Degree in Artificial Intelligence
According to Marvin Minsky, considered one of the fathers of the discipline, Artificial Intelligence "is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if they had been done by a human." In other words, Artificial Intelligence is a branch of Computer Science whose objective is to develop computer applications for solving problems that require intelligence. The fundamental objective of the Degree in Artificial Intelligence from the Rey Juan Carlos University is to train highly qualified professionals in the conception, planning and development of systems, services and applications in the field of Artificial Intelligence, who become part of the labor market in an Productive from the moment you join. Likewise, it is intended that the degree can also provide initial training to future scientists specialized in Artificial Intelligence.
In the following links, you can find more information about the Degree and if you have any doubts, you can contact its coordinator, Dr. D. Iván Ramírez Díaz
- Official information of the Degree
- Booklet Informative of the Degree in Artificial Intelligence