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Informative sessions in Secondary Education centers

Information and contact


If you need information or guidance on studies you can contact us through the Inquiry Mailbox



Contact Email address Address

Pilar Serrano Herranz

This email is for the exclusive use of educational centers

Rectorate Building 1st floor office 102

Jorge Díaz Perona García

This email is for the exclusive use of educational centers

Rectorate Building 1st floor office 102



The Rey Juan Carlos University collaborates with the orientation programs aimed at Baccalaureate and Higher Training Cycle students, offering the possibility of having the orientation, advice and experience of a URJC teacher in their center, in person or on-line.

Request an information session at your center and a teacher from the different Schools and Faculties of the URJC will be in charge of:

  • Present the URJC.
  • Provide guidance on the URJC academic offer.
  • Guide on the branch of knowledge that interests students.

Information sessions at the centers will be held from October to May. Its approximate duration is 1 hour.

If you are interested in this activity, just fill out the