Admission and enrollment
1. Admission Requirements
1. Admission Requirements
To access the Doctorate, it is necessary to prove compliance with the general access requirements and pass a competitive admission process according to the criteria set by the Academic Committee of each Doctoral Program.
- General requirements for access to the Doctorate
Link to the rgeneral access requirements Doctororado
Catalog of "pre-Bologna" university degrees by ministry areas (MECES correspondences):Check if your title gives access to PhD
- Specific requirements by branch of knowledge/doctoral program
2. Application for Admission
- Admission deadlines and places offered:
- Documentation to present:
- Public Prices:
- Procedure for objections against non-admission to doctoral programmes at the International Doctoral School:
Following the academic calendar published by the International Doctoral School (EID) and once the pre-registration requests have been evaluated by each Academic Committee, the applicant will be informed of his or her admission or non-admission to the doctoral program through the application. If the applicant is admitted, he or she must enroll following the enrollment procedure published on the International Doctoral School website (link). If the applicant is not admitted, he or she may appeal in the first instance to the EID Steering Committee.
Claims against non-admission to doctoral studies at the EID of the Rey Juan Carlos University must be submitted through the catalogue of procedures of the electronic headquarters, by means of a general application, addressed to the EID (link).
IMPORTANT: Objections against non-admission will not be accepted for:
- Pre-registrations submitted after the deadline.
- Apply for a doctoral program other than the one included in the pre-registration application.
Students should be aware that during the registration and claims process, students' position on the waiting list may vary.
- Admission Application Guide: (Enlace)
- Admission Application Application
5. Public Prices
DECREE 43/2022, of June 29, of the Governing Council, which establishes the public prices for university studies leading to official degrees and services of an academic nature in the public universities of the Community of Madrid.
Full-Time Academic Tutoring |
390 € |
Part-time Academic Tutoring |
234 € |
Thesis Reading |
143,15 € |
Doctor's Degree Application |
229,83 € |
School Insurance < 28 years |
€1,12 |
Secretariat expenses |
€6,11 |
Opening of the File |
€27,54 |
* Training Complements: will be the price of the subject that corresponds to enroll (e.g. If it is a Master's degree, consult
**When registering for your Doctorate, the prices approved in the Decree will be applied. valid of the Governing Council of the Community of Madrid, which establishes the public prices for university studies leading to official titles and services of an academic nature in the public universities of this Autonomous Community. If these prices are subsequently modified by the approval of a new Decree that affects the enrolled course, the university will proceed to make the appropriate adjustments in the prices applied and notify the student body of this circumstance. **
documentary commitment
Upon admission to the Program, the documentary commitment (thesis commitment) It will be signed by the doctoral student, his or her tutor and his/her director(s), as well as by the Coordinator of the Doctoral Program and the Director of the International Doctoral School. The documentary commitment establishes the rights and duties of the doctoral student, thesis director(s) and tutor, and, through it, commits all of them to comply with the code of good practice. It also contemplates the conflict resolution procedure and aspects related to intellectual or industrial property rights that may be generated in the scope of the Doctoral Program.
The signing of the thesis commitment must be done electronically:
Access for the doctoral student:
Access for directors and tutors:
If after the initial assignment there is a change in the direction/tutorship, it will be necessary to sign a new documentary commitment again and attach in the process of changing the director/tutor through the URJC Electronic Headquarters: To do this, the doctoral student must download the documentary commitment in pdf (see below). In general, the sequence of signatures will be: 1) student, 2) tutor, 3) directors, 4) doctoral program coordinator and 5) director of the International Doctoral School. In it “Change of director/guardian” process The doctoral student must attach the pdf document (without blocking, in the case of a digital signature) including the signature of the following people, as they would be if their application is accepted: 1) student, 2) tutor and 3) director/s.
If handwritten signatures and digital signatures are considered, the document must first be signed by the people with a handwritten signature. Subsequently, the document will be scanned and the rest of the people will sign it with an electronic signature. In this sense, it should be noted that both the coordinator of the doctoral program and the director of the International Doctoral School have an electronic signature.
The certificates of direction/tutoring of doctoral theses in development (that is, doctoral theses that have not yet been defended) are generated directly through the pplatform. COMMITMENT DOCUMENTARY FILM, accessing with single domain keys. To download the Certificate associated with each address/tutorship, you must consult the academic year in which the student started. At the bottom of the screen you will find a link with the text "CERTIFICATE", through which the certificate is directly generated.
Supervisory commitment / Supervision commitment
Research ethics
Authorization from the Ethics Committee for certain investigations:
Doctoral students and their supervisors/supervisors are reminded that certain research require the report approval from a Research Ethics Committee in order to be carried out.
These are those that include:
-Clinical experimentation with human beings.
-Use of human tissues from patients, embryonic or fetal tissues.
-Use of human tissues, embryonic or fetal tissues from sample or tissue banks.
- Observational, psychological or behavioral research in humans.
-Participation of students pending evaluation by one of the project researchers.
-Use of personal data, genetic information and other protected data.
-Use of biological agents that pose a risk to human, animal or plant health.
-Experimentation with live animals.
-Experimentation with isolated organ or samples extracted after animal sacrifice.
-Experimentation with animal samples obtained from other sources (slaughterhouses, purchases from other companies or researchers).
-Use of genetically modified organisms.
-Participation of minors
-Participation of people (minors and/or adults) without the capacity to express their consent, consent by representation being necessary.
In these cases, the Research Plan must be submitted for evaluation by a Research Ethics Committee. before starting data collection or research activity.
Form to be completed in the event that you use information with personal data in the development of your doctoral thesis / This form is to be completed if your personal details are used whilst writing your doctorate thesis.
The fact that the Research Plan is approved by the Academic Commission of the Doctoral Program does not imply that it has been submitted to the evaluation of a Research Ethics Committee.
More information, with instructions, procedures and models, can be found on the URJC Research Ethics Committee page:
Industrial Mention
La industry mention It is one of the mentions that the student can include in their degree.
According to the Regulatory Regulations for Doctorate Studies, the student who completes his doctorate at the Rey Juan Carlos University may include in his doctoral degree and under certain conditions, the following mentions:
1. International Doctorate (link)
2. Industrial Doctorate
3. Cum laude: The thesis evaluation committee may grant the mention of cum laude if the overall grade is outstanding and the positive secret vote is unanimously issued in this regard.
Requirements to obtain the Industrial Mention in the doctoral degree
According to the Industrial mention in the doctorate degree:
This mention will be obtained by carrying out doctoral studies with the collaboration of the social and economic fabric in order to promote collaboration and the transfer and exchange of knowledge between the academic world and the social and economic world, whether it is the public sphere or private. The "Industrial Doctorate" mention may be awarded provided the following circumstances occur:
- That the thesis has developed a research project of industrial, commercial, social or cultural interest of an entity, public or private company or public administration. Universities, public research organizations (national or regional) and hospitals are excluded. Exceptionally, this mention may be made in any of these institutions, except in universities, provided that the content of the thesis is eminently applied. The direct relationship between the doctoral thesis and the work carried out by the doctoral student in the entity or company must be formalized in a scientific-technical memory which must be approved by the university through a request to the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program (form).
- That you have subscribed a agreement between the entity, company or public administration and the university for the academic development of the doctoral thesis, which will establish, at a minimum, the obligations of the parties and the industrial property rights that may be generated.
- That the doctoral student has been hired or contracted by the entity, company or public administration where the research project is developed for at least one year during the development of the thesis, it being necessary that a substantial part of it be developed in the entity, company or public administration.
The doctoral student will have a tutor person of the thesis designated by the university and a person in charge designated by the entity, company or public administration, which may be, where appropriate, Director or Director of the thesis in accordance with the provisions of this royal decree. In no case may the person designated by the company be part of the thesis evaluation panel.
Procedure to obtain the Industrial Mention in the doctoral degree
According to the Industrial mention in the doctorate degree:
The steps to follow to begin the procedures related to obtaining the Industrial Mention in the Doctoral Thesis are as follows:
- The thesis director and the doctoral student must contact the academic committee of the doctoral program to inform it of the intention to obtain an industrial mention. Taking into account the organization in which the research will be carried out to achieve the industrial mention, the academic committee will initially assess the feasibility and inform the director and doctoral student.
- If obtaining the industrial mention is viable, the thesis director and doctoral student must present to the academic committee:
- Justification that the activity carried out in the organization in which the doctoral student will carry out his research to obtain the industrial mention is in line with the doctoral thesis project.
- A scientific-technical memory.
- If the academic committee of the doctoral program endorses the scientific-technical report, it must issue a certificate stating this circumstance. Only the data relating to the doctoral student and the details of the report will appear on said certificate (date of the meeting of the academic committee in which the report is approved/title/director(s)/person in charge at the institution in which the mention is developed. industrial). The coordinator/responsible for the doctoral program must send this certificate, via institutional email to: doctoral student, thesis director and administrative service of the International Doctoral School (EID) (, ).
- Once the certificate has been received, the EID will put the thesis director and doctoral student in contact with the Center for Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Transfer (CINTTEC) () requesting the processing of the agreement that the participating institutions must sign.
- Once the agreement is signed, CINTTEC will send to the EID () a copy of the signed agreement. The EID will forward a copy of said agreement to the doctoral student, director/s, tutor and coordinator/head of the academic committee.
During the preparation of the deposit application, the doctoral student must rregister in RAPI the accreditation of the training activity “Industrial Mention Report” with the research project report endorsed by the academic committee of the doctoral program (certificate issued in the previous Step 3) and the work life document.
IMPORTANT: The employment relationship with the company must be at least one year from enrollment in EID doctoral studies.
In the deposit request, The doctoral student must provide the following documentation related to the industrial mention:
INI_Menc industrial_Vida laboral* (no template available)
- Industrial mention application form
INI_Menc industrial_Form*
- Scientific-technical report endorsed by the academic committee of the doctoral program
INI_Menc industrial_MemoriaCT* (no template available)
- Contract in the company/organization
INI_Menc industrial_Contract* (no template available)
- Collaboration agreement signed between the company/organization and the URJC
INI_Menc industrial_Convention* (contact CINTTEC at the email address:)
*INI are the student's initials determined with their first name, 1st last name and 2nd last name. For example, José García Pérez would be 01_JGP_Deposit Form.pdf
Aid for Industrial Mention in the doctorate degree
State aid program for "Industrial Doctorates" 2024
Important note: The state program includes as a requirement for the applicant “Not to have been labor-related with the entity with which you are requesting aid for this action or with any other shareholding or social relationship with it prior to February 24, 2023”
Program of the Community of Madrid 2023
Supervision and monitoring of the thesis (RAPI)
Supervision and monitoring of the doctoral thesis
The monitoring of the doctoral student's work, the Research Plan, the Personal Training Plan and the thesis is carried out through the periodic supervision of the doctoral students by their director/s, as well as the tutor, and through conferences supervision of advances in research and transfer and the annual evaluation by the Academic Commission of the doctoral program.
Through the RAPI application, the Academic Committee will evaluate the Research Plan and the Personal Training Plan or its progress, as well as the training activities carried out, along with the reports that the tutor and the director must issue for this purpose. The positive evaluation will be an essential requirement to continue in the program. In the event of a negative evaluation, which will be duly motivated, the doctoral student must be evaluated again within a period of six months, to which end they will correct what has been indicated by the Academic Committee. In the event of a new negative evaluation, the doctoral student will permanently withdraw from the Program.
Before the end of the first year of their affiliation to the program, the doctoral student will prepare a RESEARCH PLAN AND PERSONAL TRAINING PLAN:
1. A Research Plan that will include, at least, the methodology to be used and the objectives to be achieved, as well as the means and time planning to achieve it.
2. A Personal Training Plan which will indicate a forecast of the training activities that will be developed during the doctoral thesis (courses, seminars, mobility actions, etc.).
To this end, the doctoral student will complete the form provided in this section and upload it to the RAPI application available in the corresponding tab.
This document may be improved and detailed throughout your stay in the program and must be endorsed by the director(s) and tutor.
The director/s and tutor of the thesis will carry out the evaluation and approval of the Research Plan and Personal Training Plan through the RAPI application.
Ethical considerations: the fact that the Research Plan is approved by the Academic Committee of the doctoral program does not imply that it has been submitted to the evaluation of an Ethical Committee. Doctoral students and their directors and/or tutor are reminded that if they consider that their research requires a favorable report from a Research Ethics Committee, they must submit the Research Plan to evaluation before beginning to collect data. data or research activity. Learn more
Application for deposit and defense of the thesis
Application for deposit and defense of the doctoral thesis
The application for deposit and defense of the Doctoral Thesis must be made through the application found at the following link: You can change the interface language by clicking on the corresponding flag (Spanish/English) available at the top left.The request for deposit and defense of the Doctoral Thesis must be made through the application found at the following link: You can modify the interface language by clicking on the corresponding flag (Spanish/English) available in the upper left.
The outline of the Process of deposit and defense of the Doctoral Thesis (in accordance with the regulations approved on July 19, 2024) can be found this article
Manual for the application for deposit request and defense of the Doctoral Thesis can be found this article
The Doctoral Thesis deposit request forms can be found this article
Prior to requesting deposit of the thesis, it is recommended that the student verify that he or she meets the necessary requirements to make the request:
- The information provided by the Academic Commission of the Doctoral Program has been reviewed in case there are specific conditions to make the deposit request.
- The documentary commitment document is duly signed by all parties.
- Registration for the current course has been formalized.
- The mandatory activities of the program and the international mention, industrial mention or co-tutorship (if applicable) have been carried out and these have been incorporated, with the corresponding supporting documents, in the activities document (RAPI). These activities have the acceptance of the tutor and director(s) of the thesis.
- There are two positive evaluations in the ordinary period and the director(s) and tutor have favorably evaluated the course in which the deposit is made.
- In case of requesting international mention and/or industrial mention for the doctorate degree, have the corresponding authorizations from the Academic Commission of the Doctoral Program.
- The training complements, if applicable, have been completed.
- The permanence period has not been exceeded.
Duration of studies
The duration of doctoral studies depends on the dedication regime:
1. Full-time is a maximum of 4 years, with the possibility of a 1-year ordinary extension.
2. Part-time is a maximum of 7 years, with the possibility of a 1-year ordinary extension
3. When there has been a change in the dedication regime (from full-time to part-time or vice versa), it will be calculated proportionally according to Annex I of the Permanence Regulations for students enrolled in the URJC International Doctoral School (, with the possibility of 1,5 years of ordinary extension.
Exceptionally, the duration of doctoral studies could be extended through an extraordinary extension for another additional year.
For the purposes of calculating the length of stay indicated in the previous sections, leave due to student illness, maternity or paternity leave, serious or prolonged illness of first-degree relatives, especially relevant labor causes or any other will not be taken into account. cause provided for by current regulations, provided that an temporary leave and is approved by the Academic Commission of the program.
El change in the dedication regime It can only be executed at the time of enrollment for the concept of academic supervision corresponding to each academic year. No changes will be made in the dedication regime when the request is made after enrolling in the academic year prior to the end of the stay without counting the extensions. During the extension period, changes to the dedication regime may not be made either.
Students must make a request for an ordinary, extraordinary extension, change in the dedication regime or temporary withdrawal using the corresponding procedure in the catalog via the Electronic Office of the Rey Juan Carlos University. The student must have the approval of his/her director/s and tutor. The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program must authorize the granting or not of said request.
All details regarding any of the above points can be consulted in the Permanence Regulations for students enrolled in the URJC International Doctoral School:
Doctoral thesis awards:
Extraordinary Awards
Academic Year 2023-2024
Academic Year 2022-2023
Academic Year 2021-2022
Academic Courses 2019-2020 and 2020-2021
Others awards
- VI Call for Awards for Young Researchers and Innovators of the Rey Juan Carlos University. In Modality A, the best theses defended by students of the Rey Juan Carlos University during the 2022-2023 academic year will be awarded.
Help for doctoral thesis
Grants from the Community of Madrid
- Grants for hiring pre-doctoral research staff in training
- Aid for carrying out contracts for research assistants and laboratory technicians co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), through the Community of Madrid Program, 2021-2027
- Grants for the completion of industrial doctorates in the Community of Madrid
The information associated with the calls and deadlines for these grants is available at
Employment Processes
Thesis in 3 Minutes Contest (3MT®)
VIII Thesis in 3 Minutes Contest (3MT®) 2024
VII Thesis Contest in 3 Minutes (3MT®) 2023
VI Thesis Contest in 3 Minutes (3MT®) 2022
V Thesis Contest in 3 Minutes (3MT®) 2021
#HiloTesis Contest
IV Edition #HiloTesis Contest
III Edition Contest #HiloTesis
II Edition Contest #HiloTesis
Offer thesis projects
URJC researchers with at least six years of research (an essential requirement to direct a doctoral thesis in accordance with RD 576/2023 that regulates doctoral studies) can announce their doctoral thesis proposals in this space. Interested researchers must provide all the information collected in the
form and send it through the institutional email at
pdf format to the email account
. The title of the pdf file must correspond to the name of the title of the proposed project (“project title.pdf”). The thesis topic proposals submitted will be visible on the EID website during the current calendar year, and must be renewed annually at the beginning of each calendar year.
Important: The International Doctoral School makes the following information available to potential doctoral students and directors in order to facilitate meeting points between them. This procedure does not imply the assignment of a director nor does it constitute any commitment for any of the parties. If an agreement is reached, potential doctoral students must pre-register for the doctoral program, complying with all the requirements established in the EID regulations (consult this article) and will not have any special treatment.
Knowledge Areas:
Social and Legal Sciences
- Comparative analysis of the legislation on prostitution and sexual exploitation of others
- Aanalysis of the origin, structure and culture of the Spanish global elites
- Artificial Intelligence and fundamental rights
- Evolution of women's right to education as a cornerstone of female emancipation.
- Digital servitization: economic and environmental impact
- Cultural journalism in the 21st century
- The Marshall Plan
- Macroprudential Policies
- Economic Intelligence
- The legitimacy of new purchasing behaviors
- Textual analysis of films, television series, video games, photography, manga, anime, graphic novel, comic.Textual analysis of films, television series, video games, photography, manga, anime, graphic novel, comic.
- Titles related to the analysis of the labor market from a gender perspective
- Vulnerability, social groups and human rights
- Vulnerability, social groups and human rights II
- Behavioral finance and technology
- Scientific denialism: manifestations, triggering factors and public policies to confront it.
- Democratic innovation: review of the experiences of democratic improvement and deepening in Spain during the first quarter of the 20th century
- Tax policy and gender equality
Engineering and architecture
Student procedures
Request for temporary or permanent withdrawal from doctoral studies
The student may request Temporary or Permanent Withdrawal from the doctoral study program in which he or she is enrolled through the procedure established in the URJC Electronic Office:
If you have any questions, you can contact the International Doctoral School through the query mailbox.
Request to change dedication regime (full/part-time) in doctoral studies
The student may request a Change of Dedication to full or part-time in the doctoral study program in which he or she is enrolled through the procedure established in the URJC Electronic Office:
If you have any questions, you can contact the International Doctoral School through the query mailbox.
Request for ordinary or extraordinary extension in the doctoral program
The student may request an Ordinary Extension or Extraordinary Extension in the doctoral study program in which he or she is enrolled through the procedure established in the URJC Electronic Office:
If you have any questions, you can contact the International Doctoral School through the query mailbox.
Request for change of director and/or tutor
The student may request a change of director and/or tutor of the doctoral thesis through the procedure established in the URJC Electronic Office:
The description of the procedure details the necessary documentation that the application must include. You can find the form to change director or guardian at: Form for supervisor or tutor change
If you have any questions, you can contact the International Doctoral School through the query mailbox.
Request for certificates in competitive aid calls (conditional admission, FPU grants, etc.)
Admission to URJC doctoral programmes must take place on the dates published in the EID academic calendar, except for those beneficiaries of a grant to carry out doctoral studies financed by a competitive external call (such as FPI, FPU, etc.) or in the process of formalizing an international joint supervision.
The application for admission conditional on receiving said aid will be made as a general application through the Electronic Office of the URJC. In the application, it is necessary to indicate: call and deadlines of the call (along with the URL); cover letter (form); letter of endorsement from the thesis director (form); all documentation proving that the applicant can access doctoral studies; all documentation required in the call for applications so that the EID can issue the letters/certificates"
Application for official academic certificate (and others)
Personal academic certificate (academic record with the grades obtained and credits passed)
The Academic Certificate must be requested through the Electronic Office. Below are the procedures to follow:
Within the website of the Electronic Office, – Catalog of procedures – Application for Academic Certification.
- The system will ask for the keys as a corporate user (single domain keys).
- Choose the degree for which you want to request the academic certificate.
- You can choose if you want the certificate in Spanish or English.
- The system generates a draft.
To download the signed Academic Certificate you have to follow these steps:
- Access, within the website of the Electronic Office– Citizen Folder.
- Access Documents and search for the document named Academic Certification.
If you have any questions, you can contact the Postgraduate Office through the query mailbox
Request for supplementary certificate to the title
The supplementary certification provisionally replaces the title until it is issued and will enjoy the same value for the purposes of exercising the rights inherent to it. Said certification will include the essential data that must appear in the corresponding title.
The certification has the same legal effects in the national territory as those of the definitive title. In order for it to be valid outside of Spain, it will need to be legalized through the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.
It can be requested through the following link:
Doctor degree application
The student may request the electronic issuance and pay for his Doctor's degree through the procedure established in the URJC Electronic Office:
The student must be up to date with all payments to the Rey Juan Carlos University in order to request the issuance of the university degree.
See instructions this article before starting the process.
Request to send doctoral degree
If you have already been notified that your title is available, you can request its delivery only if you reside outside the Community of Madrid after payment of the referral fees, to the Delegation or Subdelegation of the Government or Consular Office / Embassy closest to your location. of residence. You can check the available offices at the following links:
Government Delegations:
How to request it?
You can request the sending of your degree through the following procedure.
You can request the sending of your title through the following procedure:
The amount is established in the Public Price Decree in force in each academic year and is as follows:
It is not sent to private homes, only official organizations, such as Government Delegations and Sub-delegations outside the Community of Madrid and Spanish Consulates and Embassies outside national territory.
Make sure that said body receives and delivers official documentation.
Procedure to follow in case of loss of doctor's degree
The Official State Gazette Announcement Service establishes a new procedure to follow for the insertion of announcements due to loss of titles, thus adapting to Law 39/2015 of the Common Administrative Procedure.
The procedure to follow to process a Duplicate of a Title due to loss will be as follows:
- The student informs the Secretariat of the loss of the Title. To do this, he must provide all the information he knows regarding his title, in addition to providing the full name, NIE, address, telephone and email. (information necessary to process the information of the announcement)
- The University will insert the announcement in the BOE, will issue the draft and will generate the Reference Number of the Announcement and the Amount.
- It will communicate to the interested party (student) both the Reference Number and the amount. Reference: 5201704318437. Amount: 106,54 euros.
- You will access with or without electronic identification in the application: (
- With the reference of the advertisement and the amount of the advertisement that the university has provided, you will enter “resume payment for the advertisement” and will fill in the information requested on the successive screens.
- If you do not have a NIF (DNI/NIE), you must contact the Official State Gazette indicating your passport number, as well as your name and surname (
- When you get to the screen to select the payment method, you must select “In-Person Payment”.
- You must download the settlement and follow the instructions indicated therein.
- Once you have the NRN provided by the bank, you must re-enter the application ( and press “Update NRN” and complete the fields indicated on said screen.
- Once the data is “Saved”, the insertion of the ad is completed.
- "Until the NRC of the announcement is inserted electronically, the BOE staff will not publish the announcement" (from three to 7 days).
Thirty days after publication, delivery of the notice to the secretariat and payment of the corresponding fee, the Duplicate Title will be processed.
Consultation of official titles of the student in the Ministry of Education
The Ministry of Education has a service where you can consult the official Spanish university degrees of which you are the holder and, if you wish, generate authorization codes so that third parties can also consult them (very useful in labor matters).
Recipients: Official university graduates
- Be in possession of an official university degree.
- Identify yourself at the Electronic Office by means of a Digital Certificate recognized by the @firma platform.
Transfer of File to a Doctoral Program of the URJC
EXTERNAL TRANSFER OF RECORDS for doctoral students studying a doctoral program at another Spanish university
Students enrolled in a doctoral program at another Spanish university who wish to continue their doctoral studies in a URJC program may request the external transfer of their academic record to a URJC doctoral program.
In accordance with the Regulations for Doctoral Studies of the URJC, the doctoral student may request the external transfer of the file during the official pre-registration period (admission of new students) published in the academic calendar from the International Doctoral School (EID) of the URJC. To request the transfer of the file to the URJC, it is necessary to carry out two procedures:
1) Request external transfer via general instance at the Electronic Headquarters of the Rey Juan Carlos University addressed to the EID, attaching the application form;
2) Request pre-registration (admission) to the URJC doctoral program, including in said request proof of having made the request for external transfer. The transfer request must be directed to the EID.
In the request to transfer the file, the doctoral student must provide the following documentation:
Certificate from the home university where you are pursuing doctoral studies (the certificate must indicate the date of first registration, the dedication regime(s) you have had throughout the period of stay and the assessments in the evaluation(s). annual/s), the activities document, the research plan and, if applicable, the personal training plan. To make the request to transfer your file, it is an essential requirement to have passed the last annual evaluation favorably. The academic committee of the receiving doctoral program will rule on the request for external transfer of the file, issuing a reasoned report. It will be necessary for the doctoral student to meet the profile and admission criteria of the doctoral program. The EID steering committee will resolve the external transfer via “Resolution of new admitted and excluded students” (see deadline in the URJC EID academic calendar). If favorable, the EID will proceed to transfer the file once the student has enrolled at the URJC. If the external transfer is approved, the doctoral student will keep the activities document (including research stays and publications), the personal training plan and the research plan. Furthermore, the period of permanence in the doctoral program of origin will be taken into account for the purposes of calculating permanence. The doctoral student may retain director/s.
Fapplication form
INTERNAL TRANSFER OF RECORDS for doctoral students studying a doctoral program at the URJC
Students enrolled in a doctoral program at the URJC (source program) who wish to continue their studies in another doctoral program at the URJC (destination program) may request the internal transfer of their academic record.
In accordance with the Regulations for Doctoral Studies of the URJC, the doctoral student may request the internal transfer of the file during the official pre-registration period (admission of new students) published in the calendar academic from the International Doctoral School of the URJC.
To request the transfer of the file to the URJC, it is necessary to carry out two procedures:
1) Request internal transfer via general instance at the Electronic Headquarters of the Rey Juan Carlos University addressed to the EID, attaching the forapplication form
2) Request pre-registration (admission) to the URJC doctoral program, including in said request proof of having made the internal transfer request. The transfer request must be directed to the EID.
To transfer the file, the doctoral student must have passed the last annual evaluation favorably.
The academic committee of the destination doctoral program will rule on whether or not to grant the request for internal file transfer, issuing a reasoned report. It will be necessary for the doctoral student to meet the profile and admission criteria of the doctoral program.
The EID steering committee will resolve the internal transfer via “Resolution of new admitted and excluded students” (see deadline in the URJC EID academic calendar). If favorable, the EID will proceed to transfer the file once the student has enrolled in the new doctoral program (of destination) at the URJC.
If the internal transfer is approved, the doctoral student will keep the activities document (including research stays and publications), the personal training plan and the research plan. Furthermore, the period of permanence in the doctoral program of origin will be taken into account for the purposes of calculating permanence. The doctoral student will retain director(s) and tutor.
*IMPORTANT* Students who enjoy a scholarship/contract for the development of doctoral studies (PREDOC, FPUEtc.). They must request authorization for the change of program or transfer de office hour. This request must be made to the Vice-Rectorate of Teaching Staff. In addition, in the request for transfer de office hour, must inform the EID of this situation.
Application Form
Students enrolled in a URJC doctoral program in the process of extinction (source program) who wish to continue their doctoral studies in another program other than the URJC (destination program) may request the internal transfer of their academic record.
In this exceptional case, the doctoral candidate may request the internal transfer of the file at his/her own request before March 1 of the current academic year. To do so, he/she will request the internal transfer via instance general at the Electronic Headquarters of the Rey Juan Carlos University addressed to the EID, attaching the application form.
The academic committee of the receiving doctoral program will rule on whether or not to grant the request for internal file transfer, issuing a reasoned report. It will be necessary for the doctoral student to meet the profile and admission criteria of the doctoral program.
The EID steering committee will decide whether the internal transfer is appropriate. Within a maximum period of 60 business days from the request at the Electronic Office, the EID must notify the applicant in writing of the resolution of acceptance or denial and, if favorable, will proceed to transfer the file.
If the transfer is approved, the doctoral student will keep the activities document (including research stays and publications), the personal training plan and the research plan. Furthermore, the period of permanence in the doctoral program of origin will be taken into account for the purposes of calculating permanence. The doctoral student will retain director(s) and tutor.
*IMPORTANT* Students who enjoy a scholarship/contract for the development of doctoral studies (PREDOC, FPUEtc.). They must request authorization for the change of program or transfer de office hour. This request must be made to the Vice-Rectorate of Teaching Staff. In addition, in the request for transfer de office hour, must inform the EID of this situation.
Application Form
Making inquiries to the International Doctoral School
The International Doctoral School only responds to student queries made through the student help box.
1st Select whether or not you are a URJC student:
2º Choose the type of query: Doctorate
3º Choose category: for example, Registration
4. Choose subcategory: for example, payment exemptions
All questions will be answered from this mailbox.
Responses can be viewed from the profile in "requests/my requests/". The status can be changed in the section: “any status”. Incidents that appear with the status “closed” can be viewed to see the response provided by the Service.
Procedures for academic staff
Application for certificate of direction/tutoring of completed doctoral thesis
Doctoral thesis directors and tutors can request a certificate of doctoral thesis direction/tutoring once the doctoral thesis has been defended, the documentation has been received at the EID and the voting has concluded. cum laude (if applicable, including the opening of the ballot box in the presence of the secretary). The request must be made through the procedure established in the URJC Electronic Office:
Note that this information is public and can be accessed from the doctoral theses database (TESEO) of the Ministry of Universities:;jsessionid=1F7E8A91E667A8AFED529C50799E1221
Application for certificate of direction/tutoring of doctoral thesis in development
The certificates of direction/tutoring of doctoral theses in development (that is, doctoral theses that have not yet been defended) are generated directly through the DOCUMENTARY COMMITMENT platform. ( By accessing the platform with the unique domain keys you can view the list of doctoral students whom you direct/mentor. To do this, you must consult the academic year in which the direction/tutoring of each student began. At the bottom of the screen a link appears with the text “CERTIFICATE”. By clicking on this link the certificate is generated directly. Remind them that if a change of address has been made during the thesis process or it is a triple address, the certificate cannot be downloaded from the application.
Request for certificate of having been part of the doctoral thesis committee
Doctors who have participated as members of the evaluation panel of a doctoral thesis may request a certificate that certifies their participation in the defense act as president/secretary/member. To do this, it is necessary that the doctoral thesis has been defended, the documentation has been received at the EID, the voting has concluded cum laude (if applicable, including the opening of the ballot box in the presence of the secretary). The request must be made through the procedure established in the URJC Electronic Office:
Note that this information is public and can be accessed from the doctoral theses database (TESEO) of the Ministry of Universities:;jsessionid=1F7E8A91E667A8AFED529C50799E1221
Application for a trainer certificate in training activities organized by the EID
Trainers of any specific or transversal training activity organized by the EID can request a certificate through the procedure established in the URJC Electronic Headquarters:
Please note that the EID cannot certify activities that have not been approved by the Steering Committee.
High of external user to collaborate in doctoral studies
In order for the EID to manage any type of remuneration or allowance for external personnel of the Rey Juan Carlos University (without a URJC email account), it is necessary to fill in the personal data of the following link
There is a user manual for this application. this article
EID Calendar
Thesis in public exhibition period