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Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 08:35

Juan Antonio Melero, "EnerTIC Manager 2015" award

The Vice-rector for Innovation, Scientific Quality and Research Infrastructures of the URJC receives this recognition for his work in the area of ​​improving energy efficiency and sustainability in the 'Universities' sector.

The enerTIC platform has held the third edition of the enerTIC Awards 2015, which aim to identify, recognize and disseminate involvement in the use of ICTs to improve energy efficiency and sustainability.

Within the 'Executives' section, Juan Antonio Melero, Professor of Chemical Engineering, has been selected from among 48 candidates and has achieved maximum recognition in the 'Universities' category, for the work he carries out at the head of the Vice President for Innovation, Scientific Quality and Research Infrastructures at the URJC in the field of energy efficiency and in collaboration with the different members of the Energy Efficiency Unit (UNEFE).

The Rey Juan Carlos University has had an energy efficiency plan since 2012, which has resulted in the certification of its Energy Management System according to the UNE-EN-ISO 50001 standard in June 2014 and its subsequent renewal in July 2015. .

In addition, within the field of ICTs, the URJC has a real-time monitoring system for electricity consumption to identify the main energy consumers of the University on the Móstoles Campus and which will be gradually implemented on the rest of the Campus. of the University.