Raúl García Hémonnet/Ramón Machuca
The new General Urban Planning Plan of Fuenlabrada (PGOU), presented this Wednesday by the mayor Javier Ayala, the Councilor for Urban Planning, Ana Pérez and the technical director of Urban Planning, Marta Nieto, includes actions and transformations of the surrounding spaces and neighborhoods to the Cercanías train track.
It is precisely in one of these spaces that the work of the Architecture degree students has focused. The proposals, explains Fermina Garrido, coordinator of the degree, “address different aspects as they have been carried out in the context of different subjects, such as Urban Planning Regulations, Urban Planning and Design, Urban Planning Project and Social and Urban Environment, as well as in various TFG.”
Thus, some propose the total transformation of a neighborhood, or actions in specific urban elements.
In the exhibition, Garrido points out, “the models stand out, a way of presenting the projects that is much more attractive than the plans.” In one of these models you can see a proposal to convert an industrial area of Fuenlabrada into a new residential area. In addition to the models, you can see plans made by the Architecture students.
At the inauguration, after the municipal corporation presented the axes of the new plan to the media and the public gathered in the 'Los Arcos' space. The representatives of the City Council and the other attendees were able to tour the exhibition of the work of the URJC students.
According to Fermina Garrido, for the students, “doing this type of work offers them the possibility of working not only on a plan, but it is about acting on a space that they pass through every day and where many of them Their colleagues can provide a closer vision of what it is like to live in those neighborhoods from the point of view of urban planning. They find it very satisfying to work on close projects, with a hint of reality.”
The exhibition will be installed in the multipurpose space 'Los Arcos' in Fuenlabrada, until the end of the year, within the framework of the II Fuenlabrada 2030 Urban Forum. This initiative is included in another project of the municipality in which initiatives such as the 'Plan for Regeneration and Revitalization of the Central District' or the new social care programs aimed at families, children and people in situations of social exclusion.