Nora Fernandez Fernandez
The Teaching Innovation Portal will be the space for dissemination and communication with the teaching community of the different actions of the university. This is a firm commitment to promote knowledge about active teaching methodologies, and increase the implementation of these methodologies both in the classrooms of our university, and in the curricular structures of the study plans, as contemplated by the Royal Decree 822 / 2021.
The link to the Teaching Innovation Portal can be made from the university intranet (Training and Teaching Innovation section/Teaching Innovation Portal) or directly through the following link.
This Royal Decree defines the fundamental challenge that universities have to transform their forms of learning and teaching to adjust them to the demands of societies in permanent mutation. In addition, it opens the door to promote and make this transformation visible, and for centers to issue supporting documents that accompany the official university degree and that verify that the teaching organization of a given degree has been configured based on an innovation strategy. This approach is developed in Article 21 of the Royal Decree.
From the Vice-rectorate for Teacher Training and Teaching Innovation they indicate that, in March 2021, the Teacher training plan, in which more than 2300 teachers have already participated. The next step, then, has been the creation of this Portal, so that teachers who wish to train themselves in active methodologies can do so. The Teaching Innovation Portal offers guides for self-training in new educational teaching methods, and also offers the possibility of knowing the dates of congresses, conferences and seminars on innovation in the classroom, both national and international. In addition, the Portal gives access to the latest articles written on the subject, published by URJC teachers; information on educational innovation proposals that are developed in national and international universities; and information about the Network of Innovative Teachers of the URJC and other actions of the aforementioned Vice President, such as the Teacher Mentoring Program.
In less than a week from the communication of its creation to the professors of the URJC, the Portal accumulates more than a thousand visits. The Vice President for Teacher Training and Teaching Innovation is sure that this initiative will mark a before and after in the application of active methodologies in the bachelor's and master's degrees offered by the university.