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Award for the best TFG at the II International Meeting of Accounting Economists

Posted by Redaction FCJS

Last February, the student Germán Eduardo Martínez Sotelo of the Accounting and Finance degree was awarded for his final degree project.

The II International Meeting of Accounting Economists took place last February in Santiago de Compostela and was attended by several prestigious speakers who gave talks and conferences during the two days it took place. Among the participants, the president of the ICAC Santiago Durán, Valentín Pich, president of the General Council of Economists of Spain, Emilio Álvarez, president of the REA Auditores, Bernabé Escobar, president of ASEPUC, and also the participation of several professors stand out.


This congress takes place every two years and both research communications such as TFGs and TFMs can be presented, the latter two to qualify for the two aforementioned prizes and motivate students to investigate accounting, auditing, business issues...


This year, in the closing ceremony that took place remotely, the prize for the best TFG was presented to the student German Eduardo Martínez Sotelo, a student of the FCJS of the Rey Juan Carlos University who has completed the degree in Accounting and Finance and who has tutored by the professor of the same Faculty Alba Gómez Ortega. How could it be otherwise, this is a current study of interest to both the academic and professional worlds and was entitled "The impact of COVID-19 on subsequent events and on the 2018, 2019 and 2020 Audit Reports in the IBEX35”.


From here we want to show our appreciation for this splendid work and join in the joy that a prize represents in the career of a student and the professor who accompanies him, congratulations to both!