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Friday, August 12, 2022 at 08:00

Neuromanagement, the key training to face complexity and uncertainty in the business world

The new edition of this multidisciplinary Master's, the only European Official in Organizational Neuroscience, trains students to lead and star in change in companies.


Today, globalization in the supply of goods and services, together with the vertiginous and constant advance of technology, creates a very complicated scenario for companies to carry out their activity. Simply to ensure their survival, they need to adopt practical but differential solutions that allow them to continue competing in their markets. 

Addressing this situation has been, and is today more especially than ever, a necessity. This challenge inspires the Rey Juan Carlos University to create the Master in Development of Neurocognitive Techniques in Business Organizations: Neuromanagement. With a cast of more than 25 highly prestigious academics/professionals and 18 multidisciplinary subjects, this Master unifies all the training content towards a perfectly identified goal: that students have the tools to help their organizations stay within a competitive position in today's volatile, complex, changing and uncertain business world. 

The Master combines content directly related to business strategy and management in fields as diverse as Marketing, Management, Communication or Economics, with techniques from neuroscience focused on the differential management of the challenges that organizations face. The Be compared to the current Make. The end result is this distinctive Master's Degree, which is so because it provides strategies for emotional management both for itself and for the rest of the collaborators, without neglecting traditional Management techniques, providing a holistic and Friendly of the day to day that organizations face. This result is optimal both for those students who are already working in a company, as well as if they are looking for their first professional experience. 

open to research 

Likewise, as it is an Official Master's Degree, it opens doors to those students who wish to carry out an International Doctorate and/or research work. It is structured in two four-month periods, with three annual subjects and thirteen four-monthly subjects distributed evenly based on the quantity and complexity of the contents. In the first, the theoretical technical business base is reinforced and the first cognitive and neuroanatomical concepts are introduced. The second focuses on the implementation of these concepts in organizations and highlights the techniques that Applied Neuromanagement has for problem solving. 


Enriching multicultural environment 

The External Practices subject enables students to apply the knowledge acquired at that time in an Organization and validate their real contribution and have a competitive advantage over the competition in their sector. The minimum hours to study, together with the verification by the Directorate of the Master and the Unit of External Internships regarding the chosen topic and destination company, guarantee a productive return for students, company and University that compensates for the effort made. . 

The entry profile of previous promotions is enormously varied in terms of entry degree: Psychology, Business Administration, Law, Tourism, Engineering, Advertising, Pedagogy, International Relations, Marketing, Labor Relations... and in the students' countries of origin ( Spain, England, France, Italy, Germany, Asian countries, Latin America...) which creates a very enriching and positive multicultural environment, translated into the high score that this Master collects each year in the satisfaction surveys it carries out. Proof of this is the realization by the students of the Linkedin profile Neurocognitive Techniques Development Coordination URJC, where you can find the most liked topics, the anecdotal situations and the extra events that have taken place.