On this page you can obtain all the information about the organization of the Evaluation for University Access.
Students who have already passed the test can obtain more information about the university admission process through the different access routes in the following section: Admission to the URJC
Evaluation Structure for University Access (EvAU)
Purpose and Scope
The Evaluation for University Access will be applicable exclusively to students who wish to access official undergraduate university education and who meet the requirements of being in possession of a Bachelor's degree, or who are in any of the situations contemplated in the provision additional third of Royal Decree 310/2016, of July 29, as indicated in article 2 of Royal Decree-Law 5/2016, of December 9.
Previous high school: Students who have passed the entrance exam to the University according to previous regulations may take advantage of several options, keeping their initial qualification:
- Submit to the mandatory block of the EvAU (General Trunks)
- Submit to the compulsory block (General Core) and the Voluntary Phase of the EvAU. (General trunks of modality and option).
- Submit only to the Voluntary Phase of the EvAU (General core of modality and option).
General rules for organizing the evaluation
- The tests will be based on the basic curriculum of the subjects of the core subjects block of the second year of high school, established in Royal Decree 243/2022, of April 5.
- Students who want to improve their admission grade may take a maximum of four optional subjects from the block of second-year core subjects. Notwithstanding the foregoing, universities may take into account in their admission procedures, in addition to the grade obtained in each of the optional subjects of the block of core subjects chosen by the student, that of one or more of the general subjects belonging to the block of core subjects according to modality and itinerary (Mathematics II, Latin II, Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences II or Fundamentals of Art II).
- Likewise, students may be examined in an additional foreign language, different from the one they had studied as a subject of the block of core subjects, included in the Baccalaureate Curriculum. The qualification obtained in said test may be taken into account by the universities in their admission procedures.
- The baccalaureate evaluation for university access will last a maximum of four days. Each test exercise will last 90 minutes. A minimum break between exercises of 30 minutes will be established. The period of rest used to extend the time for taking the tests of students with specific educational support needs for whom it has been prescribed will not be computed as a rest period.
- The tests corresponding to the general subjects of the block of core subjects of the second year will be:
History of Spain or History of Philosophy (student's choice) Spanish Language and Literature II First Foreign Language II |
or Arts Modality. Yo. Path of Plastic Arts, Image and Design: Artistic Drawing II. ii. Music and Performing Arts Track: Musical Analysis II or Performing Arts II, (student's choice). o Science and Technology Modality: Mathematics II or Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences II (student's choice). o General Modality: General Sciences. o Humanities and Social Sciences Modality: Latin II or Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences II (student's choice). |
Biology Choir and Vocal Technique II Audiovisual Culture II Technical Drawing II Technical Drawing Applied to Plastic Arts and Design II Design Company and Business Model Design Physics Artistic Fundamentals Geography Geology and Environmental Sciences Greek II History of Philosophy / History of Spain History of music and dance History of art Dramatic Literature Cultural and Artistic Movements Chemistry Graphic-Plastic Expression Techniques Technology and Engineering II Additional Foreign Language (German, French, English, Italian or Portuguese) |
official report card
The URJC has the unified sign-on service (SSO). All students enrolled in the Evau 2025 tests will be assigned the corresponding permits associated with the email and identity document indicated in the registration.
No username and password are sent from the URJC. Note consultation: https://gestion.urjc.es/pau/ You will select “access with credentials” and at that moment you will enter your email, which will receive a validation code (token). That is why it is essential that you have your email fully operational.
They have more information in the URJC guest account user manual |
The report card is an electronic document accrediting your EvAU qualifications, it is signed by means of an electronic signature and a secure verification code (CSV) which allows any recipient of the document to validate its authenticity and integrity.
This document, being directly verifiable, will allow you to apply for a place in any other university district without the need for certification or additional stamps.
You can get the card here, on the same notes consultation screen.
Calculation of the Qualification of Access to the University (CAU)
The University Access Qualification (CAU) will be obtained by adding 40% of the overall qualification of the Compulsory Block (arithmetic mean of the four subjects) obtained in the EvAU, provided that it is greater than or equal to 4, plus 60% of the the Final Qualification of the Baccalaureate (CFB).
The maximum score will be over 10 points and will be considered passed when the mark is equal to or greater than 5 points. Passing the Compulsory Block of the EvAU and your University Access Qualification (CAU) will be valid indefinitely.
Calculation of the admission grade Baccalaureate and Training Cycles
The Admission grade is the grade used by universities to award all places, and in particular in those Degrees in which the number of applications exceeds the number of places offered (competitive attendance).
The student can present himself to the Voluntary Part of the EvAU in order to increase the note of his CAU up to 4 points. The student may voluntarily take a minimum of one and a maximum of four optional core subjects or general modality subjects (taken or not taken).
To calculate the admission grade, the grades of these subjects will be added to the CAU, as long as they are approved (5 or more) multiplied by their weighting (see the URJC Weighting Table) depending on the grade to which you wish to access . In case of passing more than two subjects of the voluntary part, only the two that add up the most for each grade will be taken into account.
The qualifications of the voluntary part of the EvAU will only be valid for two years: the year in which the test is passed and the following year.
With regard to admission, the general core subject of the Compulsory Block modality will also be weighted as the subjects of the Voluntary Part, fulfilling the same conditions as these. You don't have to be tested twice for it to weigh.
m1, m2 = The grades of a maximum of two exercises passed in the voluntary phase (option core) that provide the best admission grade.
a,b= weighting parameters of the exercises in relation to the degree requested.
grade rise
Once the test has been passed, students will be able to present themselves again in successive calls in order to improve the grade (without limit of calls).
The subjects of the voluntary part may be different from those examined in previous calls. The grade obtained in the new call will be taken into consideration provided that it is higher than the previous one/s and they are on the validity date.
Passing the compulsory phase of the EvAU will be valid indefinitely while the qualification of the subjects of the voluntary phase will be valid during the following two academic years.
Students who wish to enroll to raise grades will do so at the center where they completed the Baccalaureate or Higher Level Training Cycle on their day.
Students who come from other autonomous communities who, by district of residence (empadronamiento) corresponds to them to be examined in the URJC, to enroll you will have to go to the 1st floor of the Rectorate of Móstoles (Access Testing Service) on May 14, 2024 in the pre-assigned time by appointment in the Ordinary Call, while in the Extraordinary Call it will be the day 21 June, also by appointment. . They must provide the original and a copy of the ID, Of the EvAU notes passed in previous calls or, in the case of VET students, the certificate of grades and the title, as well as certificate/padron flyer or document that proves the residence address (eg: rental contract) in the Community of Madrid.
To request an appointment, you must write an email to indicating your full name, ID or identity document, postal address, email and contact telephone number. Once the application has been received and reviewed, you will be informed of the exact day and time that you can go to enroll.
IMPORTANT: It will not be possible to enroll without an appointment or outside the indicated days.
Review of qualifications obtained
Students may request, within a period of three business days from the date of publication of the results, the review of the grades obtained. The review will be requested through the note consultation platform.
The exercises on which the review request has been submitted will be corrected again by a specialist teacher other than the first teacher.
The review consists of two parts:
In the first place, a verification of the partial grades will be carried out in order to confirm that all the questions have been graded, as well as to verify that there are no errors in the calculation of the final grade. In the event of detecting errors, they will be rectified and a new rating will be awarded.
After this verification, the specialist teacher will make a second correction of each and every one of the exam questions.
The final result Of the review will be the average of the grades provided by the two teachers and may suppose a lower or higher final mark than the one obtained in the first correction.
In the event that there is a difference of two or more points between the two grades, a third correction will be made ex officio, and the final grade will be the arithmetic mean of the three grades.
Once the review process is finished, the qualifying court will adopt the resolution that establishes the definitive qualifications and will notify the claimants.
The resolution puts an end to the administrative procedure, and a contentious-administrative appeal can be filed against it before the Contentious-Administrative Courts of Madrid, within a period of two months from the day following its notification, notwithstanding that the interested party may exercise, where appropriate, any other that it deems appropriate.
Registration, place and dates of the test
The students they will enroll in the educational center in which they finish the baccalaureate or the higher level training cycle. When registering, they will review the modality and the first foreign language studied and they will be able to choose the subjects of the voluntary part of which they want to be examined, up to a maximum of 4.
The educational centers of the Community of Madrid will carry out the Evaluation at the public university designated by the Organizing Commission of the Entrance Examinations.
The Rey Juan Carlos University will examine students at the Fuenlabrada and Móstoles Campuses in the ordinary call, while in the extraordinary call students will only take the exam at the Móstoles Campus.
Test completion dates.
Calendar for ORDINARY call
Formalization of enrollment in educational centers |
Examinations |
Provisional release of grades |
Review Request |
Final Grades and Report Cards for Students Not Requesting Review |
Publication of final notes after the Review |
Request to see the exams (Only students who have requested Review) |
The request will be made through the Registry of any of the Campuses of our University or the Electronic Office (with the form “Expose-request”) addressed to the Access Testing Service. The viewing of the ordinary phase exams will be on July 9, 2024, in the morning. Each student will be informed of the specific time in which they can go to the rectorate building, first floor, office 102. |
EXTRAORDINARY call calendar
Center enrollment formalization |
Examinations |
Provisional release of grades |
Review Request |
Final Grades and Report Cards for Students Not Requesting Review |
Publication of final notes after the Review |
Request to see the exams (Only students who have requested Review) |
The request will be made through the Registry of any of the Campuses of our University or the Electronic Office (with the form “Expose-request”) addressed to the Access Testing Service. The viewing of the ordinary phase exams will be on July 31, 2024, in the morning. Each student will be informed of the specific time in which they can go to the rectorate building, first floor, office 102. |
Schedule of the test
- Ordinary EVAU schedules June 2025 (pending)
- Extraordinary EVAU schedules June 2025 (pending)
Use of calculators and other electronic instruments
According to prior agreement of the Organizing Commission of the Evaluation for access to the University of the Community of Madrid, the use by students of mobile phones or any other device that allows wireless connection is not allowed. This concept would include portable tablet devices, personal digital assistants (PDA), watches, glasses, bracelets and any other object that has the ability to send or receive messages through a screen. The use of calculators in Mathematics II, Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences II, Chemistry, Physics and Business Economics tests. with matrices, determinant calculus, derivative calculus, integral calculus, or alphanumeric data storage. Anyone who has any of these characteristics will be withdrawn. In case of doubt about the possibility of being able to use a certain calculator in the development of a test, the court will be consulted, who will adopt the final decision. The court will not provide alternative calculators.If during the course of the test the use of a calculator that is not permitted is found, the court will adopt the same measures as when a student is cheating.As a guide, some examples of the allowed calculators are shown:
Canon F-720i
Citizen SR‐135 (all versions)
Sharp EL-521VH Sharp EL-531 VH
Casio fx-82ES PLUS
Casio fx-82MS, ES, SX, TL, super, NS, X. Casio fx-82SPX Iberia
Casio fx-82SPX II Iberia Casio fx-82SPX-S-EH Casio fx-82SX fraction Casio fx-82SX PLUS
Citizen SR-260 Scientific Calculator (all versions)
IT 30Xs
TI-30 eco RS TI 30Xa Solar
Citizen SR-270x (all versions N, NGR, NPU...)
Lexibook SC 100
Casio fx-85ES PLUS Casio fx-85MS ES WA Casio fx-85SP X II Casio fx-85SP X II ‐ bu
Elco ECF-4807
OlympiaLCD 8110
Casio fx-350MS ES TLG TL Casio fx-350ES PLUS Casio fx-350SPX Iberia
Elco EC-545
Texas Instruments TI 36X
Casio fx-550
HP 10s
Casio fx-590
HP 300s
Milan M-240
Milan M-2
Milan M-139
Milan M-228
Recommendations, tips and instructions for taking the PAU
Instructions for students taking the test
The student will follow the instructions to get to the classroom, and will enter through the assigned door. Once in the classroom, he will take a seat and place the closed backpack under her seat.
The call to enter the classroom will be made 45 minutes in advance for the Spanish Language exam and 30 minutes in advance for the rest of the subjects.
When you enter the exam, you will place your ID on your table in a visible place. The student who arrives late for the exam or who does not show up will be graded with a 0 in the exercise he does not attend.
Before the start of the test you will be given barcode labels identifying your personal data. These stickers must be kept for all exams and placed visibly on your table.
Each exam booklet has a reserved space on the first and last page to paste the labels of each subject at the end of the exam. Extreme care will be taken in this operation to not tear them or place them outside the mentioned space. If there is any problem with the labels, notify the Court immediately.
Even if the exam is delivered blank, the labels will be attached.
You must take special care to place the stickers of the subject that has been examined, on the front and back.
You will not be able to enter the classroom once the initial 20 minutes of the exam have passed. You will also not be able to leave until 30 minutes have passed after the start.
In the case of subjects that include musical auditions in their exam, the student will not be able to join or leave the classroom until the auditions included in the test have finished.
To guarantee the confidentiality of the test, your name may not be written or any identifying mark left on the exam paper. If the exam had any identification, it would mean a grade of 0 in the exercise.
Clarifications cannot be requested regarding the content of the statements.
Only one booklet will be delivered per exam and the questions will be answered in it. It is important to clearly indicate the questions chosen. The order followed when answering the questions is irrelevant. You must answer the number of questions specified in the instructions for each exam.
The exam will be written with a ballpoint pen with blue or black indelible ink.
At no time will responses to the statement be valid.
The student may request a booklet to replace the one they already have from the person in charge of the classroom. The previous booklet will be destroyed in front of the student.
Once each exam is finished, the student will hand it in to the person in charge of the classroom, even if he or she leaves the booklet blank.
You will not be able to leave the classroom until you have submitted the exam and following the instructions of the classroom leader.
The Court has the legal capacity to expel from the classroom and annul the tests people who fail to comply with the rules of ethics, respect, order or who use any unauthorized means or materials to pass the test. Expulsion carries a grade of 0 in all subjects.
The Agreement of the Organizing Commission on Fraudulent Acts of the Students participating in the EVAU will be taken into account (Approved by the EVAU Organizing Commission in the Single District of Madrid on April 27, 2020, modified on March 23, 2023 and ratified on 21 February 2024 and modified on May 13, 2024).
If you need to justify attendance at the end of the tests, proof will be requested at the Court headquarters.
The telephones and any other electronic device you carry, must be off at all times inside the classrooms
The exam is corrected again by another teacher.
The new grade will be the arithmetic average of the 2 corrections (may go up or lower the grade Final).
For students admitted to any private university, public universities OUTSIDE the Community of Madrid and UNED. |
Section “Study at the URJC->Access Tests” |
Academic fees and exam rights
Prices for entrance tests to official university degree studies.
For registration in the test: 93,02 euros, plus 11,63 euros for each subject of the specific phase in which the student enrolls.
For registration only in the specific phase of the test: 46,51 euros, plus 11,63 euros for each subject in which the student enrolls
Rest of exemptions: consult el DECREE 43/2022, of June 29
Exams from previous calls
- Exams of the EvAU 2023-24 call
- Exams of the EvAU 2022-23 call
- Exams of the EvAU 2021-22 call
- Exams of the EvAU 2020-21 call
- Exams of the EvAU 2019-20 call
- Exams of the EvAU 2018-19 call
- Exams of the EvAU 2017-18 call
- Exams of the EvAU 2016-17 call
- Exams of the call 2015-16
- Exams of the call 2014-15
- Exams of the call 2013-14
- Exams of the call 2012-13
- Exams of the call 2011-12
- Exams of the call 2010-11
- Exams of the call 2009-10
- Exams of the call 2008-09
File transfers and academic certifications
NOTICE: Agreement of the public universities of the Single District of the Community of Madrid, on certifications of the Evaluation of Access to the University and file transfers
They must request file transfer:
All students who have passed the University Entrance Examination at the Rey Juan Carlos University and are admitted to any private University and to Public Universities outside the Community of Madrid, including the UNED.
Students who have started studies at the Rey Juan Carlos University must request the transfer of their file at the Student Secretary of their Campus.
They should not request transfer of file
Those students who have passed the University Entrance Examination at the Rey Juan Carlos University in any call and have been admitted to some of the Public Universities of the Community of Madrid (Alcalá Autónoma, Carlos III, Complutense, Politécnica and Rey Juan Carlos )
Documentation to present:
Letter of admission from the host university (original)
Valid large family card (if applicable).
Place of delivery:
Applications will be delivered to the University Registration Department:
- Telematically through Registration of the Electronic Headquarters (it is necessary to have a digital certificate or equivalent), attaching the application form and the rest of the documentation to the general instance "Expose/Request".
- In person, consulting Previously the schedules and availability of the Registrar's offices of each campus
You can also present it in the registries (face-to-face or digital) of other public administrations that are enabled. The documentation must be addressed to the General Registry of the Rey Juan Carlos University (Identification code DIR3: U05600001).
Once the request has been delivered, within approximately 7 to 15 days, the receipt of payment of fees will be sent to your email. Once paid, you must send the scanned proof of payment by email to the Access Test Service
Rates: (DECREE 43/2022, of June 29, of the Governing Council, which establishes the public prices for university studies leading to official titles and services of an academic nature in the public universities of the Community of Madrid):
- Ordinary: €27,54
- General Large Family (50%): €13,77
- Special Large Family: Exempt from payment
NOTICE: It is reported that according to agreement of the public universities of the single district of the Community of Madrid, the official report card may be used as a supporting document for the entrance exams downloadable from our web page for students who have taken the tests from 2018 onwards.
This document contains a Secure Verification Code (CSV) with which its validity can be verified in the Electronic Headquarters of the University. You can also download from this last place, the same document in PDF with the Electronic signature including.
All those students who have taken the University Access Tests at the Rey Juan Carlos University may request, by means of a standardized form, the issuance of a certificate that accredits their completion.
Documentation to present:
Valid large family card (if applicable).
Place of delivery:
Applications will be delivered:
- Telematically through Registration of the Electronic Headquarters (it is necessary to have a digital certificate or equivalent), attaching the application form and the rest of the documentation to the general instance "Expose/Request".
- In person, consulting Previously the schedules and availability of the Registrar's offices of each campus
You can also present it in the registries (face-to-face or digital) of other public administrations that are enabled. The documentation must be addressed to the General Registry of the Rey Juan Carlos University (Identification code DIR3: U05600001).
When the certificate is issued, the interested party will be contacted.
Royal Decree 534 / 2024, of 11 of June, which regulates the requirements for access to official university degree courses, the basic characteristics of the access test and the basic regulations of admission procedures.
ORDER 2105/2024, of May 7, of the Ministry of Education, Science and Universities, which modifies Order 47/2017, of January 13
Agreement on the procedure for unexpected and exceptional causes ordinary call evau 2024
RESOLUTION of October 24, 2022, of the General Director of Universities and Higher Artistic Education,which publicizes the Agreement of the Coordinating Commission of the Baccalaureate Assessment for University access, which determines the dates of completion of the assessments corresponding to the year 2023
Order PJC/39/2024, of January 24, which determines the characteristics, design and content of the Baccalaureate evaluation for university access, and the maximum dates for carrying out and resolving the procedures for reviewing the grades obtained, in the 2023 academic year. 2024
ORDER 1647/2018, of May 9, of the Ministry of Education and Research, which modifies Order 47/2017, of January 13, of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, which develops certain aspects of the final evaluation of Baccalaureate for access to the University.
Order 47/2017, of January 13, of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, by which certain aspects of the final evaluation of Baccalaureate for access to university are developed.
For any questions related to the structure and organization of the Evaluation for University Access, you can direct it through the Student Help Box