Nora Fernandez Fernandez
The URJC Fuenlabrada campus this morning welcomed the appointment of Fernando del Villar as dean of the new Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies.
"With the motivation of someone who believes in the transforming power of education and science, I present myself today as dean of this new faculty, and I do so with humility, but also with the knowledge and experience of more than 15 years of university management" , Del Villar began in his speech.
Highlighting the difficult task of setting up a faculty, the new dean wanted to thank "the work of all the people who have supported me from the different sectors of the university community." In addition, he has taken the opportunity to present the main challenges posed by the faculty, among which is "helping all teachers achieve progression in their academic career, with the hope that all visiting professors can continue at the university ”.
The rector of the Rey Juan Carlos University, Javier Ramos, has also stressed the important task of this new faculty, “which is the multiplying factor of what you do. For each student that you train in this faculty, we will have an impact on the thousands of citizens that they, in turn, will educate. If you stop to think about it, the effect is exponential, this is how societies change, how they improve and become sustainable”.
Fernando del Villar Álvarez has developed his teaching activity at the University of Granada and the University of Extremadura as a specialist in the area of Didactics of Physical Activity and Sport. In the latter institution, he was founding dean of the Faculty of Sports Sciences for 10 years, from 1994 to 2004.
His academic career as a teacher has been the main point of his entire career; He has written more than 100 indexed scientific publications and has received 13 research awards for the direction of Doctoral Theses.
Currently, Del Villar is a professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University teaching the subjects of Educational Fundamentals of Sports Initiation and Epistemology and Deontology of Human Motricity.
He is also Academic Director of the Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences at the URJC and director of the Center for Sports Studies at the same university. In addition, he is president of the scientific society Spanish Association of Sports Sciences, from 2004 to 2020, and also assumes the presidency of the Spanish Conference of Deans of Sports Sciences from 2021 to the present.
Lastly, Fernando del Villar has been the National Coordinator of the White Paper for the Undergraduate Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, a project financed by ANECA, an institution of which he is also a part as an evaluator.