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Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 07:30

The government of life finds a niche in the URJC

The professor of Political Philosophy, María Ávila, organizes the conference “Biopolitics and literature written by women” at the Fuenlabrada Campus on December 21st. 

Alberto Gómez  

During the 70s, the philosopher Michel Foucault analyzed how the ways of managing individual and social life in the West had changed. From this, he developed one of the most influential concepts in the social sciences: Biopolitics. This term refers to the set of actions and tactics that transform the population through the management of life.  

For this reason, the professor of Political Philosophy at the URJC, María Ávila Bravo-Villasant, has organized the conference “Biopolitics and literature written by women”. As she herself tells us, "the objective of the conference is to provide a brief introduction to biopolitics and analyze how it has been approached in the literature written by women." 

The event will take place in the Lecture Hall II of the Fuenlabrada Campus on the morning of Tuesday, December 21. There will also be Dr. Paulo Thomaz, professor of literature and researcher of the Postgraduate Program in Literature and Social Practices at the University of Brasilia, who will bring extensive research experience and an interdisciplinary perspective to the event. 

“We invited Professor Thomaz to the seminar, 'Philosophy of Violence. Thinking about violence against women's bodies 'given that the areas of interest and research of it are related. After this first experience, we decided to plan a meeting that will address the issue of biopolitics and literature written by women”, declares María Ávila. 

The conference, aimed at all those interested in this form of power and the humanities, will have as its main course the analysis of the resistance strategies of the works written by authors in relation to the biopolitical mechanisms of exclusion and inequality. 

To register, or find more information about this event, you can access the page of URJC Events