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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:20

The study of human walking, at the URJC

The study of human walking, at the URJC The study of human walking, at the URJC

The Alcorcón campus celebrates the second edition of a conference dedicated to the analysis of our way of walking, a key aspect for people with some pathology in the musculoskeletal system 

Nora Fernandez Fernandez  

Today, Friday, October 28, the II Human March Conference is being held, organized by professors Francisco Molina Rueda and María Carratalá Tejada, members of the URJC Department of Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine. The event has been launched thanks to a subsidy from the Vice President for Campus Community, Culture and Sport.

Today, Friday, October 28, the II Conference of the Human March is being held, organized by professors Francisco Molina Rueda and María Carratalá Tejada, members of the URJC Department of Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine. The event has been launched thanks to a grant from the Vice President for Campus Community, Culture and Sports of the same university. 

The main objective of the Conference, as explained by Francisco Molina, "is to expose the scientific advances in the field of evaluation and analysis of human gait and discuss the strategies of rehabilitation and physiotherapy treatment with atypical gait patterns". In addition, another important point of the meeting will be "to show current research in the field of diagnosis and treatment of walking exercise disorders".  

The event will take place in the auditorium of the University Clinic (department building II) on the Alcorcón campus and will last all morning, from 09:00 a.m. to 15:00 p.m.  

After a first edition “focused on professionals from our university”, in these II Conference of the Human March “we have tried to open up more, since there are fewer speakers from the URJC and more from different national and international institutions on the subject. With this, we hope to obtain a greater diversity of points of view on the treatment and evaluation of human gait”, says Molina.  

The conferences have been grouped by groups, dividing the day into three blocks which will be followed by a debate between speakers and the public. The first group of papers will address the subject of neurological disorders and their possible treatments, among which is human gait training. The second will focus on specialized therapies for children and the third cycle will comment on the results of various research projects regarding different treatment proposals. To this end, the event will feature the presence of several experts from different universities, hospitals and medical centers in Spain and abroad. The conference program is available from the following link: II Conference on the human walk

On the other hand, Francisco Molina wanted to highlight "the work of the entire team of the Organizing Committee, made up of the members of the Consolidated Research Group of the URJC Movement Analysis, Biomechanics, Ergonomics and Motor Control Laboratory (LAMBECOM)".