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Wednesday, August 07, 2024 at 09:00

First official Master's degree on physical exercise and health

First official Master's degree on physical exercise and health First official Master's degree on physical exercise and health

The Rey Juan Carlos University presents as a novelty for the next course the Master in Physical Preparation for Health and Exercise in Chronic Pathologies, the first official Postgraduate degree in Physical Education and the only one of its specialty in the Community of Madrid.


With a load of sixty credits and one year in duration, this master's degree addresses in depth the potential of physical exercise as a key element in the prevention of chronic pathologies and improvement of the health condition and quality of life of people already affected. It is specially designed so that the student obtains advanced and informed training with the latest available evidence, including quality research developed from our Sports Sciences Research Center- CIDE.

Based on a training itinerary of applied, instrumental and reflective practice, the fundamental objective of this master's degree focuses on the graduate acquiring a series of postgraduate skills and competencies that allow him or her to implement, with guarantees of effectiveness and maximum safety, training programs. healthy physical exercise for the general population. The training includes exercise programs adapted to people affected by chronic non-communicable diseases, always under the direction of medical personnel.

This new degree is aimed especially at students who have completed a degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and, among the subjects taught, are: Advanced pathophysiology of chronic non-communicable diseases, Practices in the CIDE laboratory and Entrepreneurship and management for physical exercise and health professionals. Additionally, External Academic Practices are included in your itinerary as a mandatory subject.