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Scholarships, grants and awards

Ministry of Education

Scholarships from the Ministry of Education: undergraduate and master's studies


El The deadline to apply for the scholarship is from March 19 at 9:00 a.m. to May 10, 2024 at 15:00 p.m.. The student must apply for the scholarship even without being enrolled in the next course and even without knowing how many subjects he is going to pass in the current course.


Why is the application deadline advanced?

This way you will know if you meet the economic requirements or not before seeing what you are going to study.

For which studies can you apply for a scholarship?

You can apply for a scholarship if you think you are going to enroll in the 2023-2024 academic year at any of the following levels:

  • university education for bachelor's and master's degrees.

Not included in this call for scholarships:

  • Third cycle studies or doctorate
  • Specialization studies
  • University titles.

Indefinite subjects at the URJC (TFG, TFM, RAC, Modern Language and External Practices)

In the event that a student has enrolled in the subject of indefinite duration in an academic year and has not been examined, he or she must renew enrollment for successive courses, paying only the secretarial fees and school insurance, if applicable. The student who fails must re-enroll the subject as a second enrollment (third or fourth).

How do Indefinite Subjects affect the Ministry Scholarship?

Students taking indefinite courses (TFG, TFM, RAC, Modern Language and External Practices) They should know that, if you have not applied or they have not graded it in the current course and even if you do not have to pay the registration fee for said subject again in the following course, those credits would count as not passed for the ministry's scholarships.

Example: in the case of Modern Language, the student who has registered for the subject and who has some specific particularity (for example, who is an applicant for the MEC Scholarship) will have to take into account the requirements of said particularity when applying. decide when to enroll in a course of the subject (for example, if the MEC scholarship asks for a % of credits passed over the credits enrolled and the student enrolls but does not enroll in a group, the credits will appear for scholarship purposes as credits enrolled , but not yet passed in that academic year and this may harm you when obtaining said scholarship).

Cancellation, extension or modification of registration for scholarship applicants at the URJC

Those students who have applied for a scholarship must take into account that they can only request cancellation and/or change of subjects, which implies a reduction in credits, within the first set deadline. In the second term they will not be able to request a reduction in the number of credits initially registered.

Change of subjects: All those students who have applied for a Scholarship from the Ministry of Education must bear in mind that, in the second period of modification, they can only request the change between subjects with the same or higher number of credits, in no case lower.

Cancellation of subjects: Those who wish to request the cancellation of subjects already enrolled must check said subjects. All those students who have applied for a Scholarship from the Ministry of Education must take into account that, in the second modification period, it is not possible to apply the cancellation of subjects.

Extension of subjects: The student who wishes to request the extension of subjects in his registration must check said subjects. All those who have applied for a Scholarship from the Ministry of Education must take into account that, in the second modification period, it is possible to apply the extension of subjects.

Important information: Enrollment increase and reduction for students with a scholarship from the Ministry of Education

It will be considered that the student has only full registration when you are enrolled in all the credits corresponding to the course of your training itinerary. In this case, you will be eligible for all the aid from the Ministry of Education Scholarship. On the contrary, if the established number of credits is not reached, they will only opt for the amounts of Registration y Minimum Variable, when considered partial enrollment.

“.The beneficiaries of said scholarships must, in addition, exceed at least 50 percent of the credits or subjects in which they have enrolled, with the exception of scholarship holders of university education of the branches of Sciences and Technical Education that must pass, at least, 40 percent of them. Failure to comply with this last obligation will entail the reimbursement of all the components of the scholarship with the exception of the tuition scholarship”

For students applying for Ministry of Education Scholarshipwill not be taken into account For the purposes of fulfilling the academic requirements, the subjects or credits validated or adapted.

How much money can you receive for your scholarship

The scholarship is the sum of different components. To calculate how much corresponds to you, you must bear in mind that the scholarship consists of a fixed amount of money (fixed amounts) and a variable amount of money (variable amount).

Fixed quantity

It is called a fixed amount because, unlike the variable amount, it is a fixed amount established each year in the call. If you meet all the requirements (general, economic and academic), you can get the sum of all the amounts that we explain below:



tuition scholarship

It will include the amount of credits for which you enroll for the first time in the 2023-2024 academic year

Fixed amount linked to the student's income

1.700 €

Fixed amount linked to the residence of the student during the school year

2.500 €

for academic excellence

50 € - 125 €


Take into account the following remarks:

  • The price per credit will be the official price set in the 2023/2023 academic year. for academic services depending on the different degrees and universities.
  • The scholarship does not cover second or subsequent registrations: only the price of the credits in which you enroll for the first time.
  • It only covers the minimum required credits to obtain the degree.
  • If you study or are going to study in a center attached to the URJC, the scholarship covers only the public price set by the Decree on Public Prices of the Community of Madrid.


variable quantity

Variable and different amount for the different applicants that will result from the weighting of the average grade of the student's file and their family income and whose minimum amount will be 60,00 euros.


how to request                       electronic-seat.png.png  Access to the call and application to apply for a scholarship



Claims: If you have been required to present documentation, you can do so in person through General Instance , addressed to the URJC Scholarship Service, in the General Registry, Auxiliary Registries or in the places and forms indicated in art. 16.4 of Law 39/2015 of Common Administrative Procedure, or electronically, through the Electronic Registry of the Electronic Office of the URJC

Attention to the applicant:  Student help box

  • Until September 30 Undergraduate students and until October 15 for Master's

You can make a single request to modify the subjects corresponding to the first and second semester.

  • From January 20 to January 31 for Undergraduate students and from February 1 to 15 for Master's degrees.

You can make a single request to modify the subjects of the second semester.

Those students who have applied for scholarship, they should take into account that They may only request cancellation, extension and/or change of subjects within the first established period. In the second term they will not be able to request a reduction in the number of credits initially registered.


Sign in


Access Tests, Degrees and Scholarships Service. Rector's Building, 1st Floor. Mostoles Campus.

Previous appointment information scholarships Ministry of Education

Collaboration scholarships from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training

Collaboration scholarships (Call 2024 - 2025)

Application submission deadline: from June 11, 2024 to September 17, 2024

Region of Madrid

Community of Madrid Socioeconomic Aid Program – URJC 2023-2024

Announcement and its corresponding regulatory bases for the concession, by means of a competitive procedure, of aid for the compensation of public tuition prices, corresponding to the Socioeconomic Aid Program financed by the Community of Madrid, aimed at facilitating that students in an unfavorable socioeconomic situation can start or continue their university studies in the 2023-2024 academic year.

The deadline for submitting these aids opens the day after the publication of the extract of the call in the Official Gazette of the Community of Madrid, and will be 15 business days. 

Submission deadline 2024: from March 1 to March 21, 2024 (both included)

Instructions to apply for help

Frequently Asked Questions

Family unit. Who are eligible members?


  1. For the calculation of income and family assets for scholarship purposes, the computable members are the parents and, where appropriate, the guardian or person in charge of the custody and protection of the minor, who will be considered the main breadwinners of the family. The applicant, the unmarried siblings under the age of twenty-five who live in the family home as of December 31, 2022 or the elderly, in the case of people with physical, mental or sensory disabilities, as well as the ascendants of the parents who justify their residence in the same address as the previous ones with the corresponding municipal certificate. In the case of applicants who constitute independent family units, the applicant and his/her spouse, registered partner or not who is united by a similar relationship will be considered computable members and main breadwinners. Children under the age of 25, if any, and who live at the same address, will also be computable members.
  2. In the case of divorce or legal or de facto separation of the parents, one of them who does not live with the scholarship applicant will not be considered a computable member. However, where appropriate, the new spouse, partner, registered or not, or person united by a similar relationship whose income and assets will be included in the calculation of family income and assets will be considered the computable member and main breadwinner. Likewise, the person with their own income who, on the aforementioned date, lives at home with the applicant when there is no family relationship and a shared apartment rental cannot be justified, will be considered a computable member. When the child custody system is shared custody, the father and mother of the scholarship applicant, their common children and the ascendants of the father and mother who justify their residence at the same address as the above with the corresponding municipal certificate.
  3. In the cases in which the scholarship applicant is a minor in foster care, the provisions of the preceding paragraphs will apply to the foster family. In the case of an adult, they will be considered as not integrated into the family unit, for these purposes, as long as in fact the circumstances of integration with the host family do not subsist and this is duly accredited.
  4. In cases in which the applicant alleges his emancipation or family and economic independence, whatever his marital status, he must reliably prove that he has sufficient financial means of his own to allow said independence, as well as the ownership or rental of his habitual residence. Otherwise, and provided that the accredited income is less than the expenses incurred for housing and other expenses considered essential, independence will be understood as not proven, therefore, for the calculation of income and family assets for scholarship purposes , the income corresponding to the computable members of the family referred to in sections 1 and 2 of this article will be computed. In the case of independent students or those who are part of independent family units, the family home will be understood as the one in which the student lives during the school year, so the amount linked to the residence will not be granted, since in these cases the residence of the student during the course with his family address.

What is the purpose of these grants?

The compensation of public tuition fees for official university studies for students in unfavorable socioeconomic situations in the 2023-24 academic year

The amount of the aid will be used to cover all or part of the registration fee for the student's academic year. The maximum amount to be compensated by the University will correspond to the amount of credits in which the student has enrolled in the 2023-24 academic year. However, the amount of aid for Degrees will in no case exceed the amount of the public second registration prices corresponding to a complete course of studies completed, and for Masters, €2.100.

Is this aid incompatible with other scholarships?

Socioeconomic aid is incompatible with other public or private scholarships or aid with the same purpose for the 2023-24 academic year, including the Ministry of Education Scholarship, except for those that may be granted by the university as complementary aid to this program. In no case will the sum of these aids exceed the amount of credits for which the student has enrolled in the 2023-24 academic year.

Can I apply for this Grant if I have applied for the MEC Scholarship?

You can request it if it has been denied or is in the process of resolving an appeal. In the event that, once the procedure for granting the MEC scholarship is resolved, said scholarship is granted, you will have to renounce one of them, informing the Access Tests, Degrees and Scholarships Service in writing through your email electronic

How do you access the application platform?

It is accessed through this application form: https://gestion4.urjc.es/programasayudas/login  

How are grants awarded?

Once all applications have been assessed with a score of 10 to 0 points, according to the assessment criteria established in this call (academic performance plus personal and family vulnerability plus economic situation), the University will publish a single list of beneficiaries ordered first. place according to the score obtained and in second place from the lowest to the highest per capita family income, awarding the aid to the beneficiaries in strict order until the budget is exhausted.

If there is no budget available to meet all the requests and in the event of equal final scores, compensation for public prices will be awarded first to students with the lowest family income per capita. In the event that there is equal income, the following award criterion will be used to prove the condition of victim of gender violence in accordance with the provisions of article 31 of Law 5/2005, of December 20, Integral against Violence of Gender of the Community of Madrid.

In case of resignation, the order of points obtained according to the Scale will be scrupulously followed, as it is a competitive concurrence procedure.

Do I have to submit all the documentation requested in the call (form)?

Yes, all the requested documentation must be presented, even if it is assumed that the university can access it by consulting another institution. In addition, at any time during the procedure, the applicant may be required to provide supporting documents deemed appropriate.

Can the application be modified once submitted?

Yes, by accessing the application again in "My requests" and there "Edit" but only while the request is in the "Pending" status

When faced with a problem or technical doubt with the platform, where to go?

Submit it to the Access Tests, Titles and Scholarships Service by mail 

What email accounts are used to contact applicants during the procedure?

Only institutional email will be used (...alumnos.urjc.es)

Can you apply for the Help while registered in another autonomous community other than the Community of Madrid?

Yes, this aid is for all those enrolled in official URJC programmes, whether or not they are registered in the Community of Madrid.

What is considered an independent student?

An independent student is one who does not live with their parents or depend financially on them, who owns or leases their habitual residence and has sufficient “own” financial resources. In this case, the computable members can be: The applicant who would be the main breadwinner, the spouse or person who is united by a similar relationship. The children if any and who live in the same address.

Applicants who claim family and economic independence, regardless of their marital status, must reliably prove at the discretion of the Evaluation Commission that they have sufficient financial means of their own, as well as the ownership or rental of their habitual residence. For these purposes, they will present a summary certificate of the annual personal income tax return or a certificate of charges, for themselves and for the relatives with whom they live in the year 2022. In relation to the address, the applicant must present a rental contract in which the applicant appears as a tenant. date December 31, 2022, or copy of the acquisition deed, Real Estate Tax receipt or simple note from the Property Registry in the case of ownership. In cases where the independent applicant has formed his own family unit (spouse or partner and children), he will include his members in his application and therefore will present the summary certification of the income tax return or certificate of imputations of they.

How is the family economic situation certified?

Summary certificate of the annual personal income tax return corresponding to the 2022 financial year, or imputation certificate if said return has not been submitted, of all eligible members of the family unit over 16 years of age (including the applicant, even if they have never worked) as long as they do not appear as a descendant, ascendant or spouse in the declaration of another member of said family unit. Income that is exempt from taxation must be accredited with the certificate of the corresponding paying entity. A certificate must also be presented stating the income received for unemployment, disability, subsidy or non-contributory benefits, if any of the members of the family unit had received them.

What is an imputation certificate?

It is the document that provides the tax information of people who have not filed an income tax return because they are not required by law to do so or because they have not worked.

How to get a certificate of imputations?

It is requested at the offices of the Tax Agency or online, which is much faster and the electronic certificate is not needed to be able to do it, just some personal data, the mobile phone and we will obtain the document needed on our computer. To do this, click on the following address of the Tax Agency: https://www.agenciatributaria.gob.es/AEAT.sede/tramitacion/G306.shtml

If this document is not available during the application submission or correction period, it must be uploaded to the application receipt and send an email to   alleging this cause of delay in the application or correction period.

Which applicants have to present the Official Academic Certificate showing the credits enrolled and the grades obtained in the 2022-23 academic year?

The applicant, only in case of having studied at another University in the 2022-2023 academic year.

Where is the information on the documentation to be corrected?

The information on the documentation to be corrected can be found by the applicants by entering the application, in "My Requests" in the section "Observations of the Processor" and must deliver it ONLY ONLINE, uploading it to the platform during the correction period or in the event that it is not possible for you to do so due to technical problems, claim by email to   the cause of it within the rectification period and deliver it to the University Registry.

What is the Memory of the Supervening Cause?

It is an explanation written by the applicant, briefly explaining the cause that has caused, in fiscal year 2023, a drastic and demonstrable decrease in family income compared to that of fiscal year 2022, which has produced the situation of economic difficulty for the student. or for the family unit, so that the Evaluation Commission can consider it.

What documentation must I submit to justify the causes of vulnerability?

Applicants who allege a situation of personal and family risk and vulnerability must present the following documentation, depending on the alleged circumstance:



Death of the main breadwinner

Death certificate

Temporary or Permanent Disability of the Main Supporter

Incapacity certificate

Illness or Serious Accident of the Main Supporter

Medical certificate

Unemployment situation or Employment Regulation File of the Main Supporter (ERE and ERTE)

Unemployment certificate (SEPE) or Certificate of working life AEAT model 0037, registration or cancellation as self-employed

Other circumstances

Supporting and accrediting documentation of the same

Are there dates for the different phases of the procedure?

There are no established deadlines or dates, it depends on the volume of requests that are submitted.

Can the adjudication resolution be claimed?

Yes, against the resolution that puts an end to the administrative procedure, an appeal for reconsideration (administrative route) or contentious-administrative appeal (judicial route) can be filed.

Applicant service

You can go to the mail

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

URJC collaboration scholarships

Ordinary call for 2024 of 63 Collaboration Scholarships co-financed with Banco Santander, for training in different services of the Rey Juan Carlos University, in favor of students enrolled in said University


First of all, we recommend that you consult the URJC Collaboration Scholarship regulations.

URJC Collaboration Scholarship Regulations


1 Consult the call: Ordinary call for the year 2024 of 63 collaboration scholarships co-financed by Banco Santander

2 Dates to keep in mind: The submission period is 10 business days from the day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Community of Madrid (BOCM): from July 1 to 12, 2024, both included

3 Application for participation. Applications will be formalized through the Santander Scholarship platforms and through the scholarship application platform. URJC Collaboration Scholarships, being the request in both platforms mandatory, completing the two forms available at the following links:

URJC collaboration scholarship application platform

Application platform for URJC BANCO SANTANDER collaboration scholarships

Very important: if both platforms are not completed, the application will be excluded.

For more information, you can contact the department of collaboration scholarships through the following email: 

Provisional list of applications admitted for processing and applications excluded from the call for URJC 2024 collaboration scholarships co-financed with Banco Santander

CORRECTION PERIOD: 5 business days. From September 6th to 12th, both included

Final list of applications admitted for processing and applications excluded from the call for URJC 2024 collaboration scholarships co-financed with Banco Santander

Provisional resolution of awardees of the call for URJC Collaboration Scholarships co-financed with Banco Santander

Deadline for claims: 5 business days. From October 3 to October 9, 2024, both included

Final resolution of winners of the call for URJC Collaboration Scholarships co-financed with Banco Santander

URJC Psychological Assistance Program


Submission deadline 2024: from June 14 to July 4, 2024 (both included)

Instructions to apply for help

place of presentation :

URJC Platform (required)https://gestion4.urjc.es/programasayudas

Santander Platform (required)Santander Open Academy

Correction period: 5 business days. From August 26 to 30, 2024 both included

Deadline for objections: 5 working days. From 11 to 15 November 2024, both included.

Excellence grants for master's degree students


Aimed at Spanish and European students and for foreigners who prove legal residence in Spain.

Deadline for submission: From July 9 to September 27, 2024, both inclusive

Resolution calling for the granting of Excellence Grants for master's degrees for the 2024/25 academic year

Access to the application:

Platform for access to the application

Provisional resolution of applications admitted for processing and excluded from study

Deadline for correction: 5 business days, from October 15 to 21, 2024, both included

Final resolution of applications admitted and excluded for study

Provisional award resolution of applications admitted for distribution and excluded

Deadline for claims: 5 business days, from November 12 to 18, 2024, both included.

Final resolution of the recipients of excellence grants for master's students in the 2024/25 academic year

Correction of Errors to the resolution awarding the master's excellence grants for the 2024/25 academic year

Mobility (Erasmus, Erasmus Practices and SICUE)

Aimed at promoting the national and international mobility of students.

Erasmus scholarships

International internships

SICUE mobility program

Aid to Refugees


Resolution of publication of the call

application periodd: CLOSED.


Other Organizations and Institutions

Banco Santander

Santander Excellence 360º Scholarship Program 2025

  • Registration deadline: From 01/02/2025 to 15/05/2025, both inclusive
  • Closing date for registrations and start of evaluation of the same: From 16/05/2025 al 15/06/2025
  • Candidate selection day: 15/06/2025


Link to the platform

Santander Scholarship Program “Economic Aid” 2024/2025

  • Registration opening day: April 30
  • Closing day for registration and start of evaluation: October 31 at 23: 00 hours
  • Candidate selection day: December 20


Link to platform: https://app.santanderopenacademy.com/es/program/becas-santander-ayuda-economica-2024-2025

Santander Language Scholarships - Spanish for Ukrainians (Іспанська мова для українців)

Banco Santander has launched this support program for the Ukrainian population that is in Spain to facilitate their integration into our country.

1.000 scholarships are offered in three different calls, whose registration can be made between the end of April and the end of June, with the aim of being able to carry out the training course as they need it. This program aimed at nationals of Ukraine over 18 years of age who are refugees and / or welcomed in Spain to the date of publication of the call for the Program, so that they can carry out a training program, through UNED, to obtain the level of linguistic comprehension, an A1 level of Spanish.

The program will consist of a 50-hour training in Spanish for Ukrainians living in Spain, which will preferably be taught face-to-face and synchronously from the UNED centers distributed nationwide. UNED will make available to the candidates the centers that it has distributed at a national level where they can approach to carry out the training. The training will last 50 hours to be completed in 3-4 weeks. Those who cannot or do not need to travel to a UNED center will be able to complete the training online.


Number of scholarships: 250

Term: 20/04 to 03/05

Requests: through https://app.becas-santander.com/es/program/becas-santander-idiomas-espanol-para-ucranianos 

Start: May 9

Santander Scholarships for National Mobility and Leadership Studies

Program of 10 scholarships of 5.000 euros aimed at young people who are going to do their undergraduate studies for the first time at a university outside their province.

With the Santander National Mobility and Leadership Studies Scholarships, we want to support the economic needs that arise when students are going to study their first year by offering 10 scholarships of €5.000 with which students enrolled in a university outside their province of origin will be able to face all the expenses derived from their undergraduate studies away from home.

Although on this occasion we have relied on the Francisco de Vitoria University to manage the program, these scholarships are aimed at all students who are going to do their first year of a degree in any spanish university outside their province of origin in the academic year 22/23.

Get more info 

Eleven Foundation

Practical scholarships from the ONCE Foundation – CRUE

Call for the "ONCE Foundation - CRUE practical scholarships" program for the 2024-2025 academic year

Deadline for submission

On the ONCE Foundation scholarship platform, through the following link: https://becas.fundaciononce.es until the 10 of December of 2024

at the URJC, applications must be submitted through the electronic headquarters of the Rey Juan Carlos University, (https://sede.urjc.es/en/), during the five business days following the publication of the extract of this resolution in the BOCM. From December 19, 2024 to January 10, 2025, both inclusive

Registration: Interested persons must register, mandatory, both on the ONCE Foundation scholarship platform and at the URJC.

Provisional resolution of applications admitted for processing and excluded

    Correction period: 5 business days. From February 3 to February 7, both included

IX call for “talent opportunity” scholarships for students with disabilities for the 2022/2023 academic year

Scholarships for international mobility, master's, postgraduate, doctorate, research and students who combine studies and sports.


Occident Foundation

call of the new Jesús Serra Undergraduate Scholarship program from Fundación Occident

the summons closes on June 10, 2024, at 2pm peninsular time.

This program includes 12 scholarships aimed at high school students or higher education vocational students (CFGS) with talent and potential who face barriers to accessing university education. There are 6 scholarships for each access route:

  • First generation of university students: for students who want to be the first in their family to go to university.
  • First generation of women in STEM: for students who want to be the first in their family to pursue STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) degree studies. 

The scholarships cover the public price of university tuition and offer aid for the purchase of educational material and/or complementary training, a mentoring program throughout all studies in addition to an annual training program and also financial awards according to income, distance to the university and taking advantage of the benefits granted by the scholarship.

The main requirements of the call are:

  • Be the first in the family to go to college or be the first in the family to graduate with a STEM degree.
  • Have an average grade equal to or greater than 7 in Baccalaureate or CFGS.
  • Enroll in the first university degree course at a university in Spanish territory and not have previously completed other university studies.
  • Have a limited income threshold.
  • Apply for the scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of the Spanish Government or the Basque Government scholarship, if the requirements to request it are met.

CEDEX - Center for Studies and Experimentation of Public Works

12 training scholarships at CEDEX