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Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 12:15

EULIST outlines its new proposal for the European Commission

EULIST outlines its new proposal for the European Commission EULIST outlines its new proposal for the European Commission

Rectors, vice-rectors and coordination teams from all over Europe design the Alliance's candidacy at its XNUMXst General Assembly, held at the Rey Juan Carlos University

Raul Garcia Hemonnet

During two days of intense work, government and technical teams from the universities that are members of the EULIST alliance have elaborated and perfected their proposal to opt for the category of European Alliance of Universities by the European Commission.

Among these tasks, the Rey Juan Carlos University is specifically in charge of developing the 'Transfer' chapter, which consists of three legs.

On the one hand, relations with the 'Global South' (Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia), in which the URJC plays a role as a "bridge between Europe and Latin America", as the rector Javier Ramos pointed out. On the other, everything that has to do with EULIST External Communication and, finally, the 'transfer policy'. "In this chapter, the incorporation of the 'Institut Mines Télecom', a group of the eight best public engineering schools in France, is very important due to its experience in technology transfer," says the vice-rector for International Relations, María Luisa Humanes.

This I General Assembly has served, among other issues, to make effective the incorporation of this French group of Engineering school.

High quality

Looking ahead to the deadline for submitting the proposal (January 31, 2023), expectations are good. According to María Luisa Humanes, “the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth. Mariya Gabriel has awarded EULIST the High Quality certificate, which has only been obtained by 3 other alliances that choose to be recognized by the CE. This means that we have obtained a score of more than 81 out of 100, in the scales of the Commission”.

Specifically, the curator's message stated that "the Alliance was recognized as a High Quality proposal in a Highly Competitive Evaluation process, but could not receive funding due to budgetary restrictions and is therefore recommended by the European Commission for financing through other channels.

All the delegations from the EULIST universities have congratulated and thanked the URJC for organizing this 2023st General Assembly of the Alliance, which has made it possible to give impetus to the proposal that this group of higher education institutions will present at the beginning of XNUMX.