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Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:27 p.m.

An exceptional forum to analyze the future of education

The URJC sponsors the 'Foro Vocento. Education, our future', a meeting in which numerous experts from different disciplines will examine the challenges of education in the post-pandemic era. The professor of the Rey Juan Carlos University, Jorge Sáinz, will participate in one of the debates-colloquium organized.

Raúl García Hémonnet/Editor

El Forum The objective is to address the immediate educational challenges of education in Spain. How to face the challenges that the school poses after the pandemic? How should education be approached from now on? To answer these questions, a series of academics, institutional managers and researchers have been brought together to try to shed light on these and other issues.

Among the participants is the Professor of Economics at the URJC and former Secretary General of University Policy, Jorge Sáinz, who, together with university rectors such as Jorge Goyache (UCM) and Rafael Puyol (UNIR) or Miguel Carmelo (President of the European University in Spain and Portugal), will take part in a colloquium debate focused on the challenges of higher education in the XNUMXst century. In it, issues such as innovation, the adaptation of university structures to current needs or digital training and mobility, among others, will be discussed.

In addition, another colloquium will take place focused on topics such as training for the future and new professions, in which the irruption of technology in the world of work will be analyzed. This fact has caused companies to demand more and more profiles with digital skills, so innovation in titles and the promotion of emotional skills, Vocento points out, will be a necessity for the future.

The third and debate will deal with investment in education. It will try to give some keys on how to guarantee an inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. “One of the sustainable development objectives in which private companies can make a very outstanding contribution thanks to their capacity for economic transformation”, as can be read on the Forum website.

The meeting will be closed by the Secretary of State for Education, Alejandro Tiana, and takes place today at the Madrid headquarters of Vocento, the firm that organizes the event, together with the communication and 'Public Affairs' consultancy, KREAB.