Multidisciplinary conference on human trafficking: the digital environment as a gateway to the commission of abuses against young people and as a tool for early detection of said abuses

Posted by Francisco Antonio Serrano Acitores

On April 17, it was held in the Vicálvaro Campus of the FCJP a Multidisciplinary Conference on human trafficking in the context of the Diaconia Spain Project. 

On April 17, it was held in the Vicálvaro Campus of the FCJP a Multidisciplinary Conference on human trafficking in the context of the Diaconia Spain Project. 

Coordinated by the Criminology Degree of our faculty, it is a project financed by the Ministry of Equality and the Ministry of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda in which the Rey Juan Carlos University acts as a collaborator.

The theme on which the conference revolved was "The digital environment as a gateway to the commission of abuses against young people and as a tool for the early detection of said abuses".

Throughout it, issues of prevention, protection, prosecution of crimes and public policies were addressed. 

Participated in said Conference:

- Mrs. Natalia Colmenar. Desensitization technique specialist in trafficking and violence · Diaconia Spain.

- Mrs. Ana Zumel. Resource Coordinator for Security and Protection of Victims of Trafficking Diaconía Spain.

- Mrs. Claudia Hernandez Cortes. Lawyer specialized in Trafficking and International Protection · Diaconia Spain

- And Mrs. Cristina Puigdengolas Carrera. Lawyer. Legal Manager of the Women's Area and the Fight against Trafficking · Diaconia Spain

Last modified on Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 12:28