Degree in Software Engineering
The training offered in the Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering focuses especially on the development of digital applications and services. Among the subjects taught, those related to the discipline of Software Engineering stand out, such as software processes, requirements analysis, and software design and architecture. In addition, advanced knowledge on software quality and evolution is taught to encourage graduates in their ability to develop reliable systems. In the same way, it deepens in the development technologies of web and mobile applications.
In the following links, you can find more information about the Degree.
- Official information of the Degree
- Booklet Informative of the Degree in Software Engineering
Euro-Inf quality seal
The Degree in Software Engineering has been recognized with the Euro-Inf quality seal in May 2020. Euro-Inf is an International Quality Seal (SIC) for the university academic field, promoted by EQANIE (European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education), and developed in Spain by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), autonomous body, attached to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. More information in the notice of your grant.
Dependencies between subjects
The subjects are ordered from left to right in columns according to course and semester: first semester of first year, second semester of first year, … and so on.