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Thursday May 05, 2022 at 07:15

The importance of creating and perfecting a personal brand

The delegation of the URJC degree in Business Administration and Management is organizing this Friday, May 6, the XNUMXst Conference on Personal Branding at the Madrid-Vicálvaro campus.

Albert Rose

Having an attractive and competent personal brand becomes an increasingly necessary requirement to find a job in any work sector. Improving public speaking or expanding skills in digital networks are some of the keys that help improve the image that is projected today in the labor market.

These and other issues are the stars this Friday, May 6, from 10:00 a.m. to 14:30 p.m., the XNUMXst Conference on Personal Branding, an initiative of the delegation of the degree in Business Administration and Management of the URJC that seeks to renew and bring an air of change to the degree, with the involvement of its students through various activities and events.

Miguel Ángel González and Ángel Cabezas, ADE delegates, are the architects of the XNUMXst Conference on Personal Branding. González explains that the idea arose as a result of contacts with Joaquín Danvila, an expert in marketing and employability in digital networks.

Danvila himself offers the first of the presentations on job search in digital channels and the use of social networks. On the other hand, oratory and the ability to persuasion through the word are other essential skills to develop a good personal brand. Juan Vizuete, trainer in debate and oratory will offer a talk on the five keys to improve oratory.

The last presentation will come from the hand of the 'influencer', Guillermo Lamarca, an expert in personal brand empowerment issues. The day will have a practical final touch with the workshop 'Take your personal brand home', by the expert in Digital Marketing, José Noblejas. 

Although the activity is organized by and for ADE students, anyone can attend, since "one must have a personal brand in all professions, no matter what one studies", says Miguel Ángel González. With some 150 people already registered, those interested can sign up at this link to attend the event, which is recognized with 0,4 RAC credits.