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Magnificent experience lived by teachers and students of Tourism

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Professors Ana Isabel Muñoz, Laura Fuentes and Teresa Villacé traveled to Quintana Roo (Mexico) on May 23 to begin fieldwork in Mayan indigenous communities of Quintana Roo, Mexico. This work falls within the Tourism project as an instrument of development in indigenous communities of Quintana Roo, within the framework of the III Call for development cooperation projects. Along with the teachers, four volunteer students from the last year of the Tourism Degree of the URJC travel.

Professors Laura Fuentes Moraleda, Teresa Villacé Molinero and Ana Isabel Muñoz Mazón, from the Department of Marketing and Market Research of the URJC, together with the students of the Degree in Tourism Rocío Díaz, Paula García, Ioana Gabriela Epuras and Natalia Moraleda, meet conducting fieldwork in Mayan indigenous communities in northern Quintana Roo, Mexico. This is a tourism development cooperation project financed by the III Call for Development Cooperation Projects of the Development Cooperation and Volunteering Service. The work has the technical support from Madrid of the teachers Sonia Medina Salgado, Rocío González Sánchez and Alicia Orea Giner, also members of this project. 

The objective of the project is promote values ​​related to the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda in the field of tourism. Tourism social sustainability, cultural authenticity, inclusion, equality, entrepreneurship, employability, self-management and economic and collaborative development are promoted. To do this, the field team has visited the Mayan communities of Nuevo Durango, Esmeralda, San Juan de Dios, El Naranjal and Campamento Hidalgo, places full of tourism resources and with a high potential for the development of tourism that helps them obtain a more sustainable and complementary development to its main activities (fundamentally linked to agriculture). The incorporation of tourism students as volunteers is generating an impact on them that will produce a multiplier effect among other students and will promote their awareness in aspects related to the millennium development goals and tourism. 


Traveling alongside the URJC team is a group of volunteer teachers and students from the Universidad del Caribe in Cancun, as well as experts and volunteers from CIAM Cancun (Comprehensive Center for Women's Care). The publication of the results of this project will help establish strategies for the creation of tourism products and positioning of the communities in such a way that they can improve the quality of life of the population. These results are combined with the dissemination of innovative educational practices, which include students as volunteers, and the exchange of experiences between the professors of the Universidad del Caribe and the URJC.