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Tuesday, March 29, 2022 at 07:15 p.m.

Knowledge open to all citizens

The Rey Juan Carlos University celebrates this March 30 at the Fuenlabrada Campus the First Conference on Free Culture with different presentations and activities to share publications and teaching and research materials 

Albert Rose 

The expression 'free culture' can lead to confusion about its meaning. In this case, it has nothing to do with going to the movies whenever you want or enjoying a concert once a week. Free culture refers to open access to cultural and scientific productions from the academic world available to all citizens. 

It is the idea that aims to promote and publicize the Free Knowledge and Culture Office of the Rey Juan Carlos University with the First Conference on Free Culture to be held this Wednesday, March 30, at the Fuenlabrada Campus. 

 The day is conceived as a meeting point, training and exchange of experiences on open publication of teaching materials or research, open science, open data, free software, etc. 

To this end, a series of meetings on specific topics and five-minute presentations by members of the university community have been scheduled, in addition to the presence of experts in the concept of open science. "The main objective of this meeting is to bring the concept of free culture closer to university staff and to make them aware of the existence and dedication of OfiLibre", says Professor Florencia Claes who, together with Jesús María González Barahona and Francisco Gortázar, organizes the journeys.  

Claes explains that the idea of ​​free culture responds to the use and reuse of academic material available to citizens to create new works, always respecting authorship.  

A program to bring open science closer 

Regarding the programming, Professor Florencia Claes highlights the special participation of two speakers: Pilar Rico Castro, head of the FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology) Open Access, Repositories and Journals Unit, and Jesús Tramullas, professor of Library Science and Documentation at the University of Zaragoza.  

With these presentations, the aim is to delve into the concept of open science and how it works with archives, libraries and museums, "beyond what people know about this aspect", explains Florencia Claes.  

On the other hand, there will also be three round tables in which part of the university community will talk about topics such as free software, open data and publications, and teaching. In addition, five-minute micro-lectures will be offered by URJC professors so that they can tell about their experience in relation to free culture.  

The event, which begins at 09:00, can be followed live on TV URJC and interact on Twitter with the hashtag #CulturaLibreURJC. More information, program and registration in this link.