Dates to request admission for Complementary Training Requirements prior to the homologation of foreign Degrees in the course 2025/2026
Application deadline: from March 3 to April 30, 2025. Both inclusive.
Pre-registration form (print and complete 2 copies)
The pre-registration form, as well as the rest of the documentation, can be delivered through the electronic headquarters of the URJC -directed to the Academic Management Service for Undergraduate Students -, or in any of the URJC records
Email address for admission inquiries for Complementary Training Requirements (homologation of foreign degrees)
Enrollment dates: From September 8 to 10, 2025, students who have been admitted to complete the complementary training requirements prior to the recognition of foreign degrees will be able to register at the student office of the corresponding campus.
- Exam fee fee once admitted: €145,36
- Dentistry: There is a specific call. (Pending confirmation)
- Psychology: Applications will not be accepted until the new plan is 100% implemented (predictably by 2027-28)
In compliance with current regulations, and given the growing mobility of students that has suffered a significant increase after the implementation of the European Higher Education Area, it is necessary to update the Guidelines for the implementation of the Complementary Training Requirements prior to the Homologation of Foreign titles.
Due to the progressive implementation of Degree degrees, and the gradual extinction of First and Second Cycle degrees at the Rey Juan Carlos University, students will only be admitted to complete the Complementary Training Requirements in those Degree degrees. that are fully implemented, and in those first and second cycle degrees that have not been extinguished, according to current regulations.
For the development of these Guidelines, the following regulations must be taken into account:
- Royal Decree 889/2022, of October 18, which establishes the conditions and procedures for homologation, declaration of equivalence and validation of university education from foreign educational systems and which regulates the procedure to establish correspondence to the level of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education of the official university degrees belonging to previous academic ordinances.
- ORDER ECD/2654/2015, of December 3, which enacts regulations for the development and application of Royal Decree 967/2014, of November 21, with regard to the procedures for the approval and declaration of equivalence of qualifications higher education foreigners.
- Royal Decree 822/2021, of September 28, which establishes the organization of university education and the procedure for ensuring its quality.
- Royal Decree 412/2014, of June 6, establishing the basic regulations for admission procedures to official university undergraduate courses. (in force until the 2024/2025 academic year)
- Royal Decree 534/2024, of June 11, regulating the access requirements to official university undergraduate courses, the basic characteristics of the access test and the basic regulations of the admission procedures
These guidelines will apply to requests for students with total foreign university studies who, after requesting the homologation of their degree in the Ministry of Education of Spain, have to complete some Complementary Training Requirements.
2.1.- In the event that a student has fully completed their university studies at a university in a foreign country, and wants to homologate their higher education degree so that it is valid throughout the Spanish territory, they must request homologation from the Ministry of Education (Subdirectorate General of Titles and Recognition of Qualifications).
2.2.- If the homologation of the foreign higher education degree has been conditioned to the passing of some Complementary Training Requirements, and the official Spanish degree that is intended to be homologated is one of those taught at the Rey Juan Carlos University, the interested party will present , within the established deadlines, together with all the necessary documentation, the corresponding application for admission through the General Registry or through the Auxiliary registries of the Rey Juan Carlos University, in accordance with the provisions of these guidelines.
The deadline for submitting applications will be established by the Rey Juan Carlos University for each academic year, and published on the website.
2.3.- If it is a first and second cycle degree, it must not be completely extinguished, and if it is a degree degree, it must be fully implemented.
2.4.- Once the student's request to fulfill these Complementary Training Requirements has been received and studied, the applicant will receive the corresponding resolution in which they will be informed whether or not they are admitted.
2.5.- If admitted, the student will have to register at the student office of the campus where the courses for which he/she must complete the Complementary Training Requirements are taught, and pay the corresponding fees.
2.6.- Once registration has been completed, the student will go to the Dean of the Faculty or the School Directorate to be informed of the composition of the Qualifying Tribunal, and to be provided with the guidelines to be able to take the corresponding test to pass these Complementary Training Requirements.
2.7.- When the qualifications are firm, the Vice-Rectorate for Students will send to the Ministry of Education, for inclusion in the respective files, the report card of qualifications of each one of the evaluated applicants, once they have passed all the subjects subject to evaluation. the complementary training requirements, and with the results obtained.
3.1.- Once the tests of the Complementary Training Requirements have been completed, the Qualifying Court will present to the student secretary of the corresponding campus the qualification certificate of the enrolled students, signed by all members of the same, with the results obtained with the grade of “pass” or “fail”.
3.2.- The Faculty or School will communicate the qualification obtained to the interested parties, and the final qualification of "apt" or "not apt" in the Complementary Formative Requirements.
3.3.- In the event that the test is not passed, or is only partially passed, the interested party may complete the total passing of the same in successive calls. However, once the annual calls have been exhausted, the student may appear in subsequent academic years by carrying out the procedures established in these guidelines again.
In terms of enrollment, calls and permanence, the student will have to be governed by what is established in current regulations, both the general regulations and those of the Rey Juan Carlos University.
3.4.- Once the minutes have been published, those interested may request an individual certificate that certifies the results of the tests, upon payment of the corresponding public prices.
4.1.- In the event of not being admitted to carry out the Complementary Training Requirements, the student may present the corresponding claim to the Vice-Rector for Students, within the period established in the resolution letter at his request.
4.2.- The student who takes the test corresponding to the Complementary Training Requirements, once the grades are communicated, may make any claims they deem appropriate, applying in this regard the review and claim procedure of the Rey Juan Carlos University, with the adaptations that are precise given the specificity of these tests.
5.1.- Each year the Rey Juan Carlos University will establish which of the Complementary Training Requirements established by the Ministry of Education will be carried out.
- Passing an aptitude test.
- Carrying out an internship period.
- Carrying out a project or job.
- Attendance at supervised courses.
5.2.- The Complementary Training Requirements will deal with all the subjects in which the core subjects established in the Royal Decrees regulating the general guidelines of the study plans of each university degree for which homologation is requested are organized.
5.3.- The date and place for carrying out the Complementary Training Requirements will be set by the corresponding center.
5.4.- The different Centers of the Rey Juan Carlos University must have available the programs subject to completion of complementary training requirements.
5.5.- Those who have completed Complementary Training Requirements at another University, and wish to appear at the Rey Juan Carlos University, must submit the corresponding application in writing, indicating that they have completed Complementary Training Requirements at another University.
Once access is authorized, they will request from the University of origin to send their file to the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, to the Academic Management Service for Undergraduate Students, which will indicate at least the subjects passed at the university of origin, with indication of the calls that have been exhausted, as well as the Resolution of the Ministry that conditions its approval to the passing of these Complementary Training Requirements.
6.1.- The deadline for submitting applications for admission to carry out the Complementary Training Requirements will be established by the Rey Juan Carlos University for each academic year, and published through the university's website once it has been approved.
6.2.- The favorable resolution of admission to carry out the Complementary Training Requirements will be without effect if the interested party does not formalize the registration in the academic year in which it was granted.
6.3.- Those who do not present the required documents, in the established conditions, form and deadlines, will be excluded from the call to carry out the Complementary Training Requirements.
7.1.- The documentation to be presented by the interested party is the following:
- Instance of request of Complementary Formative Requirements, according to the normalized model of the Rey Juan Carlos University.
- Original and photocopy or certified photocopy of the valid DNI, Passport or Residence Card.
- Original and photocopy, or certified photocopy of the final resolution of the Ministry of Education that conditions the homologation of the degree to the passing of the Complementary Training Requirements prior to the homologation of foreign degrees.
7.2.- For students who are not nationals of States that have Spanish as their official language, the Rey Juan Carlos University may establish the language test they deem appropriate.
8.1.- At the beginning of each academic year, the Dean of each Faculty or the Director of each School of the Rey Juan Carlos University must appoint a Qualifying Court.
8.2.- The Qualifying Court will be made up of five tenured professors who belong to those areas of knowledge with which the subjects of the requested degree are linked. Whenever possible, each of the members will belong to a different area. In any case, and at most, there may be two members of the same area of knowledge in the Court.
8.3.- For the Qualifying Court to act validly, at least three of its members must be present, one of them being the President.
8.4.- The decisions of the Qualifying Court will be adopted by simple majority.
8.5.- The Qualifying Court will inform the Dean of the Faculty or the School Director of the resolution adopted by the Qualifying Court, and the results of each of the interested parties, so that the Faculty or School informs the interested parties.
Likewise, the Qualifying Court will present, in the center's student secretariat, the qualification report of the students enrolled in the Complementary Training Requirements, signed by all members, with the result and the qualification of “appropriate” or “not suitable.” ”.
This resolution and the administrative acts derived from its application may be challenged within the terms and in the manner established in Law 39/2015.
This resolution will enter into force the day after its approval by the Governing Council of the Rey Juan Carlos University
Applicable legislation
RD 412/2014, of June 6, which establishes the basic regulations for admission procedures to official university degree courses. (valid until the 2024/2025 academic year)