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HRS4R Strategy

La Human Resources Strategy for Research (HRS4R) is a tool launched by the European Commission to support institutions and organizations that finance research in the application of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the hiring of researchers, to those who the URJC joined in September 2018.

El target of this Strategy is to attract and maintain scientific talent in Europe, promote the mobility of researchers, ensure a good work environment and promote the development of their professional careers. In addition, it also promotes employment and economic growth through the establishment of a competitive, transparent and open scientific labor market.

The URJC thus undertakes, in accordance with its internal policies, to develop its human resources strategy, adhering to the recommendations and principles set forth in the Charter and the Code, and to guarantee transparency, accessibility, equity and the search for of excellence in the recruitment of researchers.

European Researcher Code

En December 2023 was adopted EU Council Recommendation on a European framework to attract and retain research, innovation and entrepreneurial talent in Europe by which the European Researcher Code replacing the European Charter and Code of Researchers 2005. These documents are recommendations from the Commission to the Member States, so they are voluntary for the Member States to adopt and comply with.

The 2023 Code consolidates the 2005 instruments, merging into a single text the general principles and requirements established in the Menu, which define the responsibilities and rights of researchers and institutions that finance and manage research projects, and the Code, which sunderlines the importance of recruitment procedures being open, transparent and merit-based.  

In this way, the European Charter for Researchers 2023 It encompasses the rights and responsibilities of researchers, employers, funders and policy makers. It consists of 20 principles key classified in the four pillars following:

  1. Ethics, Integrity, Gender and Open Science;
  2. Evaluation, recruitment and progression of researchers;
  3. Working conditions and practices;
  4. Research and talent development careers.

The Researchers' Charter is addressed to all researchers, the sectors that carry out research and the respective coordinating organizations (stakeholders).


Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)

Source: ESHorizonte2020 - Spanish Portal of the Framework Program for Research and Innovation of the European Union

HRS4R Seal

In July 2020, after the approval of the Action Plan that ensures compliance with the principles of the European Charter and Code of Researchers, the University obtained from the European Commission the HRS4R Seal. This emblem identifies the institutions that generate and support the existence of a stimulating and favorable environment for the researcher's work.

So far, 725 organizations, 166 of them Spanish, have received the Seal.

Who is the HRS4R Strategy aimed at?

The HRS4R Seal Strategy is for all researchers of the URJC, both Spanish and foreign, regardless of their contractual figure and the moment in which their professional career is. According to the European Commission, there are four states through which the research career passes. For each of them, the Commission has established a profile with a competence framework. These profiles are described below.


Revised plan after the Mid-Term Evaluation

En julio de 2022, the URJC presented to the European Commission the mid-term evaluation report analyzing the progress and achievements achieved in the 18 actions launched under the initial Action Plan (2020-2022). After analyzing the URJC report, in November of 2022 The European Commission issued their conclusions indicating that the URJC had correctly and fully implemented the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R). With the recommendations of the Commission, the URJC has launched its Revised Plan (2023-2025), focusing on strengthening communication actions to increase awareness among the research community about the tools that the HRS4R Strategy makes available to them.

En November of 2025 The URJC will issue its final evaluation report and the European Commission will visit the institution in order to renew the HRS4R Seal.

The Table shows the actions of the initial Action Plan that are still underway and the new actions (19, 20, 21) that have been launched for the 2025 evaluation:



Results of the initial Action Plan (2020-2022): the Stamp Month programs

En May of 2022 Three television programs were broadcast to briefly present the main results of the 18 Actions launched under the initial Action Plan (2020-2022) for the implementation of the HRS4R Strategy at the URJC.

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