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Friday February 17, 2023 at 10:18

New exhibition of Multimedia Art in Fuenlabrada

On February 16, the 'I URJC Multimedia Art Meeting' took place in Fuenlabrada with the aim that the best students of Fine Arts could show their projects developed in the subject 'Multimedia Projects Workshop', taught by Professor José Manuel Ruiz

Núria Ripoll

“Multimedia Art is one that uses various media together in the same proposal. The multimedia artist is a kind of 'all-rounder' who is used to working interchangeably with sculpture, photography, audiovisuals, the web, animation, etc., and who regularly translates between languages ​​and media” defines Ruiz.

“It is mainly about doing justice to the effort and excellence in the artistic creation of the URJC, taking into account that the university in general, and the Fine Arts degree in particular, lack exhibition spaces for their students to acquire that competence that is of the utmost importance” explains the professor.

multi art

The exhibition included the works of art of four students of the degree in Fine Arts, Charo Roses, María Pérez, Belén Sanz and Ane Etxebarria, who were very happy to be able to participate. "I have loved the fact that the professor has put his efforts into organizing this event, since after four years studying fine arts, this is the first time that we have been given the opportunity to do something like this" commented Sanz, one of the four speakers. For her part, María Pérez highlighted that “this exhibition serves to make contemporary art known, and for me, of course, to grow and learn”. "I am very happy, for me it has been a reward for all the effort that this subject has involved" she ends by saying.

An area in which all the artists have agreed is in the creation of a space for the exhibition of the works they create during the degree "we have expressed it on several occasions during the conference, it is very important to have a space in Fine Arts assembly of the works, since it is part of the learning process, and it is necessary to install them somewhere" emphasizes Charo Roses. 

At the meeting, which took place in the Fuenlabrada Assembly Hall, the most powerful proposals of the course were presented. “I don't expect them to learn beyond what they have learned in the course. I only hope that the students who attend as an audience arouse the desire to create, to get down to work and, therefore, to be at the speaker's table at the next meeting. For their part, the artists who present their work must feel what they are, artists, and I hope it will be a small contribution so that they believe more and more in their work and, incidentally, acquire a higher level of orality, not only in academic but also artistic spheres. The work of art does not exist if it is not activated, if it does not face the reception space” adds José Manuel Ruiz.

Ane Etxeberria Ovillar Ane Etxeberria - Mourning                      Belén Sanz 250 um   Belén Sanz - 25 um
  Charo Roses Bonsoir les choses dici bas   Charo Roses - Bonsoir les choses d'ici bas                        Maria Perez 40 24 288 N 3 41 295 W   María Pérez - 40' 24' 28,8' N, 3' 41' 29,5 W