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Monday, June 20, 2022 at 09:43 p.m.

How to create your fashion brand

How to create your fashion brand How to create your fashion brand

The URJC presents a summer course to support young designers who want to start in the fashion industry.

rose marquez

This season the university presents very interesting courses in different areas of knowledge, including design. The course 'How to create your fashion brand', which will be held on June 28 and 29, seeks to serve as a platform for those young people who want to create and grow within the textile industry. Its director, Paula Cristóbal, professor of Fashion Design and Management, points out that “some design students already have the concern of making their own sweatshirts or t-shirts, but they do not know how to test their products because they only have training in fashion. ”, that is why it is important that they learn to take the first steps without the need to hire third parties, in this way they will be able to create the bases and see if the product can work in the market.

To achieve their goals, the students will have the support of directors from different departments of the Spanish brand Sepiia. “It is a company that makes clothes that do not stain through technology and of which I am a part. We wanted to give this course to promote the entrepreneurship of Spanish brands, which is something that has not been seen so frequently in recent years”, says Cristóbal. The presentations will study the financing opportunities, the entities that serve as a launch or how to get the support to start.


Programming Languages

Cristóbal will deal with the subject of the product and the steps that future designers must follow to obtain a good one: the choice of materials, the pattern, how to talk to workshops, what to demand in terms of quality and how to validate that everything is correct. In marketing they will learn to create the brand, its values ​​and the platforms they can use to sell their product. “It is somewhat related to the theme of graphic design, which will turn the product into colors, shapes, aesthetics and everything that has to do with art direction”, he indicated.

The second day will deal with the topic of operations: how to structure the collections, make purchase orders and know the costs. “Finally —Cristóbal points out— we will have the financial part, how to declare income, be self-employed or a company, who can help me or how to get support and financing entities. For example, they helped us from scratch because they liked the idea. There are many opportunities in Spain”. Cristóbal assures that they are very excited about this first edition of the course and want to share the learning experienced by the speakers with all the students who are encouraged to participate.