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Monday, October 03, 2022 at 10:53

Circularity, innovation and professional opportunities

Circularity, innovation and professional opportunities Circularity, innovation and professional opportunities

La ESCET invites several experts from the Environment and Circular Economy area to an event that brings together students, professionals and researchers from the sector.

Nora Fernandez Fernandez

This Tuesday the 4th in the afternoon, the URJC School of Experimental Sciences and Technology (ESCET) is organizing a conference on Ecodesign and Life Cycle Analysis at the Móstoles Campus. The place will be the Aula Magna 003 of Lecture Hall II.

According to members of ESCET, "these conferences are a meeting point between students from various degrees of the School and professionals and researchers from the energy and environmental sector, some of them being graduates in these degrees". Specifically, the event is aimed at students of Energy Engineering, Industrial Organization Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Environmental Sciences.

Mainly, “the objective of these conferences is to motivate students in their final years and show them the rise of this type of tools, such as Ecodesign or Life Cycle Analysis, in companies. The ultimate goal is to improve the employability of students” says Cristina Pablos, organizer of the event.

During the Conference, there will be several presentations by six experts. Among them are; José María Fernández Alcalá, Director of Circular Economy at inhobe, Public Society for Environmental Management of the Basque Government; Carles Gasol Martínez, Director of the catchment area for projects of Unedited and associate professor at the UAB; César García Aranda, doctor in Environmental Sciences from the UPM and Rubén Jiménez, Director of Solid Forest SL.

After a short break, it will be time for the URJC graduates to tell about their experience. Mario Pérez de la Calle, Environmental Technician at Talgo, and Jorge Blanco Cejas, a predoctoral student graduated in Artificial Intelligence, will take the floor to recount their journey. Daniel Garraín Cordero, researcher at CIEMAT and PhD in IQ (Intellectual Quotient) from the UPV, will be the last expert of the afternoon.

Thanks to these conferences, students will obtain first-hand information about the experience of these professionals. The experts will share, in a truthful and dynamic way, their point of view on the impact of ecodesign and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) on innovation and circularity towards the search for sustainability.