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Friday, July 12, 2024 at 09:00 p.m.

Master in Actuarial and Financial Sciences to cover the demand in economic risk management

Endorsed by the Institute of Spanish Actuaries, the URJC Master is among the degrees with the highest rate of job placement according to the INE.


El Master in Actuarial and Financial Sciences of the URJC arises as a response to the growing demand for professionals with specialized training related to risk management. Actuaries use statistical data to assess risk and potential economic impact. The treatment of massive data (Big data) together with the use of new technologies make the actuary an essential professional in financial entities, opening up new possibilities of action beyond insurance entities, which continue to require their services. Knowledge of advanced forecasting techniques and how to transfer them to business decision-making allow the actuary to provide quantitative solutions with high added value in all business areas. 

Among the tasks to be carried out by actuaries, the design of various risk coverage products, managing portfolios and assets, advising and planning pensions or designing financial strategies stand out. 

In addition, the Madrid-Quintana headquarters of the URJC, in the heart of the Arguelles neighborhood, equipped with the best infrastructures, makes the location an important plus. 

Practical character open to research. 

The program includes internships with actuarial and financial entities, with which the URJC has collaboration agreements. 

Given the eminently practical approach, the master's degree counts, together with the participation of a teaching staff from the URJC and other research organizations, with the participation of actuaries of great professional prestige, risk managers, consultants, Social Security actuaries and other public bodies. 

Reputation and high employability rate 

The master's degree is endorsed by the Institute of Spanish Actuaries, a professional association of Insurance Actuaries. In addition, it enables professional practice at a European level, as it is adapted to the European Actuarial Core Syllabus, and there is a mutual recognition agreement between European professional associations. The fact that it is a regulated profession with high added value makes it one of the degrees with the highest rate of job placement, according to the Job Placement Survey of the National Institute of Statistics (INE) and among those with the highest projection and level of employment. income, according to Jobs Rated Report. 

It has excellent professional opportunities, both in private entities, such as insurance companies, banks and credit institutions, pension fund managers, social security mutual societies, securities companies, and in public entities: Superior Corps of State Insurance Inspectors, National Securities Market Commission, Superior Body of Actuaries, statisticians and economists of the Social Security, among others.