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Friday May 27, 2022 at 13:57

The URJC, the Madrid university with the highest employability in 4 out of 5 branches of knowledge

The URJC, the Madrid university with the highest employability in 4 out of 5 branches of knowledge The URJC, the Madrid university with the highest employability in 4 out of 5 branches of knowledge

The Ministry of Universities has just published the Social Security affiliation data for the 2015-2016 class. The Rey Juan Carlos University is the first Madrid university in four of the five branches of knowledge: Engineering and Architecture, Arts and Humanities, Health Sciences and Sciences in the third and fourth year after graduating.

Raul Garcia Hemonnet

The latest data on employability after graduation published by the Ministry of Universities, referring to the 2015-2016 promotion, bring good news for the Rey Juan Carlos University and, especially, for its graduates. The URJC is the first university in Madrid in affiliation to social security in four of the five branches of knowledge.

In addition, the report indicates that the Rey Juan Carlos is the first in employability in the first, second, third and fourth year after graduation in the branches of Arts and Humanities (with enrollment rates of more than 70%) and Sciences of the Health (with rates almost reaching 90%). This highlights the commitment of the companies and institutions of the region to the URJC graduates of these branches, as they are the university students from Madrid who are most affiliated with social security.

In Engineering and Architecture and Sciences, URJC graduates reach affiliation rates, in the third and fourth year after graduation, with figures ranging up to 85%.

Compared to the previous report (2014-2015), the URJC has improved its position, especially in the field of Engineering and Architecture, going from being the fourth university in Madrid with the most affiliates to leading the list. For its part, the branch of Sciences has gone from second to first place.

According to the vice-rector for Planning and Strategy, Andrés Martínez, “for Rey Juan Carlos University, these objective data on employability are excellent and show the quality of our training. They also represent an injection of optimism for our current students. The effort that our teachers make every day and the dedication of our students are rewarded with evidence of their impact. The Rey Juan Carlos University is transforming Madrid's society, helping its almost 50.000 students enter the labor market in the best possible conditions”.