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Wednesday, December 01, 2021 at 09:12

All the keys to the internationalization of research, at the URJC

All the keys to the internationalization of research, at the URJC All the keys to the internationalization of research, at the URJC

This Wednesday, December 1, the International Doctoral School celebrates the I Conference on Internationalization in which, among other things, doctoral students who have made stays abroad, will tell their experience.

Raul Garcia Hemonnet

Studying or researching in other countries is an element that enriches lives and boosts academic careers. With the aim of conveying the importance of this aspect and informing about financing possibilities for international stays, the XNUMXst Conference on Internationalization of the International Doctoral School (EID) at the URJC is held, sponsored by the Social Council.

According to Pilar Abad, director of the EID, "One of the priority strategic lines of our doctoral school is internationalization in all its dimensions: that more theses be developed in co-supervision with other universities in other countries and more theses with an international mention for which is necessary for students to have carried out international research stays”.

Among the guests at the conference is Dr. Guy Haug, an expert in the internationalization of institutions and advisor to the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He is considered one of the main architects of the European Higher Education Area for his key role in the design and implementation of the Erasmus and Tempus programs, the Bologna Process for university convergence and the agenda of the EU for the modernization and university competitiveness of Europe. Dr. Haug will talk about the internationalization of doctoral studies.

Success stories and financing possibilities

The day is completed with the presentation of a series of successful cases in a discussion panel made up of students and graduates of the EID who have carried out international mobility. This panel will be moderated by Marcos Méndez, coordinator of Internationalization of the EID.

There will also be space to talk about the possibilities of financing these stays and their main sources. The presentation will be given by Inmaculada Mora, academic secretary of the School.

The conference will begin at 15:XNUMX p.m. and will take place at the Madrid-Quintana headquarters of the Rey Juan Carlos University. It will be inaugurated by the rector, Javier Ramos and can be followed in streaming through TVURJC in the following link.

This event constitutes one more example of the commitment of the URJC and, in this case, of the EID, for internationalization that joins initiatives carried out this year, such as the call for grants for international congresses to help research on students go beyond Spain.