FCEE hosts DATAMAD: generating value with open data from the Community of Madrid

Published by Álvaro Hernández Tamurejo

Yesterday, November 14, we closed the DATAMAD of the Community of Madrid at the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences at the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid. Datamad began on October 19 with the workshop How to reuse open data (hacking public open data portals) offered by the international expert in Open Data Reuse Alberto Abella from the Fiware Foundation and collaborator of the high-performance research group OpenInnova of the URJC. The proposals of the work teams were presented yesterday in an intense day that began at 11 am in the Degree Hall of the FCEE, where plenary presentations were offered around the opportunities of quality open data for its reuse and the importance of having the data in order to reuse it and create economic, social or environmental value for professional reusers, public administrations and citizens. The event was inaugurated on behalf of the Community of Madrid by Ignacio Azorín, General Director of Digital Strategy of the Community of Madrid, accompanied by Patricia Lázaro Martínez de Morentín, Deputy General Director of Digital Transformation, Governance and Promotion of Telecommunications, Community of Madrid. On behalf of the URJC, Miguel Cuerdo Mir, Dean of the FCEE and Micael Gallego, Academic Director of Digital Transformation at the Rey Juan Carlos University.

Next, the Open Data Reuse Observatory was presented by Marta Ortiz de Urbina Criado from FCEE URJC, the result of collaboration between ASEDIE and FCEE URJC, to promote the opening and publication of quality data, make it easily accessible and enhance its reuse. Juan Tomás García from Sngular, focused on the importance of software communities and the opportunities that Artificial Intelligence opens up for the reuse of open data. Lourdes Muñoz, Founder of the Barcelona Open Data Initiative, offered success stories of the use of open data to generate social benefits, highlighting the importance of co-creating value through the knowledge that reusers make of open data. Luis Hernández Cuadrado from ASEDIE, vice president of the ASEDIE Information Sources Commission, focused on the added value that companies offer to end users by making data available at the point where they need it to make decisions. Carmen de Pablos Heredero, from FCEE URJC, reported on the Open Data Reuse Manifesto as a commitment mechanism for Public Administrations and Companies to support compliance with the requirements that data from open data portals must have in order to be able to be reused. The teams then worked on refining their projects, which were presented from 17 to 19 pm. The jury, made up of experts in open data reuse, Alberto Abella, Lourdes Muñoz, David Moreno Lumbreras and Casey Abernethy, decided on the prizes for the projects presented, which were awarded at the end of the event. Congratulations to the winning projects! Thanks to the speakers and thanks to all the participants.


first prize



Last modified on Monday, November 18, 2024 at 18:50