Branch of knowledge: Social Sciences and Law
Center in charge: Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences
campus: Madrid-Vicalvaro
Method of teaching: English
Credits: 240. Credits/year: 60. Duration: 4 years. Implantation: progressive, first year 2009-2010
Academic Calendar Schedule Exam Teaching Guides Validation table Faculty
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ms. Cristina Pérez Pérez
Student attention: 91 488 93 93. Student Help Box Suggestions, complaints and congratulations mailbox
What will I learn by studying this degree?
The theory – both basic and in-depth for understanding how the different areas of a company work and are managed and supervised
- Business Organization
- Accounting
- Finance
- Human Resources
The socio-economic features of the environment in which a company operates. These include:-
- Economic
- Legal
- Sociology
- Historical
Additional knowledge which is needed to learn about the aforementioned and apply it in practice
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- information technologies
- Languages
Where will I be qualified to work upon graduation?
The job market for Business Studies graduates tends to center upon set-ups, internationalisation, technological innovation and change, and new models of work organisation. As such, graduates will tend to move into:-
- Organization or company departments:- finance, sales, management control, marketing, market research, IT, international trade, purchasing, quality, R+D+I, Human Resource Management.
- Financial Services:- auditing, consulting and advice, money markets/securities, financial institutions, recruitment agencies, insurance, marketing, publicity, research institutions, distribution, tourism, health.
- Industry:- food, drinks, chemicals, iron and steel, pharmaceuticals, motoring, stationery, building, publishing, cosmetics, textiles.
- Infrastructure:- technology, transport, telephony, energy, logistics, building
- Public Administration:- international, European, National, Regional
- Teaching (at secondary, undergraduate or postgraduate levels) and research
- self-employment
Is this degree official in accordance with the regulations of the European Higher Education Area?
Yes (the final verification report is attached). The implementation of the degree will be carried out progressively, beginning in the first year of the degree in the academic year 2009-10.
Favorable first modification report
Favorable report second modification
Favorable third modification report
Favorable fourth modification report
Favorable fifth modification report
Favorable sixth modification report
Favorable seventh modification report
Favorable report eight modification
What topics will be covered in this Degree?
Topics-related to:
- Companies
- Economics
- Accounting
- Law
- Statistics
- Finance
- History
- Market Research and Marketing of Products
- Mathematics
Recommended profile
Given the fact that the Business Studies Degree covers a wide range of abilities, it is difficult to specify what profile of student it appeals, or is most suited, to. Undergraduate students seeking entry should be aware of the nature of the course aims and objectives, ie, to train the student as well as possible to compete in the field of Business Management. Consequently, students wishing to study this course should have the following traits:-
- Responsibility. Students must realize that they need to work at their degree on a daily basis if they want to reach their objectives, and the results they obtain will be directly proportional to the amount of effort they put in.
- receptiveness. Students must be open to all the new ideas which they will encounter as they study the course. This includes being willing and able to plan and organize activities as well as an ability to work with others and in teams.
- Be dynamic and eager to learn. Students should be entrepreneurial, willing to discover new things on their own, and also creative and innovative.
The main objective of the Business Studies Degree is to enable students to manage, advise and assess product and service organisations. Those tasks may be carried out in the organization as a whole or in one specific department: production, human resources, finance, marketing, investment, administration or accounting.
The graduate should know how to identify and anticipate opportunities, allocate resources, organize information, select and motivate personnel, make decisions, reach specific objectives, and assess results.
To define the aims of the Business Studies Degree, the features and evolution of economic and business activity in an increasingly globalized and ever-changing world, in which the demands for competitiveness and sustainability are the norm, have been taken into account. The general training objectives are:
- To know the nature of companies and how they relate to their local, national and international environments
- To know the methods and techniques for managing and organizing companies
- To obtain skills in the use of mathematics and statistics
- Ability to analyze and summarize ability to organize and plan
- Good at communicating, both in writing and orally, in their mother tongue
- Good at communicating, both in writing and orally, in a foreign language
- Study-related IT skills
- A capacity to analyze, review and classify information from different sources
- The ability to structure and project information
- Problem-solving abilities
- The ability to apply professional criteria to problem analysis, based on technical instruments
- Motivation towards quality and responsibility in the workplace
- Creativity, initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit
- The ability to work in a team with an ease of communication
- The ability to work in a team which covers a range of activities
- The ability to work in an international environment
- Skills in interpersonal relationships
- The capacity to work in diverse and multi-cultural environments: recognizing and respecting diversity
- The ability to think through ideas
- An ethical commitment to work
- Good at working under pressure
- autonomous learning
- Adapting to new situations
- Creativity
- Leadership
- Initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit
- Quality-driven
- Being sensitive to environmental and social issues
- Applying knowledge to real situations
- The ability to research
- Designing and managing projects
- An ability to develop economic and business-related issues
Specific Professional Skills
- The ability to analyze and apply accounting techniques and rules
- The ability to draw up and interpret the data contained in yearly accounts
- The ability to solve legal, political and conceptual problems which may be encountered during the running of a business
- The ability to analyze and apply the principles of constitutional, civil, business and labor law
- A sound working knowledge of the different tax structures
- The ability to analyze the instruments of economic policy
- Knowledge and analysis of how economic factors work
- Knowing and analyzing how markets work
- Knowing how to analyze the challenge of business through the management functions (planning, organisation, human resource management and control)
- Knowing how to identify and analyze the functional areas of a company
- Knowing how to design and carry out business strategies (corporate and competitive)
- Knowing how to design and develop a financial plan
- Knowing how to formulate an investment-funding strategy in the company
- Knowing how to analyze and interpret the data which the company has at its disposal
- Knowing how to analyze the sales strategy, targets and sales policy
- Knowing how to use Information and Communication Technologies in different areas
- Knowing how to lead groups of people
- Knowing how to carry out analysis and diagnosis, provide back-up and make decisions in the area of organizational structure
- Knowing how to apply techniques and make decisions in the field of human resource management
Minimum requirements for stay
- For full-time students doing an undergraduate degree, the maximum period of time allowed to complete the degree is eight years. Part-time students can request an extension of up to two years from the Rector.
- In the degrees that have more than 240 credits (4 years), the maximum stated in the previous section will be increased by one year for each 60 ECTS that are added to the 240 ECTS.
- Students have to pass a minimum of two subjects in the first year. Students who are studying part-time have to pass at least one subject in the first academic year.
- Students who are studying an official degree at Rey Juan Carlos University have a maximum of four enrollments in each one of the subjects in the study program, without counting previous cancellations of said subjects.
For further information see: Permanence regulations
Access and Enrollment
Access to official degrees requires holding a high school diploma or equivalent and passing the exam referred to in Article 42 of the Organic Law 6/2001 of Universities, modified in the Law 4/2007 (12 April), taking into account other mechanisms of access Foreseen in existing regulations.
The maximum number of 1st year students accepted in the academic is:
Madrid Campus (Vicalvaro): | 65 places (including transfer admission places) |
Enrollment in the Rey Juan Carlos University is online, using the computers on campus or any computer with web access. Dates and deadlines can be consulted in enrollment, as well as the requirements and necessary documents. If any questions arise, ask at the Student Telephone Assistance Center (TASTING)
Internship Placement
The subject Internships is a curricular subject whose fundamental objective is to encourage the comprehensive training of the student through the practical application of the knowledge acquired in the degree, which facilitates direct contact with the professional activity and offers the opportunity for students to incorporate themselves in the professional world with a minimum level of experience. All the internships are designed so that students who participate in them acquire professional experience in real situations and conditions, applying the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are acquired in the educational process during the degree. These internships are an important opportunity for the personal and professional development of the students.
The internships are activities that the students undertake in companies, institutions, and organizations; that is, in centers external to the university, and that have as their objective to enrich and complement their university studies, while also offering deeper knowledge related to the skills that will be needed once they graduate.
The Internship subject has two phases:
- First, doing the internship, which offers professional experience related to the profile of the graduate and that are shown in the Verification Report of the degree.
- Second, preparation of the report.
Formative project Qualification
For more information: Unit internships
Social Security Contributions for student interns as of January 1, 2024
Mobility Programs
The Erasmus Program offers URJC undergraduate and graduate students the possibility of taking courses for one or more semesters at one of the European universities where URJC has agreements.
These exchanges traditionally involve financial assistance thanks to the Erasmus grants that the EU and the Spanish Education Ministry provide.
The Munde Program manages mobility with universities that are not included in the Erasmus Program.
The possibility of obtaining a grant or financial assistance and the amount depend, in each case, on the agreements with the universities, the countries, or the entities that subscribe to said agreements.
For more information:
SICUE is a national mobility program for GRADOS university students that allows them to carry out part of their studies at another Spanish university with guarantees of academic recognition, use and adaptation to their curricular profile.
Student Support Programs
Future student orientation. The university has various orientation programs for future students: visits to high schools, guided tours of the campuses, visits to classrooms, and, at the beginning of each academic year, the university organizes a Welcoming Day in order to orient new students.
Academic tutorials. Each teacher offers, within his/her teaching plan, tutorial sessions related to his/her subject.
Comprehensive tutorial programs. These programs are aimed at improving the learning process of the students, helping them to plan and organize their efforts in order to obtain the best academic results.
Degree coordinator. The degree coordinator works to favor the coherence and balance of the different subjects and the workload of the students.
Mentor Program. URJC has a Mentoring Program, where students from previous academic years act as tutors.
Disabled students. The Assistance for Disabled Persons Office offers guidance and help to students with special needs.
Scholarships and financial aid. Rey Juan Carlos University processes the principle grants and annual financial aid programs, both their own and those from other official agencies such as ministries, the regional government of Madrid, international organizations, and other entities. The university also publishes and disseminates information about grants and financial aid of interest to students and graduates. During the year, students receive information about these through the established communication channels.
Labor insertion program. URJC, through the Internship Unit and the Graduate Office, organizes events, workshops, and diverse services directed at helping and supporting students seeking employment. This is designed to improve students' employability and to favor their incorporation into the labor market. The university has job listings, a platform at the disposal of companies and graduates where the organisms can carry out their selection process.
*The rates corresponding to double degrees with different degrees of experimentality will be applied as established in the new Decree 43/2022, of June 29, of the Government Council, which establishes the public prices for university studies leading to official degrees and services of an academic nature in the public universities of the Community of Madrid*
- Enrollment and permanence in URJC degree studies. Academic year 2023/24
- Enrollment and permanence in URJC degree studies. Academic year 2024-25 (effective as of June 1, 2024)
- Regulation of refund of academic fees
- Admission due to change of campus or modality, university and/or partial Spanish university studies of Degree and Double Degree of the URJC
- Public Prices
- Academic exemption (repealed and replaced by the Regulations for the Evaluation of Learning Outcomes - Title IX)
- External internships (in force during the 21/22 academic year)
- External internships (applicable from the 22/23 academic year)
- Academic Recognition of Credits (RAC)
- TFG Framework Regulation (Approved Governing Council May 26, 2023)
- Extraordinary End of Degree Award
- Extraordinary procedure for the completion of degree studies (advance call)
- Regulation on the Assessment of Learning Outcomes (in force from 1 September 2024)
- Review and claim of continuous assessment in URJC degree studies (repealed and replaced by the Regulations for the Evaluation of Learning Outcomes - Title VII)
- Request for review and claim of continuous evaluation
- Compensation Court (repealed and replaced by the Regulations for the Evaluation of Learning Outcomes - Title X)
Validation, adaptation of studies, recognition of credits and homologation of foreign qualifications
- Validations / Recognition degrees
- Partial validation of foreign studies
- Complementary training requirements prior to the recognition of foreign qualifications
Quality Guarantee
Report on Results
Once the follow-up on the Degree is carried out, the quantitative information concerning the results of the follow-up for each academic year is shown.
Report on Results:
General Information Collection Plan
Within the Quality Guarantee System at Rey Juan Carlos University, the following surveys are planned:
-New students
-Teacher assessment
-Student satisfaction
-Satisfaction of graduates
- labor insertion
- Causes of abandonment
-Career path:
- Second year after graduation
- Third year after graduation
- Fourth year after graduation
- Degree of satisfaction:
- Faculty with campus and university
- Teaching staff with degree
- Of the evaluators
- Incoming student mobility program
- Outbound student mobility program
- Administration and services staff with university
-External practices:
- student satisfaction
- External tutor satisfaction
- Satisfaction of evaluators
Survey results:
Steps towards Improvement
The Quality Guarantee System at URJC establishes that the Quality Guarantee Commission of the degree analyzes the information derived from the different indicators of the degree and draws up a report which includes plans for improvement, if that is what the results so indicate.
- Improvement actions 2021/2022
- Improvement actions 2020/2021
- Improvement actions 2019/2020
- Improvement actions 2018/2019
- Improvement actions 2017/2018
- Improvement actions 2016/2017
- Improvement actions 2015/2016
- Improvement actions 2014/2015
- Improvement actions 2013/2014
- Improvement actions 2012/2013
- Improvement actions 2011/2012
- Improvement actions 2009/2010
Accreditation renewal
Accreditation renewal supposes the culmination of the implementation of the official undergraduate and Master's degrees registered in the University, Center, and Degree Register. The accreditation renewal of official undergraduate and Master's degrees is organized in three phases: self-assessment report, external visit, and final assessment.
In the first phase, the university describes and assesses the situation of the degree with respect to the established criteria and guidelines. The result is the Self-Assessment report that is presented. The second and third phases are carried out by a group of assessors who are external to the degree in question.
Recognition of quality
The Virtual Campus at URJC has the international certification “UNIQUE” for quality in e-learning. UNIQUE is the most demanding seal of quality for the use of ICT in higher education.
In the framework of the celebration of the INNOVATION FORUM 2011 in the Portuguese town of Oeiras, the Foundation for the Quality of e-Learning gave three UNIQUe quality certifications to universities in Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Spain, and Rey Juan Carlos University was one of those chosen.
UNIQUe is the first certification of quality in all of Europe, created to offer support to universities in order to achieve excellence in the use of ICT for innovation in learning. The provides certification points of reference for the field of higher education in order to increase the speed of implementation of the Bologna reforms in the field of technology. It is centered on innovation with the aim of improving learning. At the same time, the UNIQUe seal facilitates the incorporation of the existing good practices and the valid strategies for quality, presenting a wide institutional focus that goes beyond e-learning in order to validate the efforts of the universities with regard to innovation.
This process of quality certification is based on the broad participation of the interested parties with the aim of involving the entire community of higher education, including the government, students and professors, as well as the administration and management of universities.