• 2017cover Presentation
  • 1

Continuing Education

Admission, pre-registration and registration

The Rey Juan Carlos University, as a complement to official degrees and in accordance with the legislation and the Statutes of this University, has an offer of Own Teaching whose main objective is to provide the student with specialized training, both from a academic and professional, including studies of scientific, technological, cultural, artistic, economic or social interest. These degrees can be developed in collaboration with companies and institutions of different kinds, facilitating the incorporation of the student into the world of work.

Regulation own teachings

Types of continuing education


The Master's studies will be the highest level postgraduate teachings within the permanent training offer. Its objective will be for students to acquire advanced training of a specialized or multidisciplinary nature and, where appropriate, professional.

In no case will they give access to official doctoral studies.

  • They will have a duration of 60, 90 or 120 ECTS credits and must be taken for at least one academic year.
  • All Master's Degrees in Lifelong Learning will include a mandatory Final Master's Project (TFM) in their study plan and of at least 6 ECTS credits.
  • Passing the Master's studies through the corresponding evaluation tests will entitle, where appropriate, to obtaining the Master's Degree in Lifelong Learning in "...." by the URJC.


The teachings leading to the Diploma of Specialization will have a duration between 30 and 59 ECTS credits. Passing these studies through the corresponding evaluation tests will give the right, where appropriate, to obtain the Specialization Diploma in “…” by the URJC.


The teachings leading to the Expert Diploma will have a maximum duration of less than 30 ECTS credits. Passing these studies through the corresponding evaluation tests will give the right, where appropriate, to obtain the corresponding Diploma of Expert in "...." by the URJC.


The objective of the University Extension courses will be for students to broaden, perfect and update their knowledge, with the ultimate goal of providing an agile response to both the demands of society and the professional development of the people who take them. Access to these studies will not require hold a previous college degree. Students will receive a Diploma or University Extension Certificate depending on their type.

They are courses with a teaching load equal to or less than 30 ECTS credits.


They are teachings that allow certify learning outcomes linked to training activities short duration. Its duration must be, in any case, less than 15 ECTS credits. Passing these teachings through the corresponding evaluation tests will give the right, where appropriate, to obtain a Digital Certificate with the name of the respective course and will be included in the centralized Registry of this type of degree.

University Microcredentials

Academic offer 2024/25

Social and Legal Sciences











Health Sciences







Regulation Own teachings (Continuing Education)

Bonus training

The Rey Juan Carlos University is registered in the State Register of Training Entities of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE). This enables us to provide subsidized training actions. In other words, our own teaching courses may form part of the company's training plans for their workers, and these may deduct part of the course expenses by using the training credit available to them.

The possibility of obtaining bonuses in the Social Security contribution can be an additional incentive for certain companies to resort to our courses with the aim of improving the training of their workers. In this way, and especially through the Own Teaching courses, we will be able to encourage the transfer of knowledge from our institution to the productive fabric of society.

For this, the courses must meet a series of requirements that, although they are simple, must be taken into account:

  • All of them must be developed within a single fiscal year.
  • In the case of face-to-face training, a maximum of 30 participants per course and a maximum duration of 8 hours of training per day is established.
  • For non-face-to-face training, the number of 80 participants per tutor must not be exceeded and the virtual platform must meet a series of requirements that our Virtual Classroom meets.

In addition, the bonus by the companies establishes the obligation of the training entity, in this case the URJC, to:

  • Facilitate and take co-responsibility in monitoring the participation, learning and evaluation of students
  • Submit to quality controls and audits.

You can find more detailed information on all these aspects on the FUNDAE website (https://www.fundae.es).

You can address your queries by sending an email to

Request for new proposals of own Teachings (Continuing Education)

Dear teacher,

Below you can find the forms for requesting the evaluation of new Proprietary Teaching proposals (Annex I- Academic and Economic Report)

You can address your queries as well as the reports once completed to 

Proposals must be submitted at least three months in advance of the scheduled start date of the course.

Likewise, indicate that they have a help guide for the preparation of the aforementioned documentation.

New proposals in process

  • University Extension Course in Autobiographies: Anthropology, Cinema and Education.
  • University extension course in European and Comparative Law
  • Expert in Local Public Audit and Compliance Management in Public Administration

The Rey Juan Carlos University is registered in the State Register of Training Entities of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE). This enables us to provide subsidized training actions. In other words, our own teaching courses may form part of the company's training plans for their workers, and these may deduct part of the course expenses by using the training credit available to them.

The possibility of obtaining bonuses in the Social Security contribution can be an additional incentive for certain companies to resort to our courses with the aim of improving the training of their workers. In this way, and especially through the Own Teaching courses, we will be able to encourage the transfer of knowledge from our institution to the productive fabric of society.

For this, the courses must meet a series of requirements that, although they are simple, must be taken into account:

  • All of them must be developed within a single fiscal year.
  • In the case of face-to-face training, a maximum of 30 participants per course and a maximum duration of 8 hours of training per day is established.
  • For non-face-to-face training, the number of 80 participants per tutor must not be exceeded and the virtual platform must meet a series of requirements that our Virtual Classroom meets.

In addition, the bonus by the companies establishes the obligation of the training entity, in this case the URJC, to:

  • Facilitate and take co-responsibility in monitoring the participation, learning and evaluation of students
  • Submit to quality controls and audits.

You can find more detailed information on all these aspects on the FUNDAE website (https://www.fundae.es).

You can address your queries by sending an email to

Dear teacher,

Below you can find the forms for requesting the evaluation of new Proprietary Teaching proposals (Annex I- Academic and Economic Report)

You can address your queries as well as the reports once completed to 

Proposals must be submitted at least three months in advance of the scheduled start date of the course.

Likewise, indicate that they have a help guide for the preparation of the aforementioned documentation.