider appropriate?
You must bear in mind that you can only enroll in the credits and optional subjects established in your study plan. In other words, you can never exceed the limit established in your plan and, therefore, neither the self-registration system nor the modification system will allow you to do so.
Documentation to present when registering
Do I have to present any documentation once the registration is done?
Have you checked some type of payment exemption?
They will only have to present documentation to the Student Secretariat of their Center, those students with some type of payment exemption in force at the time of registration, as long as it has not been validated by the self-registration system at the time of registration, having to prove said exemption (large family, person with disabilities, victims of terrorism, honors Baccalaureate/Higher Level Training Cycle/LOGSE, Minimum Living Income or Participants in International Peace and Security Operations).
Exemption from payment for Gender Violence
Victims of gender violence, and their sons and daughters under 25 years of age, who have not obtained a scholarship from the Ministry for this same concept, may be beneficiaries; They must pay the fees for secretarial services and school insurance, if applicable, having complete exemption from the prices of the official studies in question (Degree or Double Degree).
Documentation to present: any of those included in article 31 (Enabling title) of Law 5/2005, of December 20, comprehensive against gender violence of the Community of Madrid. For reasons of protection and security, the face-to-face appointment for the presentation will be requested in these cases from the Equality Unit of the Rey Juan Carlos University.
Where should I submit the requested documentation?
It should be send both the documentation required as proof of having requested the File Transfer through the documentation delivery and data modification platform.
In case of any incident with said platform, it can be delivered through the specific email of each Student Secretariat:
The registration when you have requested validations/recognitions
Do I have to enroll in the subjects for which I am going to request validations/recognition?
It is not necessary to enroll in the subjects you want to validate, but it is you who must assess this possibility, since being enrolled in the subjects gives you the right to attend class and follow the course of it, since if you are not finally granted validation, you will be able to take the subjects with complete normality .
If they validate/recognize an enrolled subject, does it disappear from my enrollment?
Indeed, in the event that a subject for which you are enrolled is validated, it will automatically be removed from your enrollment, since it will be passed and therefore you will not have to take it or take an exam.
In the event that you want to cover the credits of the validated subjects with other subjects in your enrollment, you must take into account that you have a reasonable amount of time to be able to request, in any URJC register, always by appointment, or by Electronic Office, a registration modification.
Can I modify my registration if I have been granted a validation/recognition?
Only in the event that you have been granted a validation/recognition will you be able to make, within a reasonable period of time, an application for a modification of the registration outside the period established for modification. You must bear in mind that you will not be able to request subjects from semesters that have already been taken in a previous call.
To do this, you will have to make an official request, in any URJC registry or by Electronic Office, indicating the reasons for your request.
indefinite subjects
What is an indefinite subject?
Indefinite subjects are those subjects that, due to their uniqueness, They have one or more calls, which can be used throughout the academic year in which they have enrolled., as long as a specific term is opened for it.
There are four subjects that are treated as Undefined:
- End of Degree Project.
- Academic Recognition of Credits.
- Modern language.
- External Internships (as long as they are covered by the External Internship Regulations).
What are the individual characteristics of the different types of indefinite subjects?
Each of the Indefinite subjects mentioned at the beginning has special characteristics that must be taken into account.
This subject has two important concepts: enrollment and enrollment. Enrollment means that the student wants to take the subject in an academic year and registration means that the student selects the language, the semester and the time slot in which he/she wants to take the subject on the Modern Language platform.
The fact of enrolling in this course does not imply registration.
You can find all the information related to this subject in the following link https://www.urjc.es/principal-intranet/idioma-moderno
Only those internships that are protected by the Regulation of External Internships will be Indefinite subjects. Therefore, those that are not, will have the same characteristics as the rest of the "normal" subjects.
In this regulation it is indicated in its article 2 that “Excluded from the scope of this Regulation:
a) The conditions and regime for carrying out and developing the university academic internships of a clinical nature included in the study plans of the degrees of Graduated in Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Occupational Therapy.
b) The conditions and regime for carrying out and developing the university academic internships included in the study plans corresponding to the degrees of Graduated in Early Childhood and Primary Education.
In order to enroll "External Practices" as an Indefinite subject, it is necessary to have passed 45% of the degree.
You can find all the information related to this subject in the following link https://www.urjc.es/empresas-e-instituciones/463-practicas-externas
This subject it is a completion course, that is, to be able to be registered with it, the student must be enrolled in all pending credits to complete their studies.
This is because in order to be qualified, the student must have passed all the credits of the study plan except for the TFG. This grade will be the average grade of the student's file without the aforementioned TFG.
You can find all the information related to this subject in the following link
Like the RAC, the TFG it is a completion course, that is, to be able to be enrolled in it, The student must be enrolled in all pending credits to complete their studies. The TFG registration will be valid for two consecutive years. In the event that the student does not defend the TFG in the academic year in which he or she has enrolled for the first time, he or she must renew the enrollment, re-enrolling for this subject in the following year, paying only the fees corresponding to tuition expenses. secretary and school insurance, if applicable.
In degrees in which the TFG subject includes a test of Objective and Structured Competence Assessment (OSCE), registration will be valid for four consecutive academic years. During this period, and as long as the subject test is not taken, the student must re-enroll for the subject each year, paying only the fees corresponding to secretarial expenses and school insurance, if applicable.
How are indefinite subjects different from other subjects?
These types of subjects differ from the rest in several aspects:
- Only available one or more calls to pass the subject. These calls must be used in any of the deadlines established for this purpose, throughout the academic year, in each of the subjects (TFG, RAC, Modern Language or External Practices), as long as you are enrolled in the subject in question.
- This type of subjects will only be paid the first time they are registered. The rest of the occasions in which it is marked in the self-registration, it will have a zero cost. They will only have to be paid, in second or subsequent registrations, when the student has been qualified in a previous course, in the aforementioned subjects, with a Suspense. This occurs in Modern Language, Academic Recognition of Credits and External Practices. In these cases, the subjects must be paid in the registration number corresponding to the failures obtained.
In the case of TFG or ECOE, they must be paid in the second or subsequent registration, once the period established for their reading has elapsed (two or four courses) for each of them or having been graded with a Fail in one of their calls.
Can I enroll in an indefinite subject as many times as I want?
These types of subjects are collected and protected by the URJC Enrollment and Permanence Regulations, therefore, like the rest of the subjects in the study plans, have a maximum enrollment allowed, which is four.
Failure to pay these subjects, in second or more registrations, does not imply that they are not taken into account at the time of permanence. That is, each time they are enrolled and are not passed, they count as exhausted enrollments.
Can I apply for a scholarship if I enroll in indefinite subjects?
To all effects, the credits of indefinite subjects are taken into account as credits enrolled in an academic year, so they will be valid when deciding on scholarships.
This also affects previous course enrollments, i.e. those credits of indefinite subjects enrolled and not approved in previous courses, will be taken into account as not passed, but as enrolled. This is important when applying for a scholarship, since one of the parameters that are valued when deciding this is the percentage of credits passed in previous enrollments with respect to the credits enrolled in that academic year.
As it is an indefinite subject, do I have to enroll in it if I have already done it in previous courses?
As in the rest of the subjects, In order to be graded on an Indefinite subject, it is necessary to be enrolled in it. For this reason, the fact of not paying this type of subjects in second registration, if they have not been suspended, does not imply that, in case of wanting to be qualified, they should not register.
There are certain subjects, such as the TFG, which in its internal regulations indicate that "The assignment will be valid for two academic years.. This affects the internal functioning of these subjects, but in no case the enrollment, since as we have indicated previously, they must be enrolled in case they want to be graded in an academic year.
Registration modification
Do you want to make any changes to subjects or group/shift in your enrollment?
The Rey Juan Carlos University has enabled a telematics platform in which you can decide what modifications you want to make to your enrollment (cancel subjects, extend subjects, change subjects and modify subject groups/shifts)
You have two registration modification deadlines:
- Until September 8: You can make a single request to modify the corresponding subjects to the first and second quarter, annual and indefinite.
- From January 15 to January 31: You can make a single request to modify the subjects of the second quarter, annual and indefinite.
You must bear in mind that, if you have requested MEC scholarship, You can only request cancellation and/or change of subjects, with fewer credits, within the first established period. In the second term they will not be able to request a reduction in the number of credits initially enrolled
Do you want to make any data changes (identification document, payment method and/or discount) on your registration?
The Rey Juan Carlos University has enabled a telematics platform where you can decide what data changes you want to make to your enrollment (identification document, payment method and/or discount to apply to your enrollment).
you have until the September 30 to make this request, in which you must present the appropriate documentation.
How do I access the Registration Modification platforms?
Are you a new student at URJC?
Once you have completed the Enrollment, and if you are a new student, the University will send you a mail with your URJC user, with which you can access the University services. This mail It can take between 48/72 hours to arrive since you made the registration.
Once you have the credentials (URJC username and password), you will be able to access the Service Portal and request modifications and changes to your registration on the Registration Modification platform.
What are the reasons for granting me a group/shift change?
When requesting a shift change, the first thing you should know is if your degree has several groups or shifts of subjects.
Once you have confirmed that the registered subjects have several groups/shifts, you must bear in mind that only shift/group change will be granted for the following reasons:
- Having Work contract whose schedule coincides with the assigned shift (attach updated Work and Labor Life contract).
- Disease that incapacitates for the course of the class at the assigned time (attach medical report from Social Security).
- Be federated in a sport that coincides with the assigned schedule (attach a letter from the federation indicating the training schedule).
- To be studying the subject of Company internships whose schedule coincides with the assigned shift (attach a document that proves the schedule of said Internships).
- attend official studies of languages and professional artistic education that coincide with the assigned shift (attach a certificate issued by the official educational center stating the schedule and the impossibility of offering an alternative schedule
- Any other objective cause not previously contemplated, documented accredited. In this case, each case will be studied individually and the concession will be assessed depending on the alleged causes and the number of places in the desired group.
All requests will be subject to the discretion of the center and reasons of opportunity.
I have already made the request to modify the registration. How will I know what the resolution is?
From the Registration Modification platform we will send you emails to your URJC address (corporate email), indicating the changes of states and the status of your request.
The different states that you can find your request are:
- Pending: No action has been taken on the request yet.
- In process: The manager has started processing your request.
- In study: The application is under study for its processing.
- Processed: The application is fully processed, you can see the resolution by entering your application. This can be:
- Accepted: The request has been accepted.
- Denied: The request has been denied.
- on appeal: The student has requested an appeal or appeal and is pending processing.
To check the status of your application you will have to enter the Enrollment Modification/My Applications/List of my Applications platform.
My application is in Processed status, does that mean it has been granted?
No, in this case what is indicates that your request has already been resolved. To know the result of it, you will have to click on the image with the shape of a magnifying glass.
At this moment the result of your request will be opened, in which the status can be Accepted o Reject.
I do not agree with the result of my request. Can I make a claim?
Of course. If you do not agree with the resolution issued in your application You can request a claim within 20 days which must be done from this same platform.
To do this you must, in the List of My Requests/Actions, click on RESOURCE and indicate which subjects that have been denied you want to claim. You can also provide new documentation if you deem it appropriate.
You must bear in mind that you will not be able to claim the modification of those subjects not requested in the first instance. In that case you should make a new request.
My claim has been denied again, can I file an appeal?
If you do not agree with the resolution of the claim, you can file an appeal before the superior hierarchical body of the one that dictates it, within a month using this app, or by any other of the procedures established in article 16 of the Law on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure 39/2015 of October 1.
Can I submit a registration modification after the deadline?
It is not possible to make a modification request outside the established period except in exceptional situations.
If you are in one of them, you can make an official request, in any URJC registry or through Electronic Office, indicating the exceptional reasons that lead you to request the modification after the deadline, and providing all the documentation that proves the exceptionality. This request will be studied by the Vice President for Students, in strict order of arrival, and you will be given an answer as soon as possible, assessing the reasons and the documentation provided.
This year I am leaving Erasmus/Munde/Sicue but I want to modify the subjects that I am going to take at the URJC. In what period do I request said modification?
For all purposes, you are an Erasmus/Munde/Sicue student during the course that you are going to take the Erasmus/Munde/Sicue scholarship, even if it is only in some subjects. For this reason, the deadlines that you must use are those established specifically for Erasmus/Munde/Sicue students.
I am an Erasmus/Munde Sicue student, can I take and enroll in the subjects that I consider appropriate?
You must keep in mind that there are certain rules that all students must comply with, even if they are Erasmus/Munde/Sicue students. These are:
- It is not possible to enroll in the RAC or the TFG if you have not enrolled all the pending credits to finish your studies, since they are completion subjects.
- Places in some elective subjects are usually limited, so when the places are filled in these subjects, it will not be possible to extend them without authorization from the Dean of your faculty.
- It is not possible to enroll in more elective credits than those established in your study plan.
In the event that your degree has mentions, second languages or itineraries, it will not be possible to mix subjects from other mentions, languages or itineraries. Nor will you be able to take subjects from other mentions, languages or itineraries other than those you have already enrolled and passed.
I have applied for a MEC scholarship. Can I modify my enrollment normally?
You must bear in mind that you will only be able to reduce the number of credits in your enrollment, if you have applied for a MEC scholarship, in the first enrollment modification period.
In the second term, if you have applied for a scholarship, you will have a restricted part for canceling subjects, and it will only allow you to make changes in subjects that maintain or exceed the initial credits, otherwise it will not allow you to finalize the application.
Making a request to modify the enrollment, I have verified that the subjects that I want to extend or change do not appear. Why could it be?
You must take into account the term in which you are making this request, since in the first term all the subjects offered in your study plan will be shown, but in the second term only the subjects of the second semester, annual and indefinite.
Likewise, you must check, before making the request, if you meet the requirements established to enroll in the desired subject, since there are specific degrees or subjects, with internal regulations that prevent enrollment if the requirements established for it are not met.
I am studying a degree with several Mentions or Itineraries. What subjects should I choose? Can I change Mention?
You must choose the subjects of the Mention or Itinerary that you wish to take in your registration, but you must take into account that it is not possible to mix subjects from several mentions or itineraries.
When you pass a subject of the Mention or Itinerary that you have chosen, it will not be possible to change the Mention or Itinerary, and you must take the rest of the subjects of the Mention or Itinerary chosen at first"
Enrollment cancellation
Is this the first time you have enrolled at the URJC and you want to cancel your enrollment?
Once you have completed the Enrollment, and if you are a new student, the University will send you a mail with your URJC user, with which you can access the University services. This mail It can take between 48/72 hours to arrive since you made the registration.
Once you have the credentials (URJC username and password), you will be able to access the Service Portal and request modifications, changes in your enrollment and the Annulment thereof.
The moment you enter the Enrollment Modification link, you will have the option of Cancel registration until November 15 of the current academic year.
You have all the information about it in the following link https://www.urjc.es/estudiar-en-la-urjc/admision#estudiantes-de-nuevo-ingreso
Are you a veteran student and want to cancel enrollment?
You can access with your URJC username and password to Service Portal and request modifications, changes in your enrollment and the Annulment thereof.
The moment you enter the Enrollment Modification link, you will have the option of Cancel registration until November 15 current academic year.
You have all the information about it in the following link https://www.urjc.es/estudiar-en-la-urjc/admision#estudiantes-veteranos
Does the cancellation of registration entail a refund?
The acceptance by the Rey Juan Carlos University of modifications or partial or total cancellations of the enrollment does not always entail the right to reimbursement of fees or public prices.
The reasons that give the right to the refund of fees and public prices are the following:
- Payments higher than those of the public prices in force had been made, both due to material errors or, in fact, as well as due to arithmetical errors in the self-assessment.
- That, after paying the registration fee, a scholarship or study grants have been obtained that, according to current regulations, entail free registration.
- That, after the payment of the registration, it is justified that, at the time of making said registration, it was in an administrative or legal situation of gratuity.
- That the degree presented, or the conditions alleged by the interested party at the time, do not grant access to pursue university studies at this University.
- That the enrollment be canceled before the official start of the academic year.
- That, at the beginning of the academic year, and within the period established for this purpose, the cancellation of enrollment by admission to other official studies is justified.
- That for reasons not attributable to the students, the academic service that required them to pay is not provided.
Can I request cancellation of enrollment outside the established period?
If you are in an exceptional situation, you can make a request to cancel your registration at any URJC register or through the Electronic Office, indicating the exceptional reasons and setting aside the documentation that accredits them.
This request will be studied by the Vice President for Students, in strict order of arrival, and you will be answered as soon as possible, assessing the alleged reasons and the documentation presented.
Can a canceled registration be reactivated?
If the reason for the cancellation was non-payment of registration, you can reactivate your registration, as long as in the same academic year in which your registration was cancelled, by going to your student secretary with the receipt, which you had pending payment, already paid. They will reactivate your registration at the moment.
If, on the contrary, it were a cancellation of registration of a previous course and would like to reactivate ityou will have to make a official application in any URJC register or by Electronic Office. This request will be studied by the Vice President for Students, in strict order of arrival, and you will be given an answer as soon as possible, assessing the alleged reasons and the documentation presented.
Can I lose my place if my registration has been cancelled?
If this is the first time you are enrolling in the degree you have been admitted to at the URJC, you must meet two requirements in order not to lose the place granted at the URJC:
- Be enrolled for a full course with us. In other words, the first time you enroll, do not cancel or have your enrollment canceled for any reason.
- pass two subjects in your first registration in the URJC degree in which you have been admitted, if it was a complete registration, or a single subject if it was a partial registration.
In the case of not exceeding the indicated number of subjects, you can make an official request to the Rector, asking to repeat the first year, as established in the URJC Enrollment and Permanence Regulations.
tuition receipt
Is this the first time you have enrolled at URJC and you want to download your enrollment payment receipt?
Once you have completed the Enrollment, and if you are a new student, the University will send you a mail with your URJC user, with which you can access the University services. This mail It can take between 48/72 hours to arrive since you made the registration.
Once you have the credentials (URJC username and password), you will be able to access the Services Portal/My Receipts and download the corresponding receipt.
You must bear in mind that, once the registration receipt has been generated, you have 10 business days to pay said receipt.
Are you a veteran student and want to download your tuition payment receipt?
You can access with your URJC username and password to Service Portal and download the corresponding receipt from my receipts.
You must bear in mind that, once the registration receipt has been generated, you have 10 business days to pay said receipt.
How can I pay a tuition receipt?
Have you chosen single payment?
If you have decided that the form of payment of your registration is in a single payment You should know that it will always be done through a bank receipt, and you can pay it at the Banco Santander, through Electronic Banking or ATMs or over the counter; or in CaixaBank, through Electronic Banking and ATMs, but Cash pickup is not accepted.
In no case can this receipt be paid by direct debit or by bank transfer.
Have you chosen installment payment?
If you have decided that the form of payment of your registration is in split payment, you must take into account that the total of your tuition will be divided into 8 payments.
The 1st payment (30%) will always be made through a bank receipt, and can be paid at the Banco Santander, through Electronic Banking or ATMs or over the counter; or in CaixaBank, through Electronic Banking and ATMs, but Cash pickup is not accepted. In no case can this first bill be paid by direct debit or by bank transfer.
The rest of the receipts, the remaining seven, will each correspond to 10% of your total tuition. These receipts will have to be paid by direct debit, on the 5th of each month until April. Your payment must be authorized by means of a SEPA order, presenting it to your Student Secretary within the established deadlines.
Have you not been able to make any of the payments that were direct debited?
Once the payment date of any of the direct debit bills has passed, you can download the corresponding bill from the Service Portal/My Bills.
You should be aware that Once the direct debit date has passed, it is NOT possible to send the receipt through your bank account again., but you will have to download it from your Services Portal and pay it in the Banco Santander, through Electronic Banking or ATMs or over the counter; or in CaixaBank through Electronic Banking and ATMs but Cash pickup is not accepted. It cannot be done by bank transfer
Have you been denied the scholarship and need a new payment receipt?
Once the Ministry of Education has sent you the resolution of your scholarship and it has been denied, you must contact your Secretary of Students, providing the denial, and they will generate your new payment letter which you can download from your Service Portal/My Receipts.
This must be paid directly to the bank Santander or CaixaBank, or through Electronic Banking, using the links bill payment and indicating the data found on the receipt (reference, suffix, etc). Likewise, receipts can be paid at ATMs that have a barcode reader. In no case can direct debit or pay through bank transfer.
Have you been denied the scholarship and want to split the payment of your tuition?
Once the Ministry of Education has sent you the resolution of your scholarship and it has been denied, you must get in touch, as soon as possible, with your Secretary of Students, providing the denial, and they will generate your new payment letter the which you can download from your Service Portal/My Receipts.
This must be paid or in the Banco Santander, through Electronic Banking or ATMs or over the counter; or in CaixaBank, through Electronic Banking and ATMs, but Cash pickup is not accepted. It cannot be done by bank transfer
What is the SEPA order?
Every student who has direct debit receipts must present a direct debit order. Said order is will download along with the first receipt of payment and must be signed, digitally or handwritten, by the account holder to which the direct debit has been requested, and deposited in the mailboxes enabled for it in the Student Secretaries, if the signature is handwritten, or sent to the email of the corresponding Secretary of Students, if the signature is digital, always before the deadline established for it, which you can find published on our website.
Are you a foreign student without a residence permit or with authorization to stay as a student?
In this case, you must bear in mind that, in accordance with the provisions of article 81.3 b) of Organic Law 6/2001 on Universities, of December 21, foreign students will be charged, again income and over eighteen years of age do not have resident status, excluding nationals of Member States of the European Union and those to whom the community system applies, in the case of undergraduate studies, fourth enrollment prices.
To these effects, the residence permit granted to foreign students in accordance with RD 557/2011, of April 20, No. will be equivalent to the status of residents.
Do you want to change the payment method or is there an error in the type of registration?
In the event that for any reason you would like to modify the form of payment of your enrollment or would like to include or eliminate any deduction in it (MEC Scholarship, Large Family, Honors Enrollment in Baccalaureate/Training Cycle, Victim of terrorism, etc...) You must make this request through the platform enabled for it of Modification of Enrollment Data..
If you would like to add any deduction or exemption from payment in your registration, you must bear in mind that This must be in force at the time of registration, owing Mandatory documentary evidence on said platform.
I have taken a MH in my last course, will I get my money back?
You will only receive a discount, corresponding to the credits obtained with Honors, if in the course immediately after obtaining this qualification you have enrolled in an official degree at the URJC.
It is important that you know that this aid is a bonus granted by the URJC for obtaining the qualification of Honor Roll, but in no case does it entail financial reimbursement.
Can I direct deposit a tuition payment?
You can domicile the tuition payment receipts as long as the installment payment method is chosen.
The maximum term to be able to request the installment payment is the month of February, since the last payment by direct debit will be the April 5 of the current year. All those receipts that are issued after this date will have to be paid as a bank receipt and in no case can they be domiciled..
In order to change the payment method You must request it, through the platform enabled for it of Modification of Enrollment Data, until September 30. Beyond this date you must contact your Student Secretary, providing the account number where you want the payments to be made, and the ID of the account holder, since he must sign the sepa order which authorizes payments to be made to this bank account. Once the change has been made, you must bear in mind that the account holder must sign the SEPA order and present it to your Student Secretary.
What is the expiration date of a receipt?
The expiration date of the receipts indicates the validity of the document, that is, that the document is valid until the date indicated. In no case does this validity indicate the deadline for payment of this receipt, but only refers to when that receipt is valid. Therefore, a receipt may have a payment deadline but the due date is later, since in this way the payment of this is facilitated for the student without problems in the bank when paying it.
What is the registration payment limit?
All students must be up to date with their payments once the academic year has begun.
The URJC will notify students who are not up to date with their payment of their irregular situation, which must be corrected in accordance with the deadlines and instructions they receive in said notification. In case of non-compliance with these, the Vice-Rector for Students, in accordance with the provisions of the Decree of the Governing Council of the Community of Madrid, which establishes public prices for university studies leading to official titles and services of an academic nature in the Public Universities of the Community of Madrid, will declare the loss of the rights derived from the registration and this will be cancelled. Notifications will be made through the Electronic Office
What is the advance call or extraordinary call for September?
This is an extraordinary call whose purpose is to help those students, who are going to finish their studies in the current year, to finish before the ordinary calls.
To do this, the students who meet the requirements established to apply for this call, can advance a of the ordinary calls, of the subjects enrolled, to Extraordinary September.
In the case of not passing the subject in the Extraordinary September call, the student must take the exam in that call that they did not advance.
What are the requirements that must be met in order to apply for the advance notice/extraordinary call for September?
- Be enrolled in all pending subjects to finish the degree.
- Be up to date with the total payment of the tuition. You will not be able to request installment payment or MEC Scholarship.
- The advance request for the call will have to be for the subject or subjects (maximum of two) that are pending (not including TFG and RAC).
- Have completed the subjects in previous years.
- Have passed the subjects of Modern Language and External Practices
If I request the Extraordinary call for September, do I have three calls in the same academic year?
Only two calls are available, per academic year, to be able to pass a subject. If you request the Extraordinary call for September, you must indicate, on the platform enabled for this, which of the two official calls you want to advance. That is, you must decide which of the two official calls you want to change for Extraordinary September.
With this, you must take into account that, in the case of not passing the subject in the Extraordinary September call, you will have to examine yourself in that call that you did not advance.
I have requested the Extraordinary call for September, but I have decided to change my mind. Can I cancel this request?
The Advance Procedure for the September Extraordinary Call establishes that it is NOT possible to cancel an application that has already been made. Therefore, before making this request, you must be very sure that you want to request it, since you cannot rectify it later.
I have already passed the subjects of "Modern Language" and "External Practices" but the platform tells me that this is not the case. Why is this?
A subject is not officially passed until its record is closed, therefore, until the record is closed definitively, you will not be able to make this request.
compensation court
What is the Court of Compensation?
The Compensation Court is an academic figure whose purpose is to help the student, who needs it, so that his evaluation, at the end of his studies, is made taking into account his global trajectory.
For this reason, in those particular academic situations that prevent those students who have made a significant effort to progress in their studies over the years, and have almost reached the end of their path, from obtaining the degree for not passing a subject or a relatively small number of credits, they will be given the opportunity to request the Compensation Court.
What requirements must I have in order to apply for the Compensation Court?
- You must be enrolled in one of the official Degree or Double Degree courses taught at the Rey Juan Carlos University.
If you are enrolled in a simple Degree: You must have only one four-month subject that does not exceed a maximum of 3,5% of the total credits of the degree, excluding the possibility of compensation for the subjects of Final Degree Project, External practices and RAC.
If you are enrolled in a Double Degree: You must have only one subject left from any of the two simple degrees that make it up, excluding Final Degree Projects, External Practices and RAC.
You must have exhausted the four ordinary registrations and presented at least four evaluations in said subject, obtaining a grade of 3 at least in some of the evaluations
It will be necessary that you have completed and passed a minimum of 50 percent of the course load of your degree at the Rey Juan Carlos University and not have obtained any other compensation at another university.
You must be enrolled in the subject to compensate.
In no case may the End of Degree Project, the External Practices or the RAC be compensable.
How do I request the Court of Compensation?
This academic figure depends on each one of the faculties or schools of the URJC, therefore, the dates for the request of the Court of Compensation will be published by each one of them in their official website and in the Secretaries/Management Buildings of each Campus.
In order to request the tribunal, you will have to make an official request in any URJC registry or through the Electronic Office, addressed to the corresponding Dean/Director of the Center (Faculty/School), in which you will motivate said request.
They will study your case and give you an answer as soon as possible
Extraordinary license plates
I have exhausted the four regular registrations for a subject. What can I do now?
I want to request the FIFTH AND/OR SIXTH extraordinary enrollment
In the event that you are in the fifth and/or sixth enrollment of a subject, you can request an extraordinary enrollment through the platform enabled for it and always before self-registration. In both cases, the resolution is immediate and you will be able to know the result as soon as you make the request. From that moment you will be able to do your self-registration on the date and deadlines established for your degree.
This request, and its consequent registration, will be made on dates after those established for ordinary registration
I want to request the SEVENTH (OR SUCCESSIVE) exceptional registrations
In the event that you are in seventh, or successive registrations, of a subject you can request an extraordinary registration through the platform enabled for it and always before self-registration arguing the reasons for your request and documenting the alleged reasons.
You must bear in mind that these are exceptional situations, therefore it is necessary that the alleged reasons and the documentation provided are due to unexpected causes.
The resolution is not immediate, so you will have to wait for the response to your request to be able to self-register.
This request, and its consequent registration, will be made on dates after those established for ordinary registration
I have requested a fifth, sixth or successive registration of a subject, but it does not show me in the self-registration
In the event that you have requested a fifth, sixth or successive enrollment, and this has been granted, you will have to enter your self-enrollment, choose the subjects to enroll in and finish the process.
In the event that you enter the self-registration, once the fifth, sixth or successive registrations have been granted and you do not finish it or leave it halfway, your request will be canceled and the next time you enter it will not show you the subjects granted. In this case, you will have to reapply for the fifth/sixth/seventh registration on the platform enabled for it.
I have exhausted the number of enrollments in some subject and also the years of permanence. How should I act?
In the event that you have exhausted the years of permanence and also the number of enrollments in any subject, you will have to make a request on each platform enabled for it and wait for the resolution, always before self-registration.
Never try to register without having resolved all the requests you have made, otherwise they will be canceled and you will have to go through the application process again.
Extraordinary year of permanence
I have exhausted the years of permanence of my degree. What can I do now?
Is this the first time you have applied for an extraordinary year of permanence?
In the event that it is the first time that you request an extraordinary year of permanence, you will have to make the request, on the platform enabled for it. The resolution is immediate and from that moment you will be able to self-register.
This request, and its consequent registration, will be made on dates after those established for ordinary registration
Have you previously requested another year of permanence?
In the event that it is not the first time that you request a year of permanence, you will have to make the request on the platform enabled for it, arguing the reasons for your request and providing the documentation that proves the alleged reasons.
This request will be studied and a response will be given as soon as possible.
Until your request is resolved, you will not be able to self-register.
This request, and its consequent registration, will be made on dates after those established for ordinary registration
I have exhausted the years of permanence and also the number of enrollments in some subject. How should I act?
In the event that you have exhausted the years of permanence and also the number of enrollments in any subject, you will have to make a request on each platform enabled for it and wait for the resolution, always before self-registration.
Never try to enroll without having resolved all the requests you have made, otherwise they will be canceled and you will have to go through the application process again.
Admission to degree through partial validation of foreign studies
Admission to degree through partial validation of foreign studies
Complementary Training Requirements prior to the approval of foreign degrees
Complementary Training Requirements prior to the approval of foreign degrees