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Tuesday May 21, 2024 at 12:27

Recycling, protagonist of a URJC APS project

Recycling, protagonist of a URJC APS project Recycling, protagonist of a URJC APS project

'Recycling URJC' has served to raise awareness in the university community about the domestic treatment and subsequent use of waste, through gamification

Raul Garcia Hemonnet

Students from various degrees at the Rey Juan Carlos University have participated in a Service Learning project with the aim of raising awareness and raising awareness about the need to correctly recycle all waste.

A large part of the initiative has consisted of holding various awareness talks about this practice in the domestic environment. A total of 550 students have attended these activities, carried out in Classroom II on the Móstoles campus. The sessions were energized through games to learn where to throw each type of waste.


In addition, islands of trash cans have been set up on campus to be able to deposit the 4 types of remains. “The students have researched and worked on the fate of different types of waste and have learned, for example, that a broken glass should not be thrown into the glass container, but rather should be taken to a clean point. We have also visited a paper recycling plant and had a talk with the Environment area of ​​the Fuenlabrada City Council,” says María Linares, professor in the Chemical Engineering Area and one of those responsible for the project.

'Recycling URJC' closed last Friday, and, on the occasion of World Recycling Day, an action was carried out in the library of the Móstoles campus, promoted by the Green Office, (Which also participates in the APS project). Through gamification, the students involved in the project tried to raise awareness among their classmates about the correct way to recycle. About 80 people from the entire university community participated in this action. In addition, the library has set up a space for books on this subject.


The students who have taken part in 'Recycling URJC' have been very satisfied and “many want to repeat next year,” explains María Linares. The students come from the Degrees in Environmental Engineering, Energy Engineering, Materials Engineering and Biology. Those who have completed all activities have received RAC credits.

The project has been promoted by the GIQA research group in collaboration with the Green Office, made up of four teachers from the departments of Chemical, Energy and Mechanical Technology and Chemical and Environmental Technology.

The group is currently working on a total of 5 projects from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the State Research Agency.