Students with a degree obtained from a university in countries outside the European Higher Education Area
The countries belonging to European Higher Education Area are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Sweden and Switzerland.
Students with a previous degree obtained in a university from countries outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) that authorizes in said countries for access to Master's degrees, they must present the following documentation (Documentation in Spanish and English will be accepted):
- DNI, NIF, NIE or passport.
- official university degree duly legalized that gives access to Master's Degree studies or proof of having requested it. You can request pre-registration without having finished your studies (conditional admission) incorporating a commitment to pass studies signed, having to regularize their situation before October 31, 2021. Otherwise, the registration will be cancelled.. For dual-grade students, review the document document Self-registration instructions for university master's degrees. In the case of certain master's degrees, it is not possible to request pre-registration without having completed the previous studies (see website of the master's degree).
- Official academic certification of the access degree duly legalized, stating the subjects passed, credits/hours, the grades obtained, the average grade obtained and, if applicable, the date of issue of the degree. Said document must be issued, stamped and signed by the academic authorities of the university of origin (DO NOT documents generated on web pages that lack academic validity will be accepted). In the event that the final average grade obtained does not appear in the official academic certification delivered, you must submit the Equivalence of Average Grade of university academic records of studies carried out in foreign centers of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MEFP, see in the following link).
- Certificate certifying that the studies carried out give access to a Postgraduate Official in your country of origin, issued, stamped and signed by the University of origin.
- Curriculum Vitae in which the academic and professional training is detailed. Some Master's degrees require a specific Curriculum vitae model that will be found in the pre-registration application when selecting said Master's degree.
- The students whose language is not Spanish, and want to take a Master's Degree taught in Spanish, they will need to justify their level of Spanish language both spoken and written, so they must provide, along with all the documentation required for admission, a Spanish Language Certificate B2 – DELE Intermediate or equivalent. If you do not have said certification, the Directorate of the Master may request that you pass a written and spoken level test.
- Specific documentation of the University Master to which you want to access (see website of the master's degree) and/or any other document required by the School of Official Master's Degrees or the Director of the master's degree.
- Responsible declaration veracity of the data provided in digital format. With this document, the responsibility for the veracity of the official title and the rest of the documents that have been uploaded to the application is assumed. In any case, the Official Master's School reserves the right to request the presentation of the original documents if it deems it appropriate.
The delivery of documentation in Spanish and English is admitted. If the documentation is not in either of these two languages, you must present the document together with your Spanish translation. Both documents are necessary to verify the translation.
The student is responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data provided, exonerating the Rey Juan Carlos University from any responsibility and guaranteeing and being responsible for its accuracy, validity and authenticity.